Thursday, December 3, 2015

Europe made deal with 'Islamist' Turkey to keep receiving refugees in Future.

Europe made deal with 'Islamist' Turkey to keep receiving refugees in Future. (HD).

Merkel is aware that German population is aging at a rapid pace and the country needs immigrants. Unlike Turkey, which finds thousands on its doors every day, Germany wants to receive refugees in a more orderly way. 

What’s more, it wants to receive migrants that will more easily integrate into German society. That is only natural, as far as German government is concerned. After all, it wants to pursue a smooth integration policy for migrants that will create minimum disturbance of Germany’s socio-economic texture. That is also a point of concern in Turkey at the moment.

While the deal reached by Brussels and Ankara does not include a concrete article on the controlled flow of refugees to Europe, there seems to be an understanding between Berlin and Ankara that Germany, in addition to some other EU countries that it wants to convince, will continue to receive refugees through a mechanism established with Turkey.

They have already started to see how they can establish this mechanism, whereby some of the refugees will be able to make it to Germany legally.

Turkey is ready for such cooperation, but it does not want Germany to discriminate between refugees. A possible German tendency to cherry-pick – perhaps focusing on Christians or more educated refugees - might emerge as one of the most controversial issues in the upcoming cooperation between the two countries over refugees.

Cherry-picking… Let’s hope that the German “policy of societies” can go further than that. Hmmm.....What else did EU[Rabia] agree to ? Read the full story here.

Related:    U.S.All Employment Growth Since 2000 Went to Immigrants

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