An Internet Clean Of Jihadi Incitement – Not Mission Impossible. (Memri).
Social media companies are beginning to
lose advertising revenue due to the hateful content that appears on
their sites. According to reports, major advertisers (Johnson &
Johnson, Toyota, General Motors, Walmart, AT&T, HSBC, and others)
are pulling ads from social media platforms because they have found
their ads placed alongside terrorist videos. YouTube alone may find
itself losing $750,000,000 in ad revenue.[1]
It therefore seems as if financial considerations rather than moral
responsibility are prompting Internet companies to take more vigorous
measures to purge their platforms of hate speech and incitement to
Government pressure on the companies is
mounting as well. In Germany, Justice Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) is
introducing new legislation imposing huge fines of up to 50 million
Euros on companies that fail to remove hate speech from their sites. In
Britain after the recent Westminster terrorist attack, Home Secretary
Amber Rudd summoned executives from Google, Twitter, Facebook and
Microsoft to a summit at the Home Office, at which they agreed to
"create new technical tools to identify and remove terrorist propaganda"
from their platforms, among other measures.[2]
In addition, the families of terror
victims are beginning to sue Internet companies for carrying the
incitement that radicalized the terrorists and thus led to the killing
or injury of their loved ones. One successful lawsuit of this sort will
trigger a torrent of further lawsuits, entailing huge losses for the
But will any of this guarantee an Internet
free of hate speech and jihadi incitement? No. Not until both the
governments and the Internet companies understand that the use of the
Internet by jihadi movements poses a real threat to global security,
which amounts to an emergency situation requiring them to act
accordingly – namely, to make vast financial investments, to develop new
technologies, and, most importantly, to fundamentally change their
approach and the criteria they employ in removing content from the net.
The goals of this article are:
- first, to present the scope of the problem;
- second, to demonstrate the inadequacy of the measures taken to date to deal with it;
- third, to explain the need for a revolutionary approach;
- and fourth, to present in detail the components of a new, effective strategy to be implemented.
How Did It All Begin?
To understand the magnitude of the threat
and the measures required to address it, one must go back to the
beginnings of the Internet and of social media.
The Internet, just like nuclear energy and
other developments in modern technology, is both a blessing and a
source of danger. In most other fields, scientific and technological
developments were followed by regulatory legislation to head off
potential danger to society and to human life. Land, maritime, and
aerial transportation, the pharmaceutical industry, the food industry,
and an endless list of other industries and professions were all subject
to regulation.
The Internet companies, on the other hand,
enjoyed a climate of infinite license. Since they are based in the
U.S., with its almost unlimited free speech, the companies were
subjected to few restrictions, and, when challenged, have argued that
any further regulation of the information they carried would be an
unthinkable violation of the First Amendment.
Europe knew better. As a continent that
had been plunged into war due to the uninhibited rise of extremist
movements, it understood that not only extremist deeds but also
extremist speech and ideologies such as Nazism must be legally banned.
Following WWII, Europe legislated against racism, xenophobia,
anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial, leading to the conviction and
penalizing of offenders. This helped keep the extremist blight and its
mass influence in check.
The Current Global Jihadi Movement Is Unimaginable Without The Internet.
But even in Europe, all this changed with
the rise of the Internet. Internet companies worldwide exploited the
legislative vacuum in which the Internet existed to create a
supranational system that is above the law. A court could penalize the
likes of British Holocaust denier David Irving and French comedian and
political activist Dieudonné for anti-Semitic speech, but the material
that established their criminal culpability remained freely available on
the web to influence others. Extremist groups of all persuasions took
advantage of this situation, and online hate speech inciting jihad,
racism, xenophobia, and genocidal murder spread like a plague.
Online platforms filled with horrific pictures of beheadings, crucifixions, amputations, burnings, drownings, stonings, and other forms of execution.[3] Jihadi organizations used the web to recruit supporters and fighters,[4] provide practical instruction and manuals for terror operations including car bomb and ramming attacks,[5] make arch-terrorists into heroic models for emulation,[6] and raise funds for their activity.[7] The Internet provided them with an ideal vehicle for spreading their ideas, even to young children.
