Friday, August 13, 2010

MFS - The Other News

                         Afternoon Posting.

  • Obama Comes Out in Favor of Allowing Mosque Near Ground Zero.President Barack Obama on Friday forcefully endorsed building a mosque near ground zero, saying the country's founding principles demanded no less."As a citizen, and as president, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as anyone else in this country," Obama said, weighing in for the first time on a controversy that has riven New York City and the nation."That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances," he said. "This is America, and our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakable."He knows he lost the support of the people the mask is of prepare to meet Obama the dictator!

  • Obama closes curtain on transparency.President Obama has abolished the position in his White House dedicated to transparency and shunted those duties into the portfolio of a partisan ex-lobbyist who is openly antagonistic to the notion of disclosure by government and politicians.In August 2006 Bauer blogged, "disclosure is a mostly unquestioned virtue deserving to be questioned." This is the man the White House has put in charge of making this the most open White House ever.The Sunlight Foundation is also concerned about the fact the White House no longer has anyone whose job is transparency, as Eisen's job was.As with his other reformer rhetoric, Obama's transparency is mostly smoke and mirrors.A dark Iron curtain is coming down on freedom in America?

  • Bomber freed to die is now being given 'miracle cure' drug: Treatment could add 18 months to his life.According to sources in Tripoli the new treatment is 'going well' although the Libyan is apparently suffering from 'black moods' over the negative way Britain and the West is portraying his case.According to the terms of his release from Scotland, Megrahi is not allowed to leave his family's home in New Damascus suburb of west Tripoli. The house has been converted to include all mod cons, and is under 24 hour guard by the Libyan authorities. Since Megrahi's release, Libya has invested millions in Britain, with UK companies also launching massively lucrative contracts in the North African country.Critics believe Downing Street colluded with the Scots to pave the way by having Megrahi freed.Our very good personal friend

  • Oh, the humanity! Hindenburg omen in stock market.Sometimes technical indicators seem named just to see how much fear they can provoke.Shartsis said the indicator "speaks for itself," noting that when confirmed by a second occurrence within 36 days, "every crash (since 1985) was preceded by such a signal."

  • Man Wakes Up with Head in Polar Bear's Mouth.Friend of the Arctic Explorer Shoots Bear Dead; Man Recovering from Wounds.Sebastian Nilssen, of Norway, says he woke up with his head in the bear's mouth last week."I grabbed for my shotgun and tried to shoot it but the polar bear had snapped the gun in half. It must have been only a minute I was in his jaws, but it felt like forever." As the bear stood up with him in its mouth, a friend shot the bear dead.

  • Mayor’s Stance on Muslim Center Has Deep Roots.Michael R. Bloomberg is a former Wall Street mogul with a passion for the rights of a private property owner. He is a Jew whose parents asked their Christian lawyer to buy a house and then sell it back to them to hide their identity in an unwelcoming Massachusetts suburb. And he is a politician who regards his independence as his greatest virtue.“You are going to allow the Muslims build a trophy building there on HOLY GROUND,” one e-mail read. It concluded: “You need to be impeached.” One writer said she had been prepared to support a potential Bloomberg presidential campaign. “But not now,” she wrote. “This has totally changed my opinion of the mayor.”It's a classic example of feeding the crocodile and hoping not to be eaten by it. 

  • Ashtiani outrage spurs Iran to commute stoning sentences to hanging.Tehran carries out series of judicial reviews but lawyer fears women who have not attracted media attention will be executed.Iran is believed to have frozen all executions until the end of the holy month of Ramadan. At least 12 Iranian women and three men are awaiting execution by stoning.Hmmm end of Ramadan festivities.....hang them all?

  • Pentagon push to phase out top brass causing much consternation.Of all the spending cuts and budget battles the Pentagon is confronting, none is causing more angst than Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates's vow to start getting rid of generals and admirals.By almost any measure, the military is more top-heavy an institution than it has been for decades. Today, there are 40 four-star generals and admirals -- one more than in 1971, during the Vietnam War, even though the number of active-duty troops has shrunk by almost half.

