Thursday, April 28, 2016

“Iran is poised to do something in cyber that will change the way the world looks at it"

“Iran is poised to do something in cyber that will change the way the world looks at it" (FT).

With its nuclear program curbed, digital weaponry has become even more central to Tehran’s arsenal.

Among the world’s big five cyber superpowers — the US, UK, Israel, Russia and China — MalCrawler concluded there was a digital equilibrium in military cyber offence based on assumptions over deterrence and reprisal.

“But in the Middle East, that’s not the case at all,” says Dewan Chowdhury, MalCrawler’s chief executive. “The mindset just seemed completely different — it wasn’t espionage or some kind of targeted operation necessarily, it was just to do as much damage as possible.” Read the full story here.


  1. "With its nuclear program curbed" What a load of BS. That was all it took to make me stop reading this pile of crap...

  2. It's the Financial Times what can you expect,but it's not about the nuclear, you should have read it and not judge on a headline , often the real story is in the little things said.
    'You don't judge a book by it's cover'.


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