Monday, December 9, 2013

Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood To Establish TV Station In 'Islamist' Turkey.

Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood To Establish TV Station In 'Islamist' Turkey.HT: TheGlobalMuslimBrotherhoodReport.

US media is reporting that the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood has said it is setting up to TV station in Turkey in order to broadcast its views. According to a UPI report based on a Turkish newspaper article:

ISTANBUL, Turkey, Dec. 7 (UPI) — Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood said it is establishing a television station in Turkey to broadcast its political views. The station, known as Rabia, will have an Islamist slant and use the motto ‘the pulse of freedom,’ Today’s Zaman reported Saturday.

Rabia is named after a prominent public square in Egypt that became a symbol of the Brotherhood’s resistance to the military ouster of President Mohamed Morsi.

The announcement was made on Facebook by the Egyptian anti-government National Alliance.
Details of Rabia’s programming were not revealed but Today’s Zaman said its launch would likely further strain relations between Egypt and Turkey.Egypt has already speculated Rabia has the backing of Turkish intelligence agencies.

A 2011 report authored by the GBBDW editor on the Turkish Muslim Brotherhood networks concluded:
The Gaza flotilla incident brought into sharp focus an even more significant long- term development: the growing relationship between the Erdogan government and the Global Muslim Brotherhood, which has given rise to some of the most notorious Islamist terrorist groups – from al-Qaeda to Hamas. Since 2006, Turkey has become a new center for the Global Muslim Brotherhood, while the Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip acted as the main axis for this activity.
For example, the GMBDW reported earlier this month that a “Workshop on the situation of Palestinian refugees of Syria” was held at an Istanbul hotel. Hmmmm....At what time can we speak of 'State Sponsorship of terrorism'?


Turkish website - "R4BIA is the end of Zionists."

Obama's BFF Erdogan's Turkey Risks “Grave Consequences” Under U.S. Law for Sheltering Top Hamas Terrorist.

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