Thursday, June 2, 2016

German Parliament Recognizes Armenian Genocide by Ottoman Turkey.

German Parliament Recognizes Armenian Genocide by Ottoman Turkey. (Bloomberg).

Germany’s parliament voted overwhelmingly to recognize the Ottoman Empire’s 1915 killings and deportations of Armenians as genocide, setting up the next potential source of conflict between Chancellor Angela Merkel and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Lawmakers in the 630-member lower house, or Bundestag, passed the resolution on Thursday by a show of hands, with one vote against and one abstention, according to the count announced by Bundestag President Norbert Lammert.
The vote puts Germany in line with countries such as France, Russia, Greece, Sweden and the Netherlands that recognize the events during World War I as a deliberate campaign of mass killings.
Turkey’s current government isn’t responsible for what happened 100 years ago, but it does share responsibility for what happens going forward,” Lammert said in a speech to the lower house. Read the full story here.

More on the Armenian Genocide can be read here.

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