Sunday, August 15, 2010

MFS - The Other News

                          Morning Posting.

  • CNN Contributor Erickson Compares Building of Mosque To ‘Human Sacrifice’.Reacting angrily to President Obama’s statement yesterday in support of the Cordoba House community center in lower Manhattan on the basis of religious freedom, blogger and CNN contributor Erick Erickson compared supporting the rights of Muslims to establish mosques in America to supporting “human sacrifice” by the Church of Satan. Erickson went on to suggest that the president’s interpretation of American religious freedom could also extend to support for “jihad".

  • Bomb threat hits Lourdes pilgrims.Thousands of Roman Catholic pilgrims have been evacuated from Lourdes in south-west France after a bomb threat, officials said.The threat came as 30,000 worshippers gathered for the annual Feast of the Assumption, one of the pilgrimage site's busiest days of the year.The deadline for the theatened blasts has passed, but bomb disposal teams are still searching the area.

  • The State Department’s Islamic Supremacist.Rauf also says that "what Muslims want is to ensure that their secular laws are not in conflict with the Quran or the Hadith, the sayings of Muhammad." For Muslims in the U.S., that will inevitably involve bringing Sharia here.Rauf has also called Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams' endorsement of the implementation of Sharia courts in Britain "forward thinking" - and once again in doing so remained silent about Islamic law's institutionalized and divinely sanctioned denial of the freedom of speech, the freedom of conscience, and the equality of rights of all people before the law.Many years have passed, of course, since he said that. But now that he is an official emissary of the U.S. State Department, don't the American people deserve at least some answers as to Rauf's questionable statements and activities? Unfortunately, in increasingly elitist Washington, it is unlikely that the questions themselves will even be acknowledged.

  • White House: Abbas to Agree to Direct Talks.A high-ranking Fatah member, Azam al-Ahmed, travelling with Abbas to Qatar, stated on Saturday that the PA will make an announcement on Sunday or Monday regarding restarting peace negotiations.

  • Republican Leaders Boehner, King Rip Obama For Endorsing Mosque, Gingrich Says He’s “Pandering to Radical Islam”.“There is nothing surprising in the president’s continued pandering to radical Islam,” he said. “What he said last night is untrue and in accurate. The fact is this is not about religious liberty.”Mr. Gingrich said the proposed mosque would be a symbol of Muslim “triumphalism” and that building the mosque near the site of the Sept. 11 attackswould be like putting a Nazi sign next to the Holocaust Museum.”Ever heard of "The enemy within"?

  • Al-Qaida leader says Turkey kills Muslims. Al-Qaida's No. 2 has urged Turks to force their government to stop cooperating with Israel and killing Muslims in Afghanistan.Hmmmm.....i taught they already did this?

  • Palin to Obama: Answer the Question, Should They, or Should They Not Build a Mosque at Ground Zero?Please tell us your position. We all know that they have the right to do it, but should they? And, no, this is not above your pay grade.

  • HT:Vladtepes.Video:Apostates of Islam live in fear… in England.Well, the islamification of England seems to be going ahead of schedule. In this excellent documentary by Channel 4 Dispatches, the same people who brought us Hidden Mosque, we see how Muslims who move to England and decide to exorcise freedom of religion by changing it, are under constant terror from the Islamic community in the UK.

  • Feds: Online 'sextortion' of teens on the rise.The nightmare began with a party: three teenage girls with a webcam, visiting an Internet chatroom and yielding to requests to flash their breasts. A week later, one of the girls, a 17-year-old from Indiana, started getting threatening e-mails.

  • HT:AstuteBloggers.Location of Ground Zero Mosque: This photo needs to go viral NOW!It should be mentioned that part of one of the hijacked planes went through the building in question. That makes it very much a part of Ground Zero.

  • HT:AstuteBloggers.HMMM...: Iran gold imports hit 22 tons in four months.Iran imported over 22 tons of gold ingots worth over $855 million in the first four months of the current calendar year (started March 20, 2010).My import related to this story:Iran to expunge 'dirty' dollar and euro reserves.

  • HT:Pajamas Media.An Iranian Connection to the Cordoba House Ground Zero Mosque?A Cordoba-Iranian connection? What exactly is “Islamicity”?More questions have arisen about the attempt to build a mosque adjacent to Ground Zero, as part of the so-called Cordoba Initiative. In particular, why has the Cordoba website just removed a photograph of Iranian Mohammad Javad Larijani, secretary-general of the High Council for Human Rights in Iran? Is the move an attempted cover-up of their Iranian connections?Two weeks ago the Cordoba Initiative website featured a photograph of the project’s chairman, Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf, and Iranian Mohammad Javad Larijani at an event that the Initiative sponsored in Malaysia in 2008. This week, the photograph, which appears below, has disappeared.

