Thursday, August 12, 2010

MFS - The Other News

                         Afternoon Posting.

  • Hillary in 2012?The only way Obama can win re-election is with Clinton on his ticket, says Tunku Varadarajan. The Democrats’ least-sullied heavy hitter, she’ll hold the party together—and be a magnet for crossover voting.Hmmm .....wishful thinking?Putting Hilary as a front so he can go on with the destruction of America?

  • HT:Amnon and Jonathan.U.S., Israel to recognize Armenian Genocide by 100th anniversary!And not a day to soon a great step for humanity and justice!U.S. and Israel will recognize the Armenian Genocide by the 100th anniversary of the crime committed in the Ottoman Empire (that is within next five years), head of the Jewish community of Armenia Rimma Varzhapetyan told the reporters.She also stated that the Knesset will once again consider the issue in the near future. There are many educated and honest MPs in the Knesset who are ready to acknowledge Genocide to show humanism but not just to anger Turkey, she added. Varzhapetyan noted that one should not link Genocide recognition with recently deteriorated Israeli-Turkish relations. She emphasized that the Jewish community of Armenia is engaged in the problem and has already sent a relevant letter to the Israeli parliamentarians.

  • Israeli Arab man held at airport over US serial stabbings.US police have arrested a man in connection with a series of stabbings that left five dead in three states.Police say Elias Abuelazam has ties to the towns of Flint, Michigan and Leesburg, Virginia, where nearly 20 attacks have taken place.He was stopped at Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson airport as he tried to board a flight to Israel.Mr Abuelazam is an Israeli Arab citizen presumed to be a christian  and permanent US resident, a Michigan official told the Associated Press .

  • Moscow 'hiding heatstroke cases' after death rate jumps.Doctors in Moscow are being told not to diagnose heatstroke as a cause of death after a jump in the mortality rate during the heatwave, Russia media say.Speaking on condition of anonymity, one doctor said the unofficial instruction being passed down was to use diagnoses that "sound less frightening".A photo shows a note pinned up in a casualty area which reads "Attention! Do not diagnose heatstroke".

  • Ground Zero iman calls for return to the most radical form of Islam in History!Proof: Feisal Abdul Rauf’s Arabic language Interview translated to English.Just who is ‘moderate’ Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf? He’s no moderate at all. He’s the funder of the controversial Ground Zero Mosque in New York and a financier of the Turkish Flotilla, along with the Turkish government that funded the terrorist group IHH which has ties to al Qaida and Hamas in Gaza.What’s more, Iman Rauf is calling for a worldwide return to the most radical form of Islam in history, turning the hands of time back to an era when Muslims ruled much of the known world. See eye-opening article below that was translated by Walid.Why is the State Department funding him and why is Obama helping him?

  • HT:Amnon&Jonathan.Breaking News.Turkey Accused of Using Chemical Weapons against PKK.German experts have confirmed the authenticity of photographs that purport to show PKK fighters killed by chemical weapons. The evidence puts increasing pressure on the Turkish government, which has long been suspected of using such weapons against Kurdish rebels. German politicians are demanding an investigation.It would be difficult to exceed the horror shown in the photos, which feature burned, maimed and scorched body parts. The victims are scarcely even recognizable as human beings.German politicians and human rights experts are now demanding an investigation into the incident. "The latest findings are so spectacular that the Turkish side urgently needs to explain things,"The politician said there had been repeated "mysterious incidents of this type that are crying out for an independent investigation." Roth demanded that Turkey issue an official statement.Already in 2006 there were claims of Turkey using chemical weapons against the Kurds.Well we all know how "Humanely"the Turks dealth with the Armenian problem.Or perhaps it's just an Islamic way of doing things?Did i just hear Obama asking for an inquiry?

  • Turkey will probe IDF raid on Marmara.A panel to investigate the IDF raid on the Mavi Marmara aid ship has been established by Turkey, the country's foreign ministry reportedly told AFP.According to the report, the panel will examine the events of the raid and "investigate the attack and the treatment the activists faced." The panel is expected to operate under the prime minister's office and publicize a written report on the investigation, the foreign ministry said in a statement.Unlike the other panel Obama doesn't insist on international representation.Talk about "Double Standards"?But hey you can't question your Islamic brethren,can't you?