Recently, ISIS schoolbooks, including
versions in English, written and used by the organization in its Syrian
stronghold of Al-Raqqa, were circulated online via the instant messaging
service Telegram – thus making globally available this crucial tool for
indoctrinating the younger generation.[8]
Terrorist groups' magazines and mouthpieces are also circulated online.
Furthermore, some social media provide encrypted platforms, which
enable the jihadis to share information safely.
Extremists on the right have entered the
fray as well, filling the Internet with their own hatred for minorities,
some even urging to follow the example of "Adolfetto" Hitler and
exterminate minority groups.[9]
However, most Internet companies have not
seemed to care much about this problem. Hundreds of companies all over
the U.S. have hosted terrorist organizations without knowing or caring
who their customers were. As for social networks, most of their founders
were young people largely devoid of historical consciousness.
on their grand vision of a global online community, they were oblivious
to the fact that they were also creating communities of terror and
transforming scattered terrorist groups into a global jihadi movement.
In the name of empowering people everywhere and giving a voice to each
and every individual, they also empowered the most vicious elements in
the global community – such as a jihadi who appeared on social media
holding up a severed head, calling out "Allah Akbar" and preaching jihad
and murder. Social media entrepreneurs continued developing this medium
without considering the dangers and the need to take measures against
The Invalid Excuses Of The Internet And Social Media Companies.
It is important to review the excuses and
ploys used by Internet companies to justify their irresponsible conduct.
The first corporate ploy was to simply deny responsibility. "True,"
they said, "we supply the vehicle (and of course reap the revenues), but
somebody else provides the content, so direct your accusations at
them." While the terrorists should indeed be the prime target, the
companies act as their willing accomplices by making their platform
available for criminal use.
It should be mentioned that there is a
clear precedent for holding carriers of incitement responsible for the
results of that incitement. In the mid-1990s, the International Criminal
Tribunal for Rwanda sentenced Ferdinand Nahimana, cofounder of the
Rwandan radio station Radio Télévision Libre des Mille Collines, to 30
years in prison for spreading incitement that contributed to the Rwanda
genocide. Obviously, I do not mean to compare Nahimana, who identified
with and sought to promote the genocidal messages on his radio, to the
magnates of social media, who are just demonstrating reckless
indifference, but only to stress the principle that carriers of
incitement can be held accountable for the consequences of that
incitement. This principle was in fact established after WWII, in the
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 9, 1948,
which criminalizes not just the act of genocide but also "direct and
public incitement to commit genocide."[16]
In the U.S., too, a district court ruled
in 2006 that the First Amendment does not protect the right to
disseminate information meant to result in violence. This ruling came in
the case of radical animal rights and environmental activist Rodney
Adam Coronado, who taught others how to build bombs. "The First
Amendment does not provide a defense to a criminal charge simply because
the actor uses words [rather than actions] to carry out his illegal
purpose," the court stated.[17]
In fact, companies are well aware of their
responsibility to limit the use of their platforms, as evidenced by
their introduction of "community guidelines" and "terms of use" – which
they later used as their second tactical corporate excuse. "We are doing
what is necessary by establishing guidelines and community standards,"
they said.
This is the biggest deception of all.
First, the companies are clearly failing to enforce their own
guidelines, for had they enforced them, the Internet and social media
would not be so full of hate speech and incitement to murder. Moreover,
unlike companies that produce yogurt, cars, planes, or pharmaceuticals,
and that allow government regulators and even end users access to
information about their quality control departments and the experts and
technologies they use to safeguard the consumer, Internet companies keep
us completely in the dark. This information – access to which is an
essential right of consumers and government – is their closely guarded
We have no idea how many experts they employ to remove hateful
content, how proficient they are in Arabic and other relevant languages,
what technological processes they use, or, most importantly, what
specific criteria they apply. In fact, Twitter noted recently that it
was identifying jihadi content using "internal, proprietary spam-fighting tools"[18] – a description that is a bad joke at the expense of innocent victims.
