Saturday, November 21, 2015

Iranian FM Calls UN Human Rights Resolution against Iran "Dark Humor"

Iranian FM Calls UN Human Rights Resolution against Iran "Dark Humor" (fars).

"The two resolutions issued against Iran at the UN during the past few days are the dark humor of our time," Zarif said, addressing an international forum in Tehran on Saturday to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the UN.

The Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday passed a human rights resolution against Iran.

In relevant remarks on Friday, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hossein Jaber Ansari also voiced Tehran's strong opposition to politicizing the human rights resolutions issued by the UN.

"Iran is attaches no value and is against the politically-driven resolutions that have been approved based on political tendencies of countries and clandestine lobbies," Jaber Ansari said.

The Iranian foreign ministry spokesman said that Iran deplores the UN human rights mechanisms that are being adopted based on the selective policies of certain countries.

Earlier this week, Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of Iran to the United Nations Gholamhossein Dehqani, whose country is the rotating president of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), voiced concern over using human rights issues for political purposes.

"NAM reaffirms the need to ensure that human rights are not used for political purposes and adopting politically motivated decisions, and to avoid the problems which plagued the former Human Rights Commission," Dehqani said, addressing the UN Human Rights Council meeting in New York.

Also on Monday, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs Seyed Abbas Araqchi rapped sponsors of human rights resolutions against Tehran for their double-standard approach.

"The components of the resolution contradict the human rights realities in our country," Araqchi said, addressing a gathering of foreign envoys to Tehran.

He referred to the human rights talks between Iran and a number of countries, and said dialogue is the only way to improve and support human rights.

Araqchi also urged countries to extend support for Iran's positions and show their opposition to the instrumental use of human rights resolutions for political drives.

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