  • Legislator resigns after 'dead Palin' comment.A New Hampshire state legislator resigned his office Thursday after becoming the second Democrat in as many days to speculate about Sarah Palin's death on Facebook.State Rep. Timothy Horrigan made the remarks Wednesday night in a thread discussing the Alaska plane crash that killed former Sen. Ted Stevens. "Well a dead Palin wd be even more dangerous than a live one...she is all about her myth &  if she was dead she cldn't commit any more gaffes," Horrigan wrote.

  • HT:Amnon and Jonathan.Hidden Message in Obama's Ramadan Message cracked by Israeli Blogger!

  • The Left vs. America at Ground Zero.It’s no surprise that a president soaked in the juices of the left should find himself sidelined when the issue is squarely presented: is American civilization worth defending? The question seems too hard or too politically inconvenient for the commander in chief and current leader of the Free World to answer.

  • Iran stoning woman 'tortured' before TV 'confession'."She was severely beaten up and tortured until she accepted to appear in front of camera. Her 22-year-old son Sajad and her 17-year-old daughter Saeedeh are completely traumatised by watching this programme," lawyer Houtan Kian said.

  • US Schools to Stop Teaching History; Instead Teachers Will Now Bash “Anglos” and Praise Islam .Castro.Gov. Jan Brewer signed another law this year that bans schools from teaching classes designed to promote solidarity among students of a particular ethnic group.This law bans classes that “promote the overthrow of the United States government” or “promote resentment toward a race or class of people” because schools should treat all pupils as individual Americans.Muhammad Praised
    This world history textbook, called “History Alive! The Medieval World and Beyond,” gives the history and beliefs of Islam lengthy and favorable treatment far above and beyond what is given to every other religion, according to Stephen Schwartz in the Weekly Standard (Aug. 9, 2010).
    The textbook uses what he calls a “sanitized vocabulary” to conceal Muslim practices that are criminal in the U.S. These include forced marriage, forced divorce, marriage to children, polygamy and punishments imposed by Shariah law, such as public beheadings, amputations, floggings and stonings.
    Muhammad is the only person in this world history textbook who rates an entire chapter. Jesus gets only one sentence, and the contrast between the treatment of Islam and Christianity is shocking.Can Obama force Islam upon the American School Children?

  • Obama’s “Recovery Summer” a Disaster: New Claims for Unemployment Jumps 484,000.We're on the right track the destruction of America?

  • Daisy’s Con: Ground Zero Mosque Imam’s Wife Tells Whopper About Me.Daisy Khan lies to her audience in an attempt to defame my character and to hide her intentions.It’s very disturbing that Daisy would lie about having invited me to discuss what is written plainly in the Koran. If she can be so overtly deceptive in front of hundreds of people in the audience about such a trivial matter as an invitation to a conference, surely her credibility is damaged by such a performance, and her integrity has been severely compromised. She lies about offering an invitation to me and misrepresents Islam when addressing audiences about interfaith unity.I have devoted my life to exposing the brutality and political, totalitarian nature of Islam. This is why Khan tries to demonize me, and why she labors so diligently to obscure the truth.Ever heard of "Al-taqiyya"?

  • HT"WeaselZippers.Saudi Cleric: Desire to Shed Blood, Smash Skulls, and Sever Limbs for the Sake of Allah is an Honor for Muslims.Checking .......Yup still considered a “Religion of Peace"?

  • Netanyahu, the anti-Obama.Two photographs adorn the office of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. Together they illuminate a portentous fact: No two leaders of democracies are less alike -- in life experiences, temperaments and political philosophies -- than Netanyahu, the former commando and fierce nationalist, and Barack Obama, the former professor and post-nationalist.One a Jew the Other a .....?

  • 'Iran to give Hizbullah weapons'.Report: Turkey will also "send weapons, rockets, guns" to Lebanon.When will they finally KICK TURKEY OUT OF NATO?More on this story here!Also Turkey has 10 Atomic warheads from Nato in storage perhaps they can give these to Hizbullah or Iran?Wake up world!

  • U.S. Plans More Aid for Jobless Homeowners.In an acknowledgment that the foreclosure crisis is far from over, the Obama administration on Wednesday pumped $3 billion into programs intended to stop the unemployed from losing their homes.

  • Russia refuses to turn over Jewish library to US.Moscow says library was nationalized because its owner, Rabbi Joseph Isaac Schneersohn, had no heirs.The Russian army "Collected" a whole lot during WWII.

  • Revolutionary Guards’ Navy positioned in Bandar Abbas and southern Iran.The commander of the Revolutionary Guards’ Navy says his forces are ready to “respond to threats of extra-regional enemies.” Men and materiel are positioned in southern Iran, including four submarines capable of launching missiles.

