Thursday, August 12, 2010

MFS - The Other News

                          Morning Posting.

  • Obama Linked To Gay Murders In Chicago.These are shocking allegations, but there appears to be smoke where there's fire. Norma Jean Young, mother of murdered son, Donald Young, an openly gay man, says her son was a close friend of Obama.One thing is for sure, the brutal murders of three young men who could have tarnished Obama's image as the election moved onward are not just coincidental especially where political power and careers are involved. The timing of the events is key.

  • No more mosques, period.Permits should not be granted to build even one more mosque in the United States of America, let alone the monstrosity planned for Ground Zero. This is for one simple reason: each Islamic mosque is dedicated to the overthrow of the American government.

  • The Ground Zero Mosque Hurts Islam.The very idea of building a mosque there is a dangerous sign of Muslim demands on Western societies, says British authority Douglas Murray—and it shows that the U.S. must make a stand.

  • Obama may be prepared to meet Ahmadinejad.US national security advisor says 'only time will tell' as far as meeting between American, Iranian heads of state. Washington has enough 'wiggle room' to give sanctions time to work, Jones adds.Why am i not surprised by "They don't trust me cause of my middle name."Probably after their chat they will declare together that the zionists and the Jews are to blame for the terrorists attacks in the world.Not forgetting to mention the evil tea party activists,who are hostile to Afro Americans and Islam.

  • U.S. State Department is Building….Mosques.What else is the State Department larding out, at hard-pressed taxpayers’ expense, to facilitate “understanding” with the Muslim world?Just as it has greatly, very greatly, disturbed 68% of you registered voters to learn of plans to build a $100 million dollar mosque financed perhaps by the very ones who underwrote the 9/11 slaughter, it will likely disturb you to learn that the State Department has been hard at work – on your dime – rebuilding of mosques in foreign countries.

  • More on the Giant Mecca Clock: It’s Being Built By Osama bin Laden’s Family.The Saudi Bin Laden Group construction company behind the $800-million clock engineered by European clockmakers is moving forward. And yes, the company is in the family of Osama bin Laden, the al Qaeda leader who has disavowed such wealth as a corruption of his faith.All we now need is Obama to be present at the inauguration?

  • Bağış says Turkey rejects ‘privileged partnership’.Turkey’s chief EU negotiator has said there is no such alternative as “privileged partnership” to EU membership in EU acquis, describing such an offer as an “insult” to Turkey.Good keep licking Iran's boots.

  • The Language Of Ahmadinejad: 'The Boogeyman Snatched The Boob'.He also had a strongly worded message for U.S. President Barack Obama: "Those who were tougher bullies, stronger scourges than you...could not do a damn thing to us.".In a first, judiciary chief Sadegh Larijani, a senior conservative member of the Iranian establishment, on August 8 publicly lambasted Ahmadinejad over his language. "As a citizen of this country I expect the language and the rhetoric the president employs in his speech to be impressive, well-founded, mature, and fair.Meanwhile, "We want the boob snatched by the boogeyman back," a Facebook page created in response to Ahmadinejad's comments, has already attracted more than 10,000 members, and is still growing.All of which greatly add to the possibility that the "boob" will forever be Ahmadinejad's boogeyman.

  • Iran TV airs 'confession' from woman facing stoning.Iranian TV has aired what it says is a confession by a woman under threat of being stoned to death.

  • 'White Jews', not 'good Nazis': How Germany rejected Holland's settler farmers.New research shows how a group of Dutch farmers that trekked to Ukraine and Lithuania in World War II was spurned as 'white Jews'.They came in their thousands from Holland to Eastern Europe to be good Nazis and help the Germans colonize more land during World War II. But according to the first major research into the Dutch settler movement, their German brethren despised them, dubbing them "white Jews."

