Friday, August 13, 2010

MFS - The Other News

                          Morning Posting.

  • Christians take to the streets on ‘Black Day’ to protest blasphemy.Christians and human rights groups marched and protested yesterday against discriminatory laws, demanding freedom and dignity for all, irrespective of religion.Lahore Christians in Pakistan observed a ‘Black Day’ of protest yesterday to mark the many discriminations they endure in their homeland, above all the blasphemy law, which continues to inflict suffering on its victims.Islam a religion of tolerance?

  • Investigators Question flight Attendant's Tale.The officials said Steven Slater's assertion that he was hit in the head by luggage or an overhead bin door while trying to assist an abusive passenger with her oversize bag isn't being corroborated by other passengers. Investigators believe such a passenger may not exist and that he could have received the gash on his forehead before he boarded the flight in Pittsburgh."There's certainly a decent amount of doubt at this point," said a Port Authority official familiar with the investigation.

  • HT:Amnon & Jonathan.TURKISH ARMY CONTINUES TO MUTILATE CORPSES!"We are deeply rooted in the mountains and hearts of the people of Kurdistan. We are able to live another 50 years like this."HPG member Özgür Dağhan's family was shocked when they went to the morgue to identify their son, who was killed in a clash in Gümüşhane. Özgür Dağhan's head had been completely deformed. The things remaining from his head were some hair and his teeth.Why doesn't the U.N. investigates this?Warning contains grafic images!

  • Report: Netanyahu to offer withdrawal from 90% of West Bank.London-based al-Hayat newspaper quotes Ramallah sources as saying prime minister has prepared plan for evacuation of 50,000 settlers. PM's Office: Report unfounded.

  • Taqiyya from the White House Press Office?We have a statement issued in the President’s name by the press office yesterday marking the beginning of the Ramadan month of fasting and devotion by Muslims in the world over. The President’s statement is long on his enthusiasm for Islam and unfortunately in the process a bit short on the facts.

  • Obama and Clinton wish Muslims happy Ramadan.Both Clinton and Obama hosted an iftar (fast-breaking dinner). Clinton hosted an iftar with dozens of guests from embassies in Washington, while Obama received a guest for dinner at the White House.Hmmm..... i wonder who this "Guest" is?Update: it turns out Like last year, the President has graciously invited me to attend (as well as Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren). Unlike last year, this year's event will be held this Friday evening. Thus, with appreciation to the President for his kind invitation, I will be making kiddush at home.So another insult to the Jewish community from much for "Inter faith" dialog!!I guess the "They don't trust me cause of my middle name "won't work anymore in future?

  • Shoulder-Fired Missiles an Ever-Present Threat to U.S. Planes.Two years after 9/11, Colin Powell stated that “no threat is more serious to aviation” than shoulder-fired missiles.Not much has changed.

  • HT:WeaselZippers.Video: Obama Repeatedly Called a “N*gger” and “Coon” by Black Participants in 2009 Rally Organized by NAACP Official.I really hope this story gains some traction. If these people were white it would be a dead-ringer for a Klan rally.

  • HT:AstuteBloggers.'Anti-Semitism is worse in 2010 than 1910'."There's a common resentment of Israel and American often linked with anti-Semitic thinking. Clearly, this has been round 70-80 years but it picked up steam with the Islamic Revolution. What we see is an assault on the West in which Israel and the Jews have become a surrogate for an attack."

  • Video:Saudi Cleric Muhammad Al-Arifi: The Desire to Shed Blood, Smash Skulls, and Sever Limbs for the Sake of Allah Is an Honor for the Believer.Islam a religion of peace?

  • U.S. Magazine Says Israel Likely To Bomb Iran In Next 12 Months.Israel's disquiet over what it perceives as an existential threat is so great, he concludes, that it may even do so without asking Washington's approval.Do you need to ask aproval when your survival is at stake?

  • Two Muslim youths sentenced over Church fire.In January, the Metro Tabernacle Church was attacked with stones and fire bombs. Now two young men have been sentenced to five years. The court also wanted to give a warning against interfaith attacks that exploded at that time.