  • "Poison that BP used makes people and dolphins bleed".A Belgian newspaper is carrying the following story: On August 5 Mastler was Donny, a fisherman who also works on boats in the harbor of Dauphin Island."I was there with my friend Albert and we were both exposed," he says, referring to the poison that BP used the oil to break down."We both saw the big white bubbles on the surface, derived from degraded oil.". Because their eyes began to water and they were burning sensation in the throat, Albert pulled back into his truck and went home Mastler. "That made me puke a brownish stuff on and my urine was brown," he says."Later that night I was sweating heavily and I got diarrhea. Something I had never experienced."

  • Republicans reject Obama’s Turkey envoy."He's just the wrong guy for this sensitive post at this time and the hope is that the administration will recognize that he won't be confirmed this year and nominate someone better," said one senior GOP aide close to the issue.To his supporters, Ricciardone is a distinguished 34-year veteran of the Foreign Service who has taken on tough assignments in dangerous places on behalf of both Democratic and Republican administrations. To his critics, Ricciardone's record shows a pattern of being too close to the governments he is interacting with and too tepid on the mission to push values such as democracy and human rights with tyrannical regimes. The tenuous nature of the U.S.-Turkey relationship right now due to Turkey's vote against new sanctions for Iran at the U.N. and Turkey's bold anti-Israel stance in the wake of the Gaza flotilla incident have put a spotlight on the nomination.

  • Iran To Arm Own 'Bladerunner' Boats: Commander. Iran will mass produce replicas of the Bladerunner 51, often described as the world's fastest boat, and equip them with weapons to be deployed in the Gulf, a top commander said Aug. 10."The Bladerunner is a British ship that holds the world speed record. We got a copy (on which) we made some changes so it can launch missiles and torpedoes," said Gen. Ali Fadavi of the Revolutionary Guards' navy."The Revolutionary Guards will be equipped with many" of them within a year, he said at a ceremony marking the delivery of 12 other speed boats equipped with missiles and torpedoes to the Guards.The Bladerunner 51, weighing 16 tons and measuring 45 feet long, is manufactured at the ICE Marine shipyard in Britain and can reach a maximum speed of 65 knots.Here's more on the sale of the Bladerunner.

  • New Evidence of Fraud in 2009 Iranian Election!Seven leading Reformist political figures have filed a lawsuit against several commanders of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps for their intervention in Iran's rigged presidential election of June 12, 2009, and its aftermath.They describe in their lawsuit how the Guard commanders planned the election "victory" of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad long in advance and what they did in order to achieve their goal. The OIRM and IIPF are the two leading Reformist political groups to have been outlawed by the judiciary. All seven plaintiffs were arrested almost immediately after the election. After Stalinist-style show trials, they were all given long jail sentences.

  • Indian Forces Face Broader Revolt in Kashmir.Late Sunday night, after six days on life support with a bullet in his brain, Fida Nabi, a 19-year-old high school student, was unhooked from his ventilator at a hospital here.Mr. Nabi was the 50th person to die in Kashmir’s bloody summer of rage. He had been shot in the head, his family and witnesses said, during a protest against India’s military presence in this disputed province.Indian officials have tried to portray Kashmir’s stone-throwing youths as illiterate pawns of jihadist forces from across the Pakistan border.I think were at the dawn of another Muslim uprising.

  • Defense chief Gates orders review of Marines' role.Acknowledging concerns among current and former Marines that the Corps has evolved into another ground combat force, the Defense secretary aims to define the service's future path.The review would seek to define a 21st century combat mission for the Marines that is distinct from the Army's, because the Marines "do not want to be, nor does America need" another ground combat force, Gates said in prepared remarks for a speech at Marines' Memorial Theatre in San Francisco on Thursday to a group that included retired Marines and foreign policy experts.So Gates takes on the Marines?

  • The Anti-Obama Democrats Democrats in deep-red states who voted against health reform and higher spending may yet survive the midterm.It's 81 days to the election. Expect many of them to be filled with the explanations Democrats are now serving up as to why Nov. 2 is likely to be a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day.

