Experts say that Iraq may have nuclear weapons. That's bad news - they may have a nuclear bomb.
Now the good news is that they have to drop it with a camel.David Letterman.
IS THERE any way to stop a ballistic missile? It's a question raised by a report criticising the US government's missile interceptor plan for Europe.
Watch the extended top kill procedure Live! Video link from the ROV monitoring the damaged riser.High quality picture!
New desperate attempt to plug Gulf of Mexico oil leak: BP to use robots in risky 'top kill' op... and film it all live on internet.We'll kill that well, says heir to Red Adair called in to plug leak.Everything is dying, one woman said. How can you honestly tell us that our Gulf is resilient and will bounce back.
Following a meeting with the President yesterday, Senate Republicans snidely dumped on Obama to the press.He needs to take a Valium before he comes in and talks to Republicans, said Sen. Pat Roberts (KS). He’s pretty thin-skinned.
Iranian groupie risks life for book on bedding famous rockers.
Video - BP's CEO Tony Hayward Takes a Walk on Oil Covered Beach.Barks orders to media.
Oil cleanup workers report illness.Some fishermen hired by BP to mop up the gulf spill report nausea and breathing troubles after contact with oil and dispersant. A congressman calls for mobile health clinics to treat them.We reported already a similar story on May 20th!
In Louisiana, wildlife shows effects of gulf oil spill.
Pakistan eunuch wedding is stopped by police.No mention who was performing the ceremony?
Experts Propose Plugging Oil Leak with BP Executives.Trying can't hurt no?
U.S. declares fisheries disaster in oily Gulf.Fishing is a $2.4 billion industry in the Gulf states.Just imagine if this is gone for the next 25 years?Louisiana's industry alone accounts for up to 40 percent of the U.S. seafood supply and more than 27,000 jobs.
The White House And The Oil Spill.Jindal is still waiting for the federal government to provide millions of feet in boom and to approve an emergency permit for a state plan to dredge and build new barrier islands to keep the oil from reaching the marshes and wetlands.
Gulf spill: BP reveals oil spill probe details.
Russia sends its mightiest warships for drills in Far East.
Navy plebes have smooth climb up lard-free Herndon Monument.Change that you can feel?
Grant death for blasphemy: Islamists to UN.How about grant death for all Islamic terrorists?
Rahm Emanuel invites Netanyahu to discuss shared security interests with Obama.We all remember the first visit.
Blog news coverage differs from mainstream press.Bloggers tended to focus on stories that had an emotional or ideological impact, such as individual or group rights. These were often stories that could be personalized by other people and then shared on social-media sites. PEJ also found that although stories in the blogosphere were sometimes partisan, both liberal and conservative points of view seemed to make their voices heard equally.
Sunken treasure - divers recover the stunning artefacts of Cleopatra's palace.
As Ugly as It Gets.Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, joining his Brazilian counterpart, Luiz InĂ¡cio Lula da Silva, and the Turkish prime minister.
First human infected with computer virus.It's alive?
Too unfit to run: Two-year-old who smokes 40 cigarettes a day puffs away on a toy truck-Video.Just sick!!Those parents should not have kids!
A BABY was burnt over 40 per cent of his tiny body while his mother sunbathed beside him.Two women community support officers turned up quickly and took one look at the baby and led the mother and her kiddy away.
Chained to a lamp post, the terrified Chinese boy whose poverty-stricken father tried to sell him on the street.
U.S. Heads a Cast of Villains in Pakistan’s Conspiracy Talk.The Supreme Court Bar Association here in Pakistan’s capital is that the culprit was an American think tank.
Odds 1-in-3 for Northwest Mega-Quake Within 50 Years.Please lord not while he is in charge?Don't you see how he deals with the oil spill?
Sex And The City 2 Blasted As Anti-Muslim.Nobody prevent you of switching channels?
Hunt for woman who married 11 U.S. servicemen... then stole all their money and went on the run.And that's not all - she is also believed to have had nine children by her various husbands since beginning her scam in 1993
Moderate drinking may protect against Alzheimer.Precious where's the corkscrew?
Terrifying moment a baby in his pushchair was hit by a train... and SURVIVED.
President Obama clashes with McCain in Republican luncheon.Rumors have it he's has clashes lately with his mirror image.
Bodies in the streets as 60 die protecting Robin Hood Jamaican druglord wanted by the U.S.By yesterday, about 10 per cent of the capital was cordoned off by security forces.The violence has not touched the tourist areas along the Caribbean island's north shore, located more than 100 miles from Kingston, or the nearby Montego Bay airport.
Man acquitted in death of policeman.Who died 41 years after the defendant shot him?
The Eroticism of Being Fat.In pre-revolution Russia a skinny merchant was a rare sight. People have a stigma that fat people eat well, therefore, they live well. Excessively skinny women are not that popular either. There are Russian sayings like men are not dogs, they don’t like bones and a woman should have something a man could grab on.
Russian Defense Industry To Unveil Striking Novelties.
Satanic cult teens sacrificed victims then ate them.They then killed them in a sacrificial ceremony, stabbing them 666 times each in homage to the so-called Number of the Beast.
Hopi Prophecy : This is the Seventh Sign: You will hear of the sea turning black, and many living things dying because of it.
Private pay shrinks to historic lows.Change you can see?
Little-Noticed is the New Unexpected.Like : A little-noticed provision of the health legislation has rescued federal support for a controversial form of sex education: teaching youths to remain virgins until marriage.
Pushy fliers may show up on TSA's radar.The ACLU's German said he worries that the incidents in the database are broad. "I've been very angry at an airport because flying can be a very frustrating experience.
Nouriel Roubini said the bubble would burst and it did. So what next?The crisis is not over; we are just at the next stage. This is where we move from a private to a public debt problem.
Crash sets 17 million bees loose on highway.What's all the buzz about?
Iceland volcano pauses.Looks can deceive -Live Cam.
Iran's Ahmadinejad Economic Policies Condemned By Parliament Chief.We want people to live with dignity,” Larijani added; “not to merely survive on handouts.
Grim and Bear It: Obama Ravaged in Arctic Art.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?
Study: Many Sunscreens May Be Accelerating Cancer.Ok ... where do we go now?
The Ministry of Truth.A mass experiment in altering political memories.Or an experiment who's in full motion?
Amityville Horror house goes on sale for £800,000 (but could you spend the night there?)
Anti-ageing supplements can retard old age.
Turkey's Gandhi to lead main center-left opposition party.He is an Alevi - which means he is a member of a progressive Islamic sect which is often discriminated against by orthodox Muslims in Turkey. He also comes from a predominantly Kurdish region of the country.
Rare American alligator snapping turtle caught in Chinese lake.Somebody may have dumped their pet into the lake, which could greatly endanger the local ecology.
Ugly Bertie, the ugliest cat in Britain, looking for a home.I saw recently a home with rodents, he might scare them away?
Japan PM points to North Korea to explain US base plan.
Growing Vegetables Upside Down.
Banned: doctor who linked MMR vaccine with autism.
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