Friday, July 30, 2010

MFS - The Other News

                          Morning Posting.

  • I am a Racist!I am a racist if I don’t agree with the Health care Reform bill. I am a racist if I want the responsibility of buying my own health insurance. I am a racist if I want Barack Obama to fail in his effort to “fundamentally change America.” I am a racist because I demand proof of Obama’s birth certificate and to make the records of his passport public. I am a racist because I don’t see the sense in turning the New Black Panthers loose AFTER their conviction.......continued.

  •  Man missing from Glasgow 25 years ago found buried.A man who went missing on Christmas Eve in Glasgow more than 25 years ago was buried in an unmarked grave months after he disappeared, it has emerged.

  • The Plight of Afghan Women: A Disturbing Picture.Highlights Sharia’s Oppression of Women in Afghanistan.Our cover image this week is powerful, shocking and disturbing. It is a portrait of Aisha, a shy 18-year-old Afghan woman who was sentenced by a Taliban commander to have her nose and ears cut off for fleeing her abusive in-laws.

  • DHS kisses up to radical Islamic groups in the name of political correctness.When reading the information, it seems to tie Islamic militant groups with DHS. Some have accused the Obama administration for being too close to, or actually being "in bed" with Islamic groups. Don't believe that, just Google it! Obama and his minions seem to be leading this country down a path to the destruction of what we once called the "American way of life". Now, thanks to "Judicial Watch", we see that even the Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. agency that is supposed to protect us, is kissing up to the enemy instead of taking action against them. Welcome to Obama's America.

  • Newt Gingrich at AEI Today: Freedom Will Prevail.At the American Enterprise Institute this afternoon former Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich gave a truly Churchillian address about the most serious threat facing America today: Shariah. It deserves a place in the firmament of history’s most outstanding calls to arms, a number of which – from Thomas Paine and George Washington to Abraham Lincoln to Franklin Roosevelt to John F. Kennedy – Mr. Gingrich cited to powerful effect.

  • U.S. hikers detained in Iran are like 'three Rachel Corries', says friend.Shon Meckfessel says he and his friends have spent their life fighting injustice in the Middle East.

  • Russia to introduce 'draconian' Minority Report-style law.Legislation will give security services powers to arrest people for crimes they have yet to commit.FĂ©lix Dzerjinski a.k.a. Iron Felix is back - alive and kicking!

  • Armenian Americans file suit against Turkey, 2 banks there.They seek to be compensated for assets their relatives lost during forced moves during the Ottoman era."All of the lawyers involved have relatives who perished or fled the Armenian genocide, which gives it a special poignancy for us."

  • Brutality in Cameroon: The Barbaric Practice of Breast Ironing.Little girls in Cameroon are being betrayed by their own mothers. Using piping hot stones, women “iron” their pubescent daughters’ breasts to destroy any visible sign of budding womanhood. Some of the victims of this torture are as young as nine.The scars are horrific.

  • Homeland Security Memo Shows Obama Regime Considering Ways to Grant Amnesty Without Going Through Congress…God only knows the depths this Administration would go to in order to impose their agenda on the American people.Hmmm that's one way to get rid of Gitmo?

  • Whistle blower: BP dispersant poses greater risk than admitted: EPA does flip flop on Corexit.EPA Senior Policy Analyst Hugh Kaufman believes most of the oil spill has been hidden under an unprecedented 1.8 million gallons of Corexit dispersant, and that the EPA has been working with BP to play down negative data.

  • Outspoken British PM embroiled in diplomatic rows.Pakistan official calls Cameron 'an immature politican'.In just a few days, new Prime Minister David Cameron has openly declared Britain is no more than the "junior partner" of the U.S., irritated Israelis by calling Gaza a prison camp and enraged Pakistanis by suggesting their country exports terrorism.

  • HT:WeaselZippers.UK: Taxpayer funded ‘Like a Virgin’ operations on the rise.Increasing numbers of Muslim brides are having taxpayer-funded ‘virginity repair’ operations before marriage.Oh, but it’s a cultural thing, not a religious thing. Really. (wink-wink).

  • Local Woman Convicted of Drug Fraud Joins Obama at the Podium.CBS19 learned Thursday that Leslie Macko, the Charlottesville woman who appeared in the Rose Garden with President Barack Obama on July 19, has had more than one run-in with the law. In June of 2007, Macko was charged with grand larceny. The charge was reduced in court to petit larceny, and she was sentenced to two years good behavior.Nice couple...neh?

