Friday, November 14, 2014

Syrian children forced to work in Turkey - 'No Child labor...unless you're a Syrian fugitive'

EU and child labor

Syrian children forced to work in 'Islamist' Turkey - 'No Child labor...unless you're a Syrian fugitive' HT: AlMonitor.

The father of Ismail, a 10-year-old Syrian child, could not enroll his son in Syrian schools in Istanbul because he is unable to pay the tuition fees (an average of $100 per semester). 

Instead, he preferred to have Ismail work at a sewing factory that is close to their house in a poor neighborhood, so he could help his parents meet the cost of living in the Turkish city. Ismail, who works from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., is paid 400 Turkish lira per month [$178].

Yet, he is convinced, or rather his parents have convinced him, that his future in the factory will help him have a decent profession, while educational degrees will not help him earn a living in this foreign country.

Under Turkish labor law, children under the age of 15 are prohibited from working and the employer shall be sentenced up to one year in prison or pay a sum ranging between 1,000 [$445] and 1,300 lira [$578]. The law also penalizes the parents of the working child.

Nevertheless, the Turkish government neglects the work being done by Syrian refugees’ children, despite their needs. Hmmm......Keep Turkey out of Europe. Read the full story here.

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