Monday, June 8, 2015

Belgian Police arrested 16 suspects during large-scale anti-terror action

Belgian Police arrested 16 suspects during large-scale anti-terror action.(HLN).[GoogleTranslate].

During a large anti-terror operation 16 people were arrested in Belgium. It is mainly about Chechen's. Police this morning raided 21 locations within an investigation into two terror groups. Reported VRT.

The research focuses on two terror groups, who were in contact with each other. It involves a group from Ostend and nearby Bredene , the other is situated in Leuven. Police terror groups came them on track during an investigation into a Ostend residing ISIS  fighter who returned from Syria . He returned after he was wounded in Syria, to Belgium for treatment.

The police concentrated alongside the returning Syria fighter also those on those from Syria, Chechnya and Afghanistan who fought in the terror group Al Nusra and the Caucasian Emirate.

The second study focuses on suspects from Leuven, they're also Chechen's. 

They would have been planning to commit an terrorist attack in Belgium . 

Both groups used the popular Messages app WhatsApp . The federal prosecutor's office has worked closely with the US government to intercept these messages.

In total, this morning raids took place in 21 locations: 10 in Ostend, 2 in Bredene, 2 in Antwerp, 1 in Jabbeke, 5 in Leuven and 1 in Namur. In addition to 16 arrests were also made ​​numerous seizures , says the federal prosecutor in a press release.

Prime Minister Charles Michel and the ministers are in their own words praised the actions of the police and judicial services in the fight against Chechen Muslim extremists morning. For the Prime Minister the operation proves "that the government is determined and fully committed to the incessant fight against terrorism.

" He recalls taking the extra measures taken by the government early this year surpassed. The Prime Minister also refers to the envelope of 200 million that was allocated in the last budgetary control.

Though it being only a small portion allocated to specific expenditures. At one point his cabinet include the security of Jewish buildings and institutions, but also on the people and additional material that the special forces were meanwhile already assigned.

"Yet again proves how necessary these investments", says Minister of Interior Affairs Jan Jambon back in operation today. Colleague Justice Koen Geens also wants to continue to focus on legislation that permits "to tackle this kind of serious crime with specific research methods."

 Update: Those chechens arrested in Belgium they already released 14 of them ....... cause they haven't killed anyone.......yet

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