Saturday, August 14, 2010

MFS - The Other News

                          Morning Posting.

  • Anti-Islam cleric with $60m bounty in Langley. A controversial Christian cleric with a $60-million bounty on his head is in Vancouver. Sources have told The Province that Father Zakaria Botros, a retired Coptic priest from Egypt, arrived at Vancouver International Airport Wednesday afternoon to little public fanfare -- but an RCMP presence. Although he lives in exile in the U.S., Botros is little known in the West. But he is the target of a fatwa and has been named Islam's "public enemy No. 1" by an Arabic newspaper for his fiery critiques of Islam, the Koran and the prophet Muhammad in a television show broadcast weekly on the Arabic-Christian channel al- Hayat or The Life. Despite his confrontational style, Botros told World Magazine in 2008 that "I am not against Muslims, although I am against Islam as a false religion. I don't want to disgrace Muslims, but to expose Islam."Botros's statements and his appeal among some Muslim followers have ignited the anger of jihadists.Al-Qaida has declared him an infidel and put a $60-million price on his head. In comparison, the reward placed on Osama bin Laden's head by the U.S. government is $25 million.

  • Barack Obama — The Sharia Law President — Endorses the 9/11 Mosque.I mean I knew that he certainly wanted to bow before the stealth jihadis in New York City and lend his support to their anti-American obscenity. I just thought that with approval ratings as bottom-of-the-barrel as he’s currently carrying that he might be smart enough to just keep his mouth shut for once.Yeah, I was wrong.Henceforth Barack Obama is to be regarded with this designation: he is The Sharia Law President. This is a president who is more interested in supporting Muslims who endorse totalitarianism than comforting the families of the victims of 9/11.This is a president who lies on behalf of an ideology of sexual slavery.

  • Obama Defends Plan for Mosque Near Ground Zero — 'Friends of Terror' Attend White House Ramadan Dinner.Obama came out for the Islamic supremacist mosque at the hallowed ground of 911 attack. He has, in effect, sided with the Islamic jihadists and told the ummah (at an Iftar dinner on the third night of Ramadan, of course) that he believes in and supports a triumphal mosque on the cherished site of Islamic conquest.If you had any doubt who Obama stood with on 911, there can be no doubt in our minds now.But by now the lid's totally blown off the scam.The administration has turned its back on defending this country from Islamic jihad.

  • ‘Obama Defends Ground Zero Mosque Plans’.Obama has shown his true sentiments now, after weeks of concealing them, on an issue of deep significance to not only the families and loved ones of 3000 slaughtered Americans but of the vast majority of his fellow citizens. He has once again revealed himself to be divorced from the values and concerns of his countrymen. He is entirely – and to many Americans, horridly — a creature of the left with little ability to make moral distinctions. He sympathies for the Muslim World take precedence over those, such as they are, for his fellow citizens. This is nothing short of an abomination.

  • Americans Seething With Anger!History tells us that when the British surrendered at Yorktown, Virginia, to Washington's rag-tag army, the British band played "The World Turned Upside Down." Maybe we ought to gather a band together and stand outside the White House and Congress and play the same tune 24 hours a day to vent our frustrations.I was in my barber's shop earlier this week when someone made the statement that he guessed we were all agreed that America has "one looney President." Agreement was unanimous. It was also agreed that our longtime congressperson would not get our votes this time around. We, every one of us, expressed our intention of voting for a newcomer republican, an Iraq war veteran, who has demonstrated his intestinal fortitude on the battlefield actually leading men in battle as an officer.Now, if we can only find a "Fighting General" to run for President against Obama, or Hillary, in 2012. We are going to need him when we go back to Iraq for the third time.As the Japanese can tell the world, it takes something BIG to wake Americans up. But, by golly, when they awaken, somebody is going to pay -- and pay dearly!

  • Obama’s Ground Zero Mosque.At a White House celebration of Ramadan tonight in the company of representatives of several of the Nation’s most prominent Muslim Brotherhood front organizations, President Obama announced his strong support for one of their most immediate objectives: the construction of a mega-mosque and “cultural center” at Ground Zero. In so doing, he publicly embraced the greatest tar-baby of his presidency.For Barack Obama, the answer is now pretty clear: He stands with shariah,just look who was on the guest list last night!"They don't trust me cause of my middle name"yeah whatevah! 

  • The First Un-American President.I hear you say, he spent twenty years in a Christian church in Chicago. Yes, with a preacher who said of 9/11 that “the chickens had come home to roost”; a preacher who originally was a Black Muslim until he embraced Black Liberation theology.“That includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances. This is America, and our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakeable.”What a pompous hypocrite. He’s been president since January 20, 2009 and has yet to have selected a church to attend in Washington, D.C., like every other president before him has done, but he makes sure to celebrate Ramadan.A lot of Americans voted for him. Those that did not are desperately reading the Constitution to find a way to rid us of this enemy of the people.

