Sunday, August 15, 2010

MFS - The Other News

                         Afternoon Posting.

  • GOP takes harsher stance toward Islam!The harsh Republican response to President Barack Obama's defense of a mosque near Ground Zero marks a dramatic shift in the party's posture toward Islam — from a once-active courtship of Muslim voters to very public tolerance after 9/11 to an openly aired sense of mistrust.Republican leaders have largely abandoned former President George W. Bush's post-9/11 rhetorical embrace of American Muslims and his insistence — always controversial inside the party — that Islam is a religion of peace.Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, though he represents a relatively heavily Muslim state, rebuffed pleas from local Muslim leaders to back off his suggestion that the mosque would "degrade and disrespect" the Trade Center site.
    "Is it just that we can offend Americans and Christians, but not foreigners and Muslims?" he asked.Just like i said on Friday Obama's statement only made things a lot worse!

  • HT:IsraelMatzav.Video:Revolutionary Guard officers turn on the Iranian regime.Worth watching, If only the American President was interested.

  • Islam Means the End of Religious Freedom.At an Iftar dinner in the White House, Barack Hussein Obama proclaimed that he supports the building of the Ground Zero mosque as part of his "unshakable commitment to religious freedom". Which of course sounds very noble and good, until you ask a single question, Where is the religious freedom in the Muslim world?

  • Turkey: patriarch holds historic Mass at monastery.Orthodox Christians held the first Mass in almost 90 years at an ancient monastery on the side of a Turkish mountain Sunday, after the government allowed worship there in a gesture toward religious minorities.The ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government, which is aiming to expand freedoms as part of its bid to join the European Union, has said worship can take place at the monastery once a year. Services were previously banned.I've got news for you "Europe won't fall for a "ONCE A YEAR MASS!"you can keep your so called "Freedom"! Perhaps we should allow Islam to pray once a year?

  • The Fall of Petraeus?The much-admired general heads to Meet the Press today, telling host David Gregory that he has the right to delay Obama's 2011 pull-out target for troops in Afghanistan.Hey Surprise!What did i say a number of days ago in a posting : "You don't keep expanding such a giant airport if you're planning to leave!"

  • HT:TheJawaReport.Blog Sabbath Caption Contest: Ground Zero Imam/Nation Of Islam Edition.Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf (center) poses in a photo with attendees at a 2006 Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow conference in Copenhagen, Denmark,but surprise who else is on the picture?

  • Afghan Clerics: Peace Process Stalled Until Shari'a Implemented!About 350 members of the Council of Ulema, or religious clerics, gathered on August 12 in Kabul and subsequently released a statement in which they appealed to the Afghan government to implement a strict interpretation of Shari'a, or religious, law, including punishments such as death by stoning for adultery and the cutting off of thieves' hands and feet.A draft of the council's resolution was reportedly sent to the office of President Hamid Karzai for his approval.Get our men out of this madness Obama Karzai  will betray them anyway!

  • Foreign troops deaths in Afghanistan pass 2,000!Total foreign military deaths in Afghanistan have passed 2,000 since the war began in late 2001, unofficial tallies showed on Sunday, more than 60 percent of them Americans but still far behind ever-growing civilian casualties.Since Reuters doesn't mention (God knows why?)the Canadian casualities i've checked them myself till 20Th of July 151 brave Canadian soldiers have fallen!

  • France Becomes Africa, Part 3!From his post, you can guess that Alibekov has had his fair share of “racism” and “Islamophobia” indictments thrown at him. Whenever this occurs, he reaches for a small black box in his right pocket, and lays it on the table in front of him. It’s his own tactical nuclear weapon. He presses the big red button, and…— My wife is a black Muslim African.If his adversary still moves, or mumbles, he reaches for his left pocket, and out comes another small black box. He presses the big red button, and…— I’m a Muslim myself.— Whaaat?…Now, I’m sure this is banned by the Geneva convention. Then again, everybody has the right to argue his case.“I’m a cultural Christian, although I don’t go to church”, Alibekov explained me. “But my in-laws blackmailed me into converting to Islam, otherwise they would keep harassing my wife”.So he just decided to go through the motions. He does not believe a word of what he said, and his African family does not care: as long as he said the words, he’s a Muslim to them.

