Wednesday, May 13, 2015

EGYPT - Egyptian President Sisi renews call for "revision of Islam"

EGYPT - Egyptian President Sisi renews call for "revision of Islam" (Fides).[GoogleTranslate].

In Egypt, efforts made ​​so far to "renew religious discourse" and so "dry up the sources" of extremism and terrorism "are not yet sufficient". Thus spoke Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, in a speech transmitted by national TV channels last night, May 12.

In his speech, the Head of State again sought the Islamic University Al-Azhar and other national religious institutions to show more commitment in this area, as long as it could have a strong impact Egypt and other countries in the region.

During his television appearance, Egyptian President also revealed that during the month of April alone, 600 people, which he described as "terrorists" had been arrested in the country, a number that "reflects the efforts we are doing and magnitude of the challenge we face. "

Already in the earlier speech he addressed  researchers and religious leaders of the al-Azhar University - the largest Sunni Islam - Egyptian President urged religious leaders of Islam to "come out of themselves" and to promote "religious revolution" to eradicate bigotry and replace it with a "more enlightened worldview" .

During this intervention, immediately echoed by Fides (see Fides 01/02/2015), Egyptian President reaffirmed that the Islamic world can not be seen as "a source of anxiety, danger, death and destruction "by the rest of humanity and had targeted a" wrong thinking "- he opposed the true Islam - made ​​a muddle of ideas and texts that" we have made ​​sacred to recent years "and leading the entire Islamic community" to quarrel with the world. " (GV) (Fides Agency 13/5/2015)

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