Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Strong words by Leader of ALDE Group for Tusk & Timmermans and their misguided refugee 'deal' with Turkey.

Strong words by Leader of ALDE Group for Tusk & Timmermans and their misguided refugee 'deal' with Turkey. (PoliticoEU). By Guy Verhofstadt.

Europe bribes Turkey - Throwing money at Ankara won’t resolve this refugee crisis.
The summit committed the EU to an “initial” sum of €3 billion, to support Syrians under temporary protection in Turkey. However, it is not clear what support Turkey will provide to the refugees thanks to this money, or whether it will finally open its job market and provide schools and education to hundreds of thousands of Syrian children.

In return for our money, Turkey has agreed, starting in June 2016, to take back those migrants who are not in need of international protection, and who came to the EU through Turkish territory. If the aim is to “stem the flow,” this is a deeply flawed approach, as the number of people streaming into the EU who are not in need of international protection is extremely low.

The vast majority of people arriving are Syrians who will not be taken back by Turkey. It is thus highly unlikely that the numbers coming will be reduced. Indeed, the prime minister of Turkey stated at the post-summit press conference that he could not guarantee any reduction in the number of refugees arriving in Greece. One might therefore question the underlying logic behind the whole exercise. Hmmm......Good thing Lebanon isn't a cry baby like Turkey....or is it a Mafia group? Read the full story here.

PS: Turkey does not grant the same UN Refugees protection as others do. 
And then there's THIS:

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