  • Seven shot, four dead outside Buffalo restaurant in US.US police say four people have been shot dead and three injured outside a restaurant in Buffalo, New York.The shooting took place outside the City Grill restaurant in the business district in the early hours of Saturday morning, police told the AP agency.

  • Citing Overwhelming Support by Vast Majority of Muslims Living in Foreign Countries, Obama Defends Ground Zero Mosque.Just when you think things couldn't get more preposterous, our beloved President unloads another pile of crack-pottery.The president's statements are utterly, completely false.The imam in question has endorsed the implementation of Sharia law in the United States. By his own admission then, the brand of Islam he wishes to practice is not a religion -- it is a political system.Sharia law is a legal system that completely rejects the Constitution and the American form of government. Thus, there is absolutely no "separation of church and state" issue.He knows he lost the support of the people the mask is of prepare to meet Obama the dictator!

  • American Socialists Release Names of 70 Congressional Democrats in Their Ranks.The Socialist Party of America announced in their October 2009 newsletter that 70 Congressional democrats currently belong to their caucus.

  • Obama Is Wrong!While the project may represent religious tolerance, it also highlights the failure of moderate Muslims to condemn extremists and try to seriously reform Islam.Now you know why he pays the Iman's trip!If anything the only thing he will have accomplished will be more hostility towards Islam!

  • Arizona Sheriff: Border Patrol Forced to Retreat From Parts of Border Because it’s “Too Dangerous,” Upper Management Afraid of “International Incident” if Shooting Breaks out.“Now, I am telling you, the agents, you give them a mission, you tell them what you want them to do, they will go do it,” said Dever. “I mean, these guys for the most part are warriors, they are soldiers.“Then you have middle management and upper management that says: No, it’s too dangerous right there and we’re going to cause an international incident if there’s shooting across the line, back and forth,” said Dever.“Well, I say: Come, bring it on. Let’s cause the international incident,” he said.

  • 'Dual Capacity': The Straw that Broke the Economy's Back.Easy-to-follow instructions: how to kill the economy in four easy steps -- and touch off the Dempression of 2011.

  • Feud in Jerusalem Over Work at Cemetery’s Edge.JERUSALEM — The latest skirmish in the war for every inch of this coveted city focused this week on the dead. Did Israeli government bulldozers, working in the middle of the night, destroy hundreds of historic Muslim graves? Or were the removed tombstones outrageous fakes placed on parkland in a ruse?Mr. Miller, the city spokesman, said municipal authorities had little doubt that the area where the tombstones had been placed had not been a cemetery. On both sides of the disputed area there are, however, acknowledged gravesites.A statement issued Thursday by the city contended that city inspectors found under the newly placed gravestones “plastic bottles, cigarette packs and irrigation piping as well as sewage manholes.”Islam a religion of......?

  • Conservative Bloggers Select The 25 Worst Figures In American History.Out of all the gangsters, serial killers, mass murderers, incompetent & crooked politicians, spies, traitors, and ultra left-wing kooks in all of American history -- have you ever wondered who the worst of the worst was? Well, we here at RWN wondered about that, too, and that's why we decided to email more than a hundred bloggers to get their opinions. Representatives from 43 blogs responded.I'll only say our "beloved leader"Barack "They don't like me cause of my middle name"Obama is among the top 3,click here to know if he's the worst of the bunch.

  • You Know You’ve Made It When You’ve Evoked Obama-wrath.These days, I'm not so sure that it's a BAD thing to be a target of the White House - just take a look at Barack Obama's approval ratings if you're in any doubt.So when it hit the news that the most recent butt of attacks by the President was none other than Americans for Prosperity, all I could think was that I couldn't wait to congratulate them - you couldn't pay for better positive publicity.

  • Deadly Clashes Continue in Kashmir.NEW DELHI — Kashmiris demanding independence from India flooded the streets in protests across Kashmir on Friday, clashing repeatedly with the police and Indian security forces, the authorities said.On Friday, police officers fired on a crowd of protesters in the town of Pattan, and a 58-year-old man died of injuries sustained there. In the separatist stronghold of Sopore, a large crowd gathered after Friday Prayer services and threw stones at a camp occupied by Indian paramilitary troops, who opened fire, killing two people, the police said.Religion the opium or the Crack of the people?

  • The Barack Obama Book Club.Just in time for the president’s annual vacation, Samuel Jacobs presents the definitive list of what Obama’s been reading to date, from Theodore Roosevelt biographies to George Pelecanos novels.

  • Obama to address 'religious freedom' at Ramadan dinner."Religious freedom is something that the president believes in, and I think you'll hear him talk about it tonight," Gibbs said."That's why the President invites Jews during their Shabbat?"