  • The Complete “Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me” Series Now with New Epilogue.“Barack Obama’s Rules for Revolution: The Alinsky Model.”

  • US 'on target' to withdraw troops from Iraq despite military misgivings.The US has insisted it is on target to end combat operations in Iraq despite warnings from the country's top army officer that native troops will not be ready to take control for another decade.Speaking at a defence conference in Baghdad, Lt Gen Zebari said: "At this point, the withdrawal is going well, because they are still here."But the problem will start after 2011 – the politicians must find other ways to fill the void after 2011. If I were asked about the withdrawal, I would say to politicians: the US army must stay until the Iraqi army is fully ready in 2020.""Iraq is a succes"Yeah whatever!

  • HT:Michelle'sMirror.Let them eat cake.As Reliapundit accurately reported way last February, Big Guy and Lady M have already celebrated his 49th birthday on February 16. August 4 was just the anniversary of his alleged birth date. We would have mentioned it at the time but we didn’t want to insensitively distract attention from the Christian feast of Fat Tuesday which, coincidentally, fell on the exact same date this year!Because it was Mardi Gras, we celebrated with a King Cake in the only flavor Lady M would authorize: organic-garden-carrot. (loaded with delicious cream cheese frosting) And for the record, we actually celebrated the awesome event all week long, as is the Islamic tradition, and Lady M got a present in honor of Big Guy’s Islamic birthday, as is Lady M’s tradition. On Valentine’s Day Big Guy gave Lady M this “ moon and stars and the sun” pendant, that she mentioned to Larry King when she was on his show last February.

  • To Stallone and Schwarzenegger, your guns are 'the expendables'.Until America, door to door, takes every handgun, this is what you're gonna have."--Sylvester Stallone.That the star of "Rambo," who made his fortune exploiting armed violence, should call on government raids to disarm millions of real veterans and the rest of his countrymen, goes beyond hypocritical. It is contemptible.

  • Wackier and Wackier: State Dept. Requests Own Army to Secure Its Mission to Train Iraqi Police.The State dept. has asked the Pentagon to leave behind two dozen UH-60 helicopters and 50 bomb-resistant vehicles, heavy cargo trucks, fuel trailers and high-tech surveillance systems — all of which are to be maintained and operated by contractors yet to be funded. Pending since April, the requests were still under military consideration as of this week. …Congress hasn’t bought the argument

  • Charlie Gasparino: GE Execs Encouraged CNBC Staff to Go Easy on Obama.Gasparino did not say that it became official CNBC policy to tone down criticism of the president. But he claimed that "the question of whether they were being fair to the president was brought up" and that he had "never heard that before."I think we heard that before in 1930 Germany?

  • Russians remember Kursk submarine disaster, 10 years on.Ceremonies are being held in Russia and on board its naval vessels to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Kursk nuclear submarine disaster.The submarine, one of the Russian navy's most advanced vessels, sank in the Barents Sea on 12 August, 2000 with the loss of all 118 people on board.An explosion of fuel from an old torpedo caused the disaster.Moscow's response to one of the greatest disasters in Russian naval history was widely criticised.More on the disaster :Interview: 'If Putin Was Told Everything Was Under Control, He Was Deceived'.

  • IT has been foretold.The World Meteorological Organization has issued he following statement:Several regions of the world are currently coping with severe weather-related events: flash floods and widespread flooding in large parts of Asia and parts of Central Europe while other regions are also affected: by heatwave and drought in Russian Federation, mudslides in China and severe droughts in sub-Saharan Africa. While a longer time range is required to establish whether an individual event is attributable to climate change, the sequence of current events matches IPCC projections of more frequent and more intense extreme weather events due to global warming.But because various unsupportable and just wrong claims are being advanced by leading scientists and scientific organizations, it would be easy to get the impression that on the issues of extreme events and climate change, IPCC science has a status similar to interpretations of Nostradamus and the Mayan calenders. More here.

  • What happened in 2005 to Arctic sea ice?2010 is currently tracking just below 2005, but note there was a downwards dip in mid-September, 2005. What caused this?

  • More than 300 Baloch disappeared under Zardari's rule; one more bullet-riddled body found Wednesday.More than 300 Baloch freedom and civil rights activists have been involuntarily and forcibly disappeared in Balochistan by the Pakistani state secret services since the advent of the civilian government of Pakistan Peoples Butchers Party.

  • More than 10,000 Chinese students smash human domino World Record.All fell down: The successful record attempt took one hour and 10 minutes.

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