  • Column One: Guide to the Perplexed: Why Pres. Obama wont strike Iran.Are there any circumstances in which US President Barack Obama will order a military strike on Iran’s nuclear installations?Israel’s leaders are reportedly concerning themselves with one question today. Are there any circumstances in which US President Barack Obama will order the US military to strike Iran’s nuclear installations before Iran develops a nuclear arsenal? From Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu down the line, Israel’s leaders reportedly raise this question with just about everyone they come into contact with. If this is true, then the time has come to end our leaders’ suspense.The answer is no.

  • Copts Seek Hate Speech Warrant Against Al-BAzhar Authority.Incitement to kill is a crime under legal and ethical norms.”There is little means of telling. But it is just possible that this attempt to bring suit is an indication that the concept of rights, of equality before the law, of the responsibility to struggle for one’s own rights, are leaking through to the oppressed of the Mohammedan regions. It will be a while before we know. But there may be some small basis for hope.While the silence of the legacy media is to be expected in this matter, the seeming disconnectedness of the rest of the Christian congregation is rather puzzling."He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it."
    Martin Luther King, Jr.

  • Obama Al-taqiyya and dissimulation Logic: Disdained White House Nativity Scene Due to Separation of Church and State, Vocally Markets Islamic Victory Mosque at Ground Zero.If someone figures out the tortured logic of the left, could you please send me an email and let me know?

  • 'Thank God for Gordon': Gaddafi orders Libyans to pray for Brown - to thank him for releasing the Lockerbie bomber.Libya will mark the first anniversary of the release of the Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Al Megrahi by thanking God for Gordon Brown and Kenny MacAskill, the two men who let him go.Colonel Gaddafi, the country’s dictator, has ordered prayers to mark Friday’s anniversary of the decision to free Al Megrahi from a Scottish prison on bribing compassionate grounds.No need to pray for Tony Blair BP and Ghadaffi are taking care of this?

  • Report: Doctors not consulted over sick Lockerbie bomber's release.'I was surprised when I heard he was being released,' doctor tells newspaper.Latif added that he had not spoken to Fraser and was always cautious about making predictions about the amount of time a patient had to live."I don't know how he made the decision of three months," he told The Sunday Times. "I deal with prostate cancer all the time and I'm very reluctant to make any kind of prognosis."Jones refused to comment, the newspaper reported, but it added that, according to Latif, Jones was not consulted either.

  • Turkey excludes Israel envoy from state dinner over Gaza flotilla raid.Ambassador Gabi Levi not invited to annual dinner marking end of Ramadan fast in what AK party official calls a message to Israel over its policies.He added that “anyone who is unjust or inequitable can not pass the threshold of the Justice and Development party’s headquarters.”Then i guess it's high time Israel recognises the Armenian Genocide committed by the Turks?

  • Mary Jo Kilroy race shows why gun-owning voters shouldn't be caught sleeping.Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy, D-Ohio, was listed as a member of a U.S.-based socialist organization," Aaron Klein's WorldNetDaily report begins.The organization?...the Marxist-oriented Democratic Socialists of America, or DSA.For affiliated with the DSA is an entity known as "The Progressive Caucus," 58 [now 83] of the most rabidly left-wing politicians to ever menace the future of the Republic. These are people like David Bonior and Maxine Waters, Charles Rangel, Barney Frank and Henry Waxman. And importantly, one of the things they a contempt for the Second Amendment. Because they know that every tyranny that ever beat its subjects into dehumanized submission had first to disarm them, rendering them subservient and helpless.And to round it of here's a flashback involving"They don't trust me cause of my middle name".

  • Army to use 'Dirty Harry' bullet against the Taliban.British troops are to be issued with a new 'super-bullet' to fight the Taliban as their current ammunition does not have the punch to kill the enemy at long range.The high-performance round will be fired from standard-issue SA80 assault rifles. Nicknamed the 'Dirty Harry round' after the powerful bullets used by Clint Eastwood in the 1971 movie, it is expected to be on the front line in Afghanistan by 2011.

  • Turkey : Gender-segregated classes would ensure girls receive education’.Fierce discussions erupted in Turkey last week after the Ministry of Education’s İzmir office suggested separate classrooms for boys and girls under certain conditions in order to increase the levels of female students in schools.“Stressing the cultural aspects and differences might lead to a backlash. The male dominant politics exploit these cultural differences in order to take away women’s rights. At first look, it might be logical to suggest separate classrooms in order to increase the numbers of girls getting an education, but this is also a sign of conservatism,” Another sign Turkey is drifting towards Radical Islam and Sharia law?

  • More on the Russian heat wave – satellite analysis.It does give a feel for the fact that the Moscow heat wave was just weather.

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