  • Muslim Cleric Calls for Jihad, Coptic Christians Attacked in Egypt.On August 13 Sheikh Tobah, Imam of the village of Shimi 170 KM south of Giza, called during Muslim Friday prayers for Jihad against Christians living there. As a result the Christian Copts living in the village were assaulted over two consecutive days. Eleven Copts were hospitalized and many Coptic youths were arrested.Islam a religion of peace?It's more like Islam at war with peace?

  • Once More Democrats Try To Kill Off The Military Vote!Harlingen, Texas: Stuffing ballot boxes, faking election results, sending in illegal ballots, having ineligible people vote, threats of harm to potential voters...All of these things have taken place during American elections.Today we have millions of people who will be voting for the first time. There are millions more who became of voting age after the year 2000.Most of them have no knowledge of how the Democrat Party tried to capture the presidential vote in Florida by denying American military personnel their right to cast a ballot in that election.

  • Top Ten Questions the Media Will Never Ask Barack Obama.Assuming President Obama holds another press conference sometime before the end of his first and only term, it is possible that members of the press corps (that’s pronounced “core” Mr. President) – having carefully gauged the darkening mood of the electorate—might pull themselves up to their full height and escalate their tone from “fawning” to “fawning with a soupcon of petulance.” Nobody much is holding his breath however since any sign of life from this group seems about as likely as Robert Gibbs delivering two coherent answers back to back to back.

  • HT:AmericanThinker.Eliminating 25 million Americans.That was the plan of the Weather Underground after taking power. The same Weather Underground headed by Barack Obama's friends William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, the people in whose house he launched his political career, and with whom he has worked and spoken on the subject of educational reform.I asked, "well what is going to happen to those people we can't reeducate, that are diehard capitalists?" and the reply was that they'd have to be eliminated.And when I pursued this further, they estimated they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these reeducation centers.And when I say "eliminate," I mean "kill."Twenty-five million people.I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people, most of which have graduate degrees, from Columbia and other well-known educational centers, and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people.And they were dead serious.

  • Walking my way back on mosque, babe.Walking my way back on mosque, babe!
          With a spanking of my hide
          Yeah, I’m walking my way back on mosque, babe
          With a popularity that died
          I let it get away,
          Pray five times a day.
  • Un-Reset Russia Enables Iran to ‘Go Nuclear’.News that Vladimir Putin’s regime will proceed to fueling Iran’s Bushehr nuclear reactor on August 21st is the strategic equivalent of a high-Richter-scale tectonic shift. It is likely to trigger the most far-reaching shockwaves with incalculable repercussions.Russia has also been intensifying its own nuclear weapons activities in ways completely at odds with Obama’s denuclearization agenda – and compounding the folly of his New START Treaty. For example, the Kremlin is comprehensively modernizing its nuclear arsenal and delivery systems, sending its strategic bombers to probe US/Canadian air defenses and conducting exercises involving the simulated use of tactical nuclear weapons.Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen has said publicly that we have the contingency plans in place that may allow us to prevent such a nightmare by attacking Iran. Sadly, but unmistakably, it is time to execute them.

  • Followup on the previous posting yesterday - How Obama is locking up our land !Have you heard of the “Great Outdoors Initiative”? Chances are, you haven’t. But across the country, White House officials have been meeting quietly with environmental groups to map out government plans for acquiring untold millions of acres of both public and private land. It’s another stealthy power grab through executive order that promises to radically transform the American way of life.Didden't Stalin do something similar?

  • HT:AmericanThinker.Obama Is Colluding with a New Fascist Imperialism.Islamofascists constantly threaten genocide against the Jews, as in the daily fulminations of that little Twelver freak Ahmadinejad -- but also in the words just reported by our good friend the Saudi King of the Arabian desert: "There are two nations that do not deserve to live: Israel and Iran."This is the 7th-century king of the camel-raiders that the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, publicly bowed down to -- in a universal gesture of submission that was instantly understood throughout the Muslim world.That's why the Norwegian politicians keep handing out that the Nobel Appeasement Prize. It's why Obama got it just for getting elected. The Left and the Islamic fascists figured out who Obama was long before the people of America were told. After all, he's one of them.

  • Jobless millions signal death of the American dream for many!Even the criminals have fallen on hard times in America's poorest city as the long-term unemployed struggle to keep a grasp on normality.Case study: 'This is my last $260 and barring a miracle I'll be sleeping in my car'.

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