It is not even clear whether the screening
mechanisms that companies have pledged to develop are aimed at removing
hate speech and incitement. Google recently promised advertisers to
"provide simpler, more robust ways to stop their ads from showing
against controversial content,"[19]
thus implying that such content would be kept away from ads, but not
necessarily removed. Likewise, Facebook chairman and CEO Mark Zuckerberg
implied in a recent post that his network's ultimate goal is to let
users decide what content they will be spared from seeing, instead of
categorically removing certain types of content.
"The idea," he wrote,
"is to give everyone in the community options for how they would like to
set the content policy for themselves. Where is your line on nudity? On
violence? On graphic content? On profanity? What you decide will be
your personal settings."
A third corporate dodge was to shift
responsibility onto users, an economic idea of absolute genius.
Complaints about online content were answered with "Did you flag it?"
Hundreds of millions of users were thus pressed into service as unpaid
corporate employees. Beyond the chutzpah involved, this method is also
ineffective, because flagging by users is only the first step of a
process which continues with referral to committees to validate the
flagging. These committees are part of an "internal" and "proprietary"
process we know nothing about – save for the fact that the material they
are supposed to remove remains online. MEMRI has repeatedly flagged
accounts of social media companies and reported on the results. Some
were removed; many were not.[20]
Finally, one of the companies' most
intellectually dishonest arguments is that they are actually assisting
law enforcement agencies. By allowing a free Internet, they say, they
enable intelligence agencies to discover and track murderous
conspiracies. The companies' argument was seconded by commercial
companies seeking to profit from the status quo, and by unscrupulous
This argument also fails because, as
noted, some companies, such as Telegram, offer encrypted services which
the terrorists gratefully use.[21]
Additionally and most importantly, even if a few terror cells have been
stopped thanks to a free Internet, the impact this has pales in
comparison to the online radicalization of generations of young people.
Moreover, the excuse of assisting intelligence bodies has never been
endorsed by senior intelligence officials, who have always made the
cost-benefit calculation that a free-to-incite Internet works to
society's detriment. They have not been fobbed off by netting small fry,
or even large fry, because they understood that this came at the price
of wholesale indoctrination of generations.
What Is Required To Achieve The Goal Of An Internet Free Of Hate Speech and Incitement To Murder.
1. Understanding The Scope Of The Threat And The Need For A Revolutionary Approach To Counter It.
The war against terror has always been
conceptualized as a battle against its violent manifestations. This
focus has become even stronger since ISIS established its territorial
base in Syria and Iraq. This terrorism, however, has ideological and
religious roots, and these roots have grown stronger and more widespread
since the Internet and social media companies have enabled them to use
their resources toward their goals.
Thus, due to the Internet, terrorism
has evolved in recent years from isolated groups to a global
phenomenon. The West’s misguided perception of terrorism as a military
problem has led them to the belief that overcoming ISIS on the
battleground of Syria and Iraq will solve the problem and curb terrorism
in the West. However, the combination of the ideological and religious
roots with the unlimited power of the Internet will entail that the
defeat of ISIS in Syria and Iraq will lead to more –not less – terrorism
in the West.
It is a little-known fact that the
ideology of ISIS, in the early stages of its violent emergence, focused
on enemies within the Islamic world, such as other terrorist
organizations, Shi'ites, and others. ISIS represented an historic
attempt to recreate a territorial base for radical Islam (the
Fighting the West was not a priority. Indeed, this was the
major difference between ISIS and Al-Qaeda, with the latter focusing on
jihad against the West.[22] To this day, the ideology of ISIS is embodied in the call for hijra – immigration to the Caliphate – as the pinnacle of belief. Only those who cannot fulfill this call, because the gates of hijra have been closed by the West and because of the West's attacks on ISIS, are called upon to carry out operations in the West.[23]
Hence, once ISIS is defeated in Syria and Iraq, and deprived of its
territorial base altogether, the foreign fighters will return home and
will attack the West from within, with a vengeance. In this battle, the
Internet and the social media will play a major role in the recruitment
of Muslim communities in the West to this battle.
This is the reason that the West must
adopt a new, revolutionary approach to the role of the Internet and
social media, in order to put a stop to its enabling role.[24]
2. Regulating The Internet Through Legislation Is Crucial To Protect Human Lives.
Read the full story here.
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