  • Mosques and the Islamization of America.Disguised as religion, Islam has penetrated democracies with the aim of replacing civility and liberty with the barbarism of 7th century Islamic theocracy and Sharia law. Islam's multi-pronged attack aims to destroy all that liberty offers.

  • Video:Egyptian Cleric Ramadhan Labib: Polygamy for the Sake of Satisfying One's Sexual Appetite Is Allowed.For dummies:If your wife is sick go and get another wife for sex.

  • Quayle’s Kid Talks Tough on Obama."Barack Obama is the worst president in history... Somebody has to go to Washington to knock the hell out of the place."

  • HT:WeaselZippers.Pics of the Day: Babies Refusing to Make Eye Contact With Dear Leader.They can sense the evil in him.

  • Administration to Virginia: We Have Ways To Make You Surrender.It took the Obama administration threatening to wipe out over 5,000 jobs in Norfolk, Virginia to rouse the ire of both Democrats and Republicans. The president’s high flying rhetoric about the virtues of bipartisanship has come to fruition.

  • HT:IsraelMatzav.In honor of Ramadamadan, US Treasury encourages donations to terror.In honor of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadamadan, the US Treasury Department has issued a statement encouraging American Muslims to donate money to terrorism. Here's part of the statement: As Muslims in the United States and around the world begin their observance of Ramadan, the U.S. Department of the Treasury recognizes the importance of this period of intense devotion, reflection and charitable giving. Charitable giving and philanthropy are core American values, reflected in many faiths and traditions, and are of particular significance within the Muslim faith during the holy month of Ramadan.
  • Zakat who recieves it:

         1. The needy

         2. Extremely poor

         3. Those employed to collect

         4. Those whose hearts are to be won

         5. To free the captives

         6. Those in debt

         7. In the way of Allah

         8. Wayfarer
  • The seventh category is THOSE FIGHTING FOR ALLAH, meaning people ENGAGED IN ISLAMIC MILITARY OPERATIONS for who no salary has been allotted in the Army roster. They are given enough to suffice for the operation, even if affluent; of WEAPONS, MOUNTS, CLOTHING AND EXPENSES.Sound like peaceful charity?

  • President Obama, How Does Islam Advance “the Dignity of All Human Beings” when its Prophet Practiced and Condoned Sex Slavery? Now: how did Muhammad respect the dignity of all human beings? How did Muhammad’s imperial conquests to spread his religious ideology by the sword respect the dignity of all human beings? How does Sharia law — Islam’s legal foundation — respect the dignity of all human beings when it mandates death for apostates? How does Islam respect human dignity when Mohammed mandated enslaving and raping the captured women of defeated peoples as a legitimate means of spreading the faith?

  • BP well pressure test indicates static kill failure: Is BP avoiding the relief well?The latest round of verbal gymnastics coming from BP is hard to decipher. But regardless of how the words are framed, the conclusion is the same. BP’s static kill procedure did not work.BP executive Kent Wells admitted on August 10, that pressure readings from the Macondo well are at 4,200 PSI. If the cementing process has been successful, the pressure readings would be zero.Touted from the beginning of the April 20 disaster as the best way to permanently seal the well, there could be only one reason for BP to seemingly be avoiding the use of the relief well; they may have data that indicates it could reopen the leak - or fail.If the relief well fails, BP is out of options.

  • The "Cutest" Genocidal Threat in the History of Genocidal Threats.Hamas children’s TV program again calls for the ‘slaughter of Jews’ from Palestinian Media Watch.And perhaps the cutest genocidal threat in the history of cuteness, as well!One of the things that got me in trouble on Daily Kos was that I mentioned that Palestinians sometimes teach their children to hate Jews.This is a “no-no” over there. While you can lambaste the hell out of Jewish Israelis, you are not allowed to whisper anything negative concerning the Palestinians.

  • Daily Kos Holocaust Denial: 9/11 Attacks 'Were More About Optics Than Actual Harm'.Yes, the 9/11 attacks were horrific, but they were more about optics than actual harm. The economy was already taking a hit before the Twin Towers fell. The reaction of the nation to seeing two major buildings in New York fall on T.V. has boosted the attack out of proportion. While the loss of even a single life is to be condemned and the devastation these deaths caused the families of those killed, more than this number of teens are killed every year in car crashes. These are also tragic losses but we do not make the kind of high profile issue of it that the 9/11 attacks are.If there is a group to fear, it is Radical Republicans, which is basically to say the most of the Republican Party at this point."Optics" is a word better used for how it looks for Michelle Obama to go on a ritzy Spanish vacation, not to suggest 9/11 was really an insignificant crime.