  • Obama on The View: Video and Reaction.President Obama appeared on The View Thursday—a first for a sitting president. He blamed the "24/7 media cycle" for the "phony controversy" over Shirley Sherrod. He also refused to address the Mel Gibson controversy, saying he’d rather talk about Afghanistan, and said he did not know much about Snooki from Jersey Shore.

  • Al-Qaeda Plants Flag In Baghdad As 23 Die In Iraq,more here.Obama: If We Work Hard, Afghanistan Could Be a Success...Like Iraq!Yeah keep dreaming ....

  • HT:WeaselZippers.American Muslim Women Holding “Pray-Ins” to Protest Gender Segregation in U.S. Mosques…I wish them all the best of luck but they’re not going to change anything, Islam is misogynic to its very core. Note: If they tried this in an Islamic country their life would be in danger.

  • Weekly Commentary: A message to Abbas: haggling with a democracy different than with dictatorship.You blew it !

  • Obama's Televised Turn-Off.The president’s appearance on The View, billed as the first-ever by a chief executive on a daytime talk show, was the apotheosis of the anodyne.

  • Russian President's Top Rights Adviser Quits.She told Interfax news agency, "It is my personal decision, no one has forced me, it has not come suddenly."

  • ‘The sleeping giant is awake’: Conservatives gaining force online.For the first time ever, conservative blogs hold the top two slots in’s political blog ranking, pushing The Huffington Post, the long-reigning champion, to the fifth slot. Conservative blogs also make up half of the top ten political blogs on the Web, while the distinctly liberal blogs only claim two spaces.

  • Tim Lahaye, Evangelical Christian Minister, Warns Obama Bringing Us Closer To 'The Apocalypse' (VIDEO).Huckabee went on to prod LaHaye a bit further on his assertion. "Are we now living in the end times, from your perspective?" asked the former Arkansas Governor and possible 2012 White House contender. LaHaye's response: "Very definitely, governor."

  • Video: Sandra Bullock withdraws from BP-backed front group 'advocating' for Gulf Coast aid.So in reality, when people sign the "Be the One" petition, they are supporting an effort of the oil industry to have taxpayer funds compensate affected individuals for damages from the oil spill. In addition, they are supporting a foundation which believes that offshore drilling should be the basis of the Gulf Coast economy. This is likely why Bullock withdrew her support for the campaign. It will be interesting to see if other celebrities follow suit.

  • The Taliban Say: “A Vote for the Socialists is a Vote for Jihad!”.The formation of the new Dutch government is still in limbo, but if the Taliban have any say, the PvdA [Labour] will be included in the coalition. The Socialists are regarded as friends of the Islamic radicals, and a Taliban spokesman in Afghanistan is not shy about saying so.

  • Video:Iranian President Ahmadinejad Ridicules UN Sanctions and States: Iranians' IQ Much Higher Than Rest of the The World.

  • BP prepares to plug damaged well.U.S judicial panel reviews lawsuits.A procedure intended to ease the job of plugging BP's blown-out Gulf of Mexico well for good could start as early as the weekend, the U.S. government's point man for the spill response said Thursday.

  • HT:Elder of Zion.Nah, they're not anti-Semitic.The only Iranian-designed and manufactured assault rifle.

  • HT:ElderofZion.Newest Saudi trend: "Daytime marriage".I think that the English word for these women is "mistresses."

  • Concentration Camp Memorial Site Hacked by Neo-Nazis.Despite the defamers’ best efforts, both hacked-in memorial sites were back up on Thursday.

  • Cruise liner 'kills' endangered whale during Alaska trip... giant mammal discovered stuck on vessel's bow.The 43ft-long female humpback was found stuck on the bow of the Sapphire Princess after becoming attached overnight.

  • Excavations on St. Ivan island reveal potential relics from John the Baptist. Excavations on Saint Ivan island, the largest of five Bulgarian islands in the Black Sea, have unearthed an exquisite marble reliquary incorporated into the church's altar.

  • Briton given permission to look for legendary treasure of Lima. An amateur British sleuth has been given permission by the Costa Rican government to search for the fabled lost 'Treasure of Lima'

  • Ancient skull suggests head reshaping practice.ELEVEN thousand years ago a tall and solidly built Aboriginal man lived a hard life. His bones reveal he had multiple breaks in both forearms, a fractured ankle so severe his shin bones fused together and arthritis in his jaw.''Death might have been something to look forward to for him,'' palaeoanthropologist Peter Brown said.

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