Monday, August 16, 2010

MFS - The Other News

                          Morning Posting.

  • Gadaffi's son to throw party to celebrate release of Al Megrahi one year ago.The son of Libyan dictator Colonel Gadaffi is to celebrate the first anniversary of the Lockerbie bomber's release by giving a party for him. Saif Gadaffi, whose friends include Tony Blair and Lord Mandelson, will attend the revelry for Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi in his two-storey house in Tripoli.He will foot the bill for food and drink, following a day's fasting during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.

  • Colombia plane crashes after lightning strike.A Colombian plane has crashed after being struck by lightning, killing at least one person and injuring 114, officials say.The Boeing 737, carrying 131 passengers, had been attempting to land at an airport on the island of San Andres in the Caribbean Sea.The passenger jet, which was being operated by local airline Aires, crashed short of the runway. It had left the Colombian capital of Bogota about midnight.Pic.

  • Islam in Two Americas.There’s an America where it doesn’t matter what language you speak, what god you worship, or how deep your New World roots run. An America where allegiance to the Constitution trumps ethnic differences, language barriers and religious divides. An America where the newest arrival to our shores is no less American than the ever-so-great granddaughter of the Pilgrims.But there’s another America as well, one that understands itself as a distinctive culture, rather than just a set of political propositions. This America speaks English, not Spanish or Chinese or Arabic. It looks back to a particular religious heritage: Protestantism originally, and then a Judeo-Christian consensus that accommodated Jews and Catholics as well. It draws its social norms from the mores of the Anglo-Saxon diasporaand it expects new arrivals to assimilate themselves to these norms, and quickly.

  • IHH lauds new Hamas terror group.Turkish group made congratulatory video in honor of Al-Ahrar.In another sign of the ties between the Turkish organization IHH and Hamas, a representative of the group that organized the aid flotilla blocked by the Israel Navy on May 31 made a congratulatory video address at a recent ceremony marking the establishment of a new terrorist group in the Gaza Strip.The ceremony was held in mid-July in Gaza and marked the establishment of a military wing by the Palestinian movement Al-Ahrar – The Free – which broke off from Fatah following Hamas’s takeover of the Gaza Strip in June 2007.The new military wing’s name is Al-Ansar Battalions.

  • President goes for a swim in the Gulf – or does he?The official picture was intended to provide evidence that the region's beaches are back to normal. Yet it soon emerged that the private beach on which it was taken, off Alligator Point in St Andrew Bay, north-west Florida, isn't technically in the gulf. Transparancy?

  • Taliban kill couple in public stoning.A man and woman have been stoned to death in northern Afghanistan after being accused by the Taliban of having an affair.The 23-year-old woman and 28-year-old man were killed because "they had an affair," said Mohammad Ayob, the governor of Imam Sahib district in Kunduz province