  • Afghan army offensive goes 'disastrously wrong'.An Afghan National Army operation - initially run independently of Nato - in the eastern province of Laghman went "disastrously wrong", officials say.They say that what should have been a routine "mopping up" operation turned into a "major confrontation" after the Taliban launched an ambush.

  • Obama Administration: Employers Should Consider Hiring Criminals and Deadbeats, So As Not to Be Considered Racist.I know: it sounds like something you’d read in a bad GOP version of “The Onion” — but it’s not!

  • CAIR’s War on America!Interview's guest today is Dave Gaubatz, the first U.S. civilian (1811) Federal Agent deployed to Iraq in 2003. He is the owner of DG Counter-terrorism Publishing. He is currently conducting a 50 State Counter-terrorism Research Tour (CTRT). He is the co-author (with Paul Sperry) of Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that's Conspiring to Islamize America.

  • Is Islam's Problem a Lack of Modernity?In response to the Islamic terrorist attacks that murdered 76 people in Uganda, Barack Hussein Obama delivered the usual homily about Islam being a great religion, and Islamic terrorism being the work of a small handful of extremists who reject modernity. And while many people have stood up to take issue with the false claim that only a small minority of Muslims view terrorism as legitimate, fewer have tackled the underlying premise behind this liberal critique of Islam, which claims that it is a lack of modernity that is the problem.

  • The REAL City of God: Student risks his life documenting Mexico's drug war in gritty, blood-soaked blog.A young computer student has become the voice of one of the most violent drug wars in the world.The anonymous twenty-something blogger is risking his own life every day as he defies a culture of fear to post chilling pictures and videos of the ongoing battle between Mexico's drug cartels and law enforcement.Blog del Narco has become an internet sensation - and some of the horror it displays makes the 2002 film City of God, charting the drug war on the streets of Brazil's Rio de Janeiro, look like a Disney film.

  • Femisogynists Shocked To Find That They’re Raising Slutty Daughters.There’s a new nightmare on the block for femisogynist moms. Now that they’re all grown up and settled down with teenage daughters of their own, they’re shocked to find out that the sexual empowerment they’ve been championing for decades has backfired on them. How has it backfired? Well, the femisogynist moms are finding out that sexual empowerment has really turned their daughters into slutty teens.An academic coach to teenage girls, says the heightened sexual activity concerns her. “A blow job is just like shaking hands. It’s ridiculous,” she says.

  • HT:WeaselZippers.Pics of the Day: Babies Refusing to Make Eye Contact With Dear Leader.They can sense the evil in him.

  • Four children dead after rabid vampire bats attack 500 indigenous people in Peruvian jungle.Rabid vampire bats have attacked more than 500 indigenous people in Peru's Amazon.At least four children are believed to have died in an outbreak of the disease, the Health Ministry said today.The attacks occurred in the village of Urakusa, in northeastern Peru, where the Aguajun tribe lives.

  • The Internet: Avenue For Women Jihadi 'Participation'.Analysts of online extremist websites have noticed a recurrent trend of jihadist attempts to engage women in the cyberworld. There also appears to be more women supporters utilising the virtual domain to express their activism.

  • Consumer agency contender Warren visits White House.Harvard University professor Elizabeth Warren, a top contender to head a newly created U.S. consumer financial protection agency, paid a visit to the White House on Thursday, according to an administration official.What's with Obama and his Harvard "Bunch"?One would almost think there's a conspiracy going on?

  • The Gospel according to Twitter: Christian 'tweets' the Bible (that's the word of the Lord in just 140 characters).It is a task of truly Biblical proportions.But dedicated Christian, Chris Juby, has pledged to spread the word of the Lord - tweet by tweet.The 30-year-old plans to publish the entire Bible on social networking website Twitter by condensing one chapter a day into less than 140 characters - the maximum allowed for a single entry."The lord works in mysterious ways?" 

  • Desperate couple had sex on beach in front of EVERYONE!A brazen couple was so overcome with desire, the pair stripped naked and had doggy style sex on the beach in full view of EVERYONE.The couple was marched out into the sea and ordered to “cool off” by police, then the randy pair left the beach. No arrests were made.

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