  • A Nation of Living Constitutions."Today, people are more persuaded than ever that they have perfect freedom, yet they have brought their freedom to us and laid it humbly at our feet." The Grand Inquisitor.Obama's rise to power could not have taken place except through a forgetfulness that has been with us for some time now. And Obama has been quite talented at manipulating symbols, posing in front of half a dozen flags, a Superman statue, glowing halos, historic sites and documents. That these symbols have no meaning to him except as tokens of power, that his very presence next to them or adjacent to them, should be anathema because of the profound gap between the ideals they represent, and the agenda he represents, is obvious to those who remember that symbols also have meanings.The Constitution was created to stop that from happening. It represents a shield against tyranny, but all documents are in the end only words and paper. It is only people who can preserve and realize them. There is no magic in paper and parchment, nor in ink alone. It is living men and women who are the stewards of their heritage, living Constitutions and flags, blood not ink, skin not parchment, who give it potency, who can keep its ideals, so that it does not become only a symbol enshrined in a glass case. Because only a nation of living Constitutions can be free.

  • Shouldn't Obama be greeting the troops? George W Bush shows him how a real president should act.This morning at DFW Airport, George and Laura Bush greeted 150 (very surprised) troops as they arrived home from Iraq and Afghanistan. Their expressions were so priceless!There is no surprise here.Well done Mr President!

  • Births to Illegal Immigrants Are Studied.About 340,000 of the 4.3 million babies born in the United States in 2008 — or 8 percent — had at least one parent who was an illegal immigrant, according to a study published Wednesday by the Pew Hispanic Center.

  • Alinsky Is A Totalitarian and Conservatives Should Know That.The more I think about my friend Ron Radosh’s puff piece on Nicholas Von Hoffman’s new biography of Saul Alinsky, which appeared in of all places National Review, the more uneasy I feel. As I pointed out in my previous blog, von Hoffman’s book begins with an Alinsky epigraph:“If the ends don’t justify the means, what else does?”Those who have read Alinsky’s book, which is now the bible of the Left, will know that the entire text is an extended argument for the principle that the ends justify the means and there is no “morality” — or, as Alinsky would put it, all moral judgements of means are corrupt. Because in Alinsky’s view, all means are justified by the appropriate end.That describes "Der fuhrer" Obama pretty accurately?

  • Hispanic media turn on President Obama.President Barack Obama has lost the most trusted man in the Hispanic media.Univision’s Jorge Ramos, an anchor on the nation’s largest Spanish-language television network, says Obama broke his promise to produce an immigration reform bill within a year of taking office.And Latinos are tired of the speeches, disillusioned by the lack of White House leadership and distrustful of the president."Welcome join the club!"

  • Muslim Women Abused and Suicidal: The Left Wants this Dirty Little Secret Hidden.Left-wingers consider reports of mutilated Muslim women, and the high suicide rate among women in Islamic countries, problematic. Since the U.S. invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, Americans have been exposed to certain facts the left wants hidden–Islam allows mutilation of women.

  • Video:Mark Levin With a Spin on Obama’s ‘Car in the Ditch’ Analogy."The Great One" proves why he earned that title.Hmm...D for dictator?

  • Poll finds Muslim extremism is well entrenched in the United States.In 2007 a Pew Research poll showed that 10% of all American Muslims believe that suicide bombing and probably other forms of violence is acceptable in certain situations. Let me say that again so we are not confused here. One in ten Muslims in America looked at 9-11 and maybe said, “yes” when the rest of us were saying “no.”According to Brittanica there are aproximatly 4 million Muslims living in America,that gives us a total of 400.000 people in the US who think it's ok to be a suicide bomber,talk about the enemy within?

  • U.S. Military to Press for Slower Afghan Drawdown.American military officials are building a case to minimize the planned withdrawal of some troops from Afghanistan starting next summer, in an effort to counter growing pressure on President Obama from inside his own party to begin winding the war down quickly.This is not surprising looking at the expansion of the airport.
  • Children Under Sharia Law, Part 2: Raped Foreign 14-Year-Old Girl Gets 6 Month Prison Sentence in UAE.One of NewReal Blog’s hottest posts this past week told the story of a 14 year old Brazilian girl being arrested after accusing a man twice her age of raping her in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. (For the full article go here.) Yesterday the young teen got her sentence from the Abu Dhabi courts: 6 months in prison and then deportation.Islam a religion of .......?

  • In Gulf of Mexico, 'fake fishermen' angle for BP pay.BP has paid out more than $308m in compensation to individuals and businesses since the oil spill, but fishermen and Gulf of Mexico officials fear some of that money might have gone to fraudsters.

