The Alien in the White House.The distance between the president and the people is beginning to be revealed.One of his first reforms was to rid the White House of the bust of Winston Churchill.
ACLU chief disgusted with Obama.It's President Obama's policies on civil liberties and national security issues I'm disgusted by. It's not a personal attack," Romero said.
Obama Deceives the Public.His actions are totally uncoupled from his public statements. I don't even listen anymore. He has turned 180 degrees. Another example: His promise to filibuster a law giving the phone companies legal immunity for any role they played in the Bush's domestic eavesdropping program. Then he not only voted not to filibuster it, he also voted for the law -- against the wishes of his backers.
Florida Ankle-Deep Oil Washes Ashor.And for how long will it keep coming?
BP oil spill sickens 71 in Louisiana..Of those, 50 involved workers on oil rigs or oil spill cleanup efforts in the Gulf of Mexico, while 21 were reported by the public, the state's department of health and hospitals said Wednesday.
The Spill, The Scandal and the President.The inside story of how Obama failed to crack down on the corruption of the Bush years – and let the world's most dangerous oil company get away with murder.
Steffy: U.S. and BP
CNN Blames White People For Obama's Slow Action On Oil Spill.President Obama is afraid to look angry in public because white people historically haven't liked angry black men.Makes me wonder who owns CNN?
Iran will revise UN nuclear watchdog ties - state media.President Ahmadinejad has dismissed the UN sanctions as a used handkerchief. Gesundheit !
The White House or bust! Has Sarah Palin had a boob job?A picture tells a thousand words.
Russia to freeze Iran missile deal.Perhaps Israel will give Iran some missiles?
Taliban executes boy, 7, for spying.Islam a religion of peace?
Publishing Company Under Fire for Putting Warning Label on Constitution.This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as it would if it were written today.
Pro-business, Labor parties tie in Netherlands.Immigration and the economy take center stage in election.Geert Wilders, who campaigned to stop immigration from Muslim countries. The Freedom Party' 24 more than doubled its current holding of nine.A gain of 15 seats.
Oldest leather shoe discovered,more here.At 5,500 years old, the well preserved cow-hide shoe pre-dates Stonehenge by 400 years and the Pyramids of Giza by 1,000 years.
Abu Dhabi 35-storey skyscraper leans nearly five times more than Tower of Pisa to claim world record.
Spare Rome pleaded Pope in secret wartime letter to US President Roosevelt, which has emerged after 60 years.The letter has been kept hidden away for more than 60 years in the headquarters of the Knights of Columbus, a 128 year old American Catholic organisation.
Warning to Britain as almost half of Belgium's euthanasia nurses admit to killing without consent.That's one way to cut healthcare costs?
Wall Street workers crying into silk hankerchiefs as wages sink to lower levels than the Great Depression... to £213,000 a year.Wages declined with 21%.During the Great Depression wages declined by 8%!
Follow the Islamic way to save the world, Prince Charles urges environmentalists.He said the current 'division' between man and nature had been caused not just by industrialisation, but also by our attitude to the environment - which goes against the grain of sacred traditions.A hint study the Native American way !!!
The untouchables of FRANCE: How swarthy Pyrenean race persecuted for centuries are still being abused today.Wild rumours talked of them emitting enough pungent body heat to shrivel an apple merely by clutching it, others said their veins ran with green blood — blood which oozed from their belly buttons on Good Friday.
Election triumph puts anti-Islam Wilders in line for Dutch Cabinet role.The Freedom Party of the anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders emerged as the third force in Dutch politics.
Anti-Christianity protest after NGOs banned.Over a thousand protesters turned out onto the streets of Mazar-e-Sharif in northern Afghanistan, to demonstrate against foreign NGOs (non-governmental organisations) which were being investigated for spreading Christianity in the country.
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