  • U.S. Civil Rights Commission hearing erupts into shouting.Members of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission shouted at each other Friday over the Justice Department's decision to drop most of the charges in a 2008 incident in which black militants confronted voters at a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, polling place, leading to charges of voter intimidation.Conservative commission members accused the Justice Department of "stonewalling" the commission's investigation into the dismissal, and called a Justice Department's response to requests for information "breathtaking and insulting." A liberal commission member, in turn, dismissed those complaints as the "last gasps of a conservative majority of this commission."Hmmm nothing "civil" going on here?

  • NY State Conservative Party Plans Anti-Ground Zero Mosque TV Ad Campaign.New York’s Conservative Party is planning a television ad campaign to pressure a New York City utility to use its power to block a proposed mosque near ground zero.The ad states “patriotic Americans” want “real answers” about the Islamic group planning the cultural center in lower Manhattan in a building partly owned by Consolidated Edison that would include a mosque.Finally some "real"full blooded Americans.

  • Matt Simmons: BP, CIA conspiracy theory suggested behind his unexpected death.Oil industry icon Matt Simmons became a household name during the BP oil spill crisis, partly because of his criticism of BP and their handling the worst oil spill in US history. Simmons, 67, was found dead in his home in Maine on August 8, 2010. The medical examiner’s office is unclear about whether he had drowned in his tub after suffering a heart attack, or died from a heart attack while drowning. Before his unexpected death, Simmons had become a whistle blower against BP and the US government. He used his oil industry and government connections to reveal information about the BP oil spill disaster that he claimed were deliberately hidden from the public. The confusion surrounding the exact cause of his recent death has sparked reports that he was assassinated by either the CIA or BP.

  • Bank repossessions drive up July foreclosures.More Americans fell into foreclosure in July as a sour job market kept them from making payments, and banks took over homes at a near record pace.Banks repossessed the second highest monthly number of homes ever last month, working through distressed loans already on their books rather than sharply stepping up new default notices, real estate data company RealtyTrac said on Thursday.Banks took over 92,858 properties in July, up 9 percent in the month and 6 percent in the year. This was a shade below the peak of 93,777 homes in May, the largest since RealtyTrac began tracking repossessions in April 2005.In 2005, before the housing bust, banks took over just about 100,000 houses, according to the Irvine, California-based company.

  • US mulls relations with Turkey.Republican senators oppose appointment of designated Ankara ambassador alluding to need for debate on dwindling relations with Islamic state. Meanwhile, US administration reevaluates relations with Turkey following its endorsement of Iran in UN.

  • Police: Israeli man arrested in U.S. also suspect in Israel stabbing attack.Elias Abuelazam is believed to have stabbed a close acquaintance in central Israel about six months ago but was not charged after victim refused to cooperate with police.

  • Sovereign citizens — a 21st Century counter culture.Study estimates up to 300,000 Americans defy federal, state laws.They call themselves sovereign citizens, U.S. residents who declare themselves above state and federal laws. Many don’t register children’s births, carry driver’s licenses or recognize the court system. Some peddle schemes that use fictional legal loopholes to eliminate debt and avoid foreclosures.

  • Slavoj Žižek documentary Living in the End Times.As part of VPRO International’s Backlight series, broadcast in March this year, Žižek discusses many of the themes from his new book.

  • The Nazi war criminal hiding behind a white picket fence.Why are German authorities suddenly interested in 89-year-old Samuel Kunz, who had participated in the murder of 434,000 people?

  • Last victim of Treblinka: He survived SEVEN Nazi concentration camps... but the nightmare caught up with him 44 years after starting a new life.At one level, Henry Sperling's suicide was not surprising, and explicable. His devoted wife had died and he had let himself go. He wouldn't look after himself, he drank too much and he wouldn't let anyone help him - not even the two sons who loved him and had reported him missing days before his death.But there was something deeply puzzling about his death, because Sperling, a Polish Jew, was a survivor by nature who had endured unspeakable horrors.As a teenager, he had been an inmate of not just one, but seven Nazi concentration camps - including the horrific extermination complexes of Treblinka and Auschwitz, where two million men, women and children were gassed and incinerated.He lived in hell for years and came alive through the very worst of the Holocaust. Yet, 44 years after his ordeal miraculously ended in liberation and a new life, he could take no more.He had witnessed the extremes of man's inhumanity.For all his efforts to leave the past behind, the memories of slaughter would never release their grip.


  1. American Muslims died in the Trade Centers on 911, American Muslims volunteered to help on 911, American Muslims fought in Iraq and Afghanistan; American Muslims have the right to build a mosque near the Trade Center.
    "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and conveniences, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

  2. Obama's public submission to Islam (Ramadan greeting and endorsement of the Ground Zero Mosque) has me feeling nearly as low as I felt on 9/11.

    What is happening to America?

    How can we turn the tide?

  3. To Sunflowerpipes:
    "The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict."
    Martin Luther King, Jr.

    "He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it."
    Martin Luther King, Jr.


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