  • Gallup Poll Says Sixty-Two Percent Disapprove of Obama’s Handling of Immigration.As the Senate reconvened on Thursday, taking a rare break from its August recess to pass a $600-million bill to fund border security provisions that had passed in a specially-reconvened-session of the House on Tuesday, new numbers from the Gallup Poll showed that only 29 percent of Americans approve of the way Obama is handling the immigration issue.Obama is planning to sign the border-security bill on Friday.

  • HT:BareNakedIslam.Video:You Think just ‘ONE’ MUSLIM in the UK Parliament couldn’t possibly destroy free speech?Think again!He threatened to mobilize 10,000 Muslims to prevent Mr. Wilders from entering the House and threatened to take the colleague who was organizing the event to court.Lord Ahmed is considered to be a “moderate” Muslim. The Pakistani born Nazir Ahmed became the United Kingdom’s first Muslim life peer in 1998. He is a member of the Labour Party and was appointed to the Lords by Tony Blair. Lord Ahmed took his oath on the Koran. He led one of the first delegations on behalf of the British Government on the Muslim pilgrimage of the Hajj, to Saudi Arabia. In February 2005, Lord Ahmed hosted a book launch in the House of Lords for anti-Zionist author Israel Shamir. In 2007, he responded to the award of a knighthood to Salman Rushdie by stating that he was appalled, saying that Rushdie had “blood on his hands.”Great moderate fellow just think if he was a radical what would happen?Lord Ahmed was among the founders of The World Forum, an organization set up “to promote world peace in the aftermath of 9/11 with an effort to build bridges of understanding between The Muslim World and the West by reviving a tradition of Dialogue between people, cultures and civilizations based on tolerance.”

  • France Becomes Africa, Part 1.Bearded men with moronic looks, dressed as if they were in Islamabad, come out from nowhere, huddling together. I try to catch their eyes, but their gaze remains perfectly alien to me. All I can see in it is some sort of mystical fear, mixed with unfathomable stupidity.Next to the front door lies a heap of refuse originating from the local McDonald’s, KFC, and grocery store. Banana peels and peanut shells degrade into a strange form of humus.

  • Afghanistan’s Top 350 Clerics Call on Karzai to Implement Taliban-Style Sharia Law.Afghanistan's largest gathering of clerics, who met to discuss reconciliation with the Taliban, has called for the revival of strict Islamic law as the country seeks ways to win militants away from a growing insurgency.About 350 of the Islamic clerics, or ulema, met for three days this week, the meeting ending with a declaration calling on President Hamid Karzai to enact sharia, or Islamic law, including punishments such as stonings, lashing, amputation and execution."The lack of implementation of sharia hodud (punishment) has cast a negative impact on the peace process," said a 10-point resolution issued after the meeting.Welcome A.D 613?Why are our troops dying there for who or what?So that someone can profit from the drug trade there???

  • Say hello to the first British-born beavers for 400 years.The first newborn beavers born in the wild since their re-introduction to the UK last year have been spotted by officials in a Scottish forest.At least two kits, estimated to be eight weeks old and belonging to different family groups, have been seen in Knapdale Forest in Argyll.A total of 11 beavers were brought to Scotland from Norway last year as part of the Scottish Beaver Trial.Beavers were hunted to extinction in the UK 400 years ago.Some feral beavers have been known to exist in the wild as a result of being released by people who owned them as pets.

  • Speeding Swede clocks up world's biggest motoring fine after 180mph chase.A speeding Swedish driver is facing the world‘s biggest ever motoring fine of 650,000 euros - around £538,000 - after being clocked at 180mph while driving through Switzerland.The 37-year-old man‘s £140,000 Mercedes SLS AMG was impounded along with his driving licence after soaring along at two and-a-half times the speed limit on a Swiss motorway.'We have no record of anyone being caught travelling faster in the country,' said a police spokesman.

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