Monday, June 8, 2015

Republican Senator Sasse Asks Obama to Release Inspector gen. report on TSA Failures.

Republican Senator Sasse Asks Obama to Release Inspector gen. report on TSA Failures. (SP).

Last week, the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released findings of mock tests at numerous airport checkpoints across the United States. TSA agents failed to uncover 67 out of 70 threats that were presented.

President Obama has an obligation to declassify the inspector general's investigation and to publicly release everything else the administration knows about TSA's failures,” the Republican senator from Nebraska said in an op-ed in USA TODAY.

Sasse, who is a member of the Senate's Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, added that although the publicly available facts were disturbing, the classified details were even worse.
If moms knew what members of Congress have learned behind closed doors, they would march on Washington demanding an urgent, top-to-bottom reevaluation of airport security,” he stressed.
Mock tests of the TSA, also known as Red Team testing, have been conducted for 13 years, according to the DHS. After the failed screening tests, TSA Administrator Melvin Carraway has been reassigned to the DHS’s Office of State and Local Law Enforcement.

TSA was created to strengthen the security of the US transportation systems and ensure the freedom of movement for people and commerce, according to its website.

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