  • Thoughtcrime: D.C. Reporter Suspended for Accurate Report on BP’s Donations to Obama.Apparently facts are now “partisan.”What's next constructing a "Gulag" in Alaska for those who oppose the great leader?

  • The melon Michelangelos: Amazing sculptures carved from fruit.With their green skins and a hint of red flesh, there is something familiar about these artworks.A closer look reveals they are carved out of watermelons — and these photographs, capturing their intricate designs, are the latest sensation to sweep the internet.The art form originated in the Far East 700 years ago when the carved fruit were often presented to royalty at banquets.

  • British are bunch of thick people ruled by a mafia, says Iran's vice president... and sparks row with our ambassador.In a blistering diatribe against Britain, Mohammad-Reza Rahimi said: ‘They have plundered the world in the last 500 years and the young lad in charge now is even more stupid than his predecessor. It’s as if God has made this nation servants of America and Zionists.’Iran’s First Vice President added: ‘England has nothing. Its inhabitants are not human, its officials are not responsible, and it doesn’t even have any natural resources. (They are) a bunch of thick people ruled by a mafia.’

  • Al-Qaeda Seeks Overthrow of Saudi Arabia Monarchy, Killing of Christians.“You who work as guards for tyrants, princes, ministers or complexes where Christians live, or can reach them, seek help from Allah to kill them,” al-Shihri said in the recording. “Together, let’s overthrow the Al Saud family.” "Kill the infidels and kill the protectors of the faith?"Former Gitmo detainee urges assassinations of Saudi royal family members .More on this here.

  • HT:WeaselZippers.Spanish Government Issues International “Find and Capture” Arrest Warrant for Three U.S. Soldiers on Homicide Charges.The Spanish government wants a three-man US army tank crew to stand trial for the death of cameraman Jose Couso in Baghdad in 2003.

  • U.S. annual terrorism report and the Middle East, J - Z.The State Department recently released its Country Reports on Terrorism 2009. As usual, the Middle East figures prominently. Let’s take a look.

  • Is it time for Gibbs to move on?The truth hurts.This may be something for the White House to consider as midterm fatigue sets in and personnel starts to churn. Are White House press secretary Robert Gibbs' recent bouts of truth-telling a sign he should move on?For months, speculation has abounded that Gibbs will eventually move from his current post to become a less-visible senior adviser to President Obama.

  • Dem Rep. Alan Grayson Calls Robert Gibbs “Bozo the Spokesman,” Says He Wants Him Fired Over Comments Critical of Liberals.“I don’t think he should resign, I think he should be fired. He’s done a miserable job,” Grayson said on MSNBC. “People I know refer to him as ‘Bozo the Spokesman.’”

  • The Obsolescence of Barack Obama.The magic of 2008 can't be recreated, and good riddance to it.Not long ago Barack Obama, for those who were spellbound by him, had the stylishness of JFK and the historic mission of FDR riding to the nation's rescue. Now it is to Lyndon B. Johnson's unhappy presidency that Democratic strategist Robert Shrum compares the stewardship of Mr. Obama. Johnson, wrote Mr. Shrum in the Week magazine last month, never "sustained an emotional link with the American people" and chose to escalate a war that "forced his abdication as president."

  • Overwhelming majority oppose mosque near Ground Zero.According to the new survey out Wednesday, nearly 70 percent of all Americans oppose the controversial plan to build the mosque just blocks away from the solemn site in lower Manhattan while just 29 percent favor the construction.Broken down by party affiliation, 54 percent of Democrats oppose the plans while 82 percent of Republicans disapprove. Meanwhile, 70 percent of independents said they are against the proposal.The poll also showed opposition did not vary widely by age.Is a sleeping giant finally awakening?

  • NY Lawmakers To Introduce Bedbug Insurance Legislation.“This legislation is long overdue,” said Assemblyman Hikind. “Nearly every day you read another story about a bedbug infestation, be it in an upscale department store, an emergency room, or in a private residence. People should not be forced into financial ruin because of a bedbug infestation. We can no longer allow insurance companies to deny coverage for bedbug infestations by classifying the infestation as a standard maintenance issue. I am proud to sponsor this legislation to give people some peace of mind as they battle this epidemic.”

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