Friday, October 31, 2014

Video - North Pole covered in Ice over 8 days time -- South Pole still @ record levels.

Video - North Pole covered in Ice over 8 days time -- South Pole still @ record levels.

8 days ago, I put out a video showing that the North Pole Ice pack was growing rather rapidly. After doing some mileage computations on the spread of the ice, I made the statement that the North Pole would be covered in a couple weeks (or less).

Here we are 8 days later.... and now the ice reaches across to Russia, with just one small open spot yet to freeze.

Sea ice levels can be viewed here:

See that video here:

Over the past 30 days, there has been a dramatic seasonal cooling of the North pole, producing quick spreading sea ice across the arctic circle.

Also, a dramatic increase in land ice / snow across large portions of the Northern Hemisphere.

This rapid cooling is expected in the fall months across Northern latitudes, however if one observes this rapid cooling in the North along with the record levels of ice at the South Pole (Antarctica), then we can see the reports this past year have been fairly INACCURATE in regards to "warming" around the globe.

Several FALSE reports have been coming out in main stream science regarding the icepack levels. One series of reports this past summer said that GRAVITY was changing due to a lack of ice at the South pole!! In reality, as you see in this video, and read from NASA, the South pole is at record HIGH levels (still at the end of October 2014) as well.

Also, false reports of a diminished North Pole (some saying NO ice at all). Again, you can see the concentrations are thick, and growing daily. In just a few days (or less) the entire North pole will be covered.

NASA confirms South Pole ice at a record maximum thickness and area:

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