Thursday, December 18, 2014

Dutch MP wants law 'No Muslims working at airport security department'.

Dutch MP wants law 'No Muslims working at airport security department'. (Volkskrant).[GoogleTranslate].

Graus against Chamber: "If attack happens at Schiphol(airport) you are co-responsible '

"If an attack occurs immediately at the airport, you are partly responsible." Speaking is PVV'er Dion Graus. He speaks against MPs from other parties who are not willing to support the filing of his motion. That resembles the following: people with a passport from a Muslim country may not work in the security of the airport. "Just Wait," he says to the Chamber. "I'll be proven right."  

The motion and the subsequent accusations are not appreciated by Graus . What he does, by proposing to ban Muslim people Schiphol, that's an attack, says the SP Bashir. Graus shave all men over a the same comb, says D66 MP Stientje van Veldhoven. VVD Ton Elias announces for the first time in his career not to support the filing of a motion. "When there is blatant nonsense or discriminatory remarks are made, they must be refuted. With seditious cries about the religion of people the safety of any passenger is served. " Elias continues: "What you do is put away people because of their faith.

That is objectionable. That does not belong to the Netherlands. ' Graus can not be put off. According to him Belgian security warns for jihad sympathizers at airport security.

"I do not want people with dual nationality working within the nerve center of the airport." PVV'er and therefore wants to close the prayer of Muslim employees at Schiphol. "Away with the worship and worshipers away with that." The PVV'er is a voice in the wilderness. Some MPs were so kind to support the filing of the motion (so it can be put to the vote), but no other party can muster sympathy for the case of Graus.

He calls again: "I am a member of parliament from the NetherlandsE people! Over the past eight years I have always been right. I'm going to get here. "

The danger that Graus sees , the rest do not see. The last word is up to Secretary Wilma Mansfield Infrastructure: 'I find it reprehensible that a group of Dutch unceremoniously be disqualified. " She advises against the motion. Tonight will be put to a vote and will Graus' proposal be rejected.

Hmmm.....How many times these last years have i warned that the staff working at airports are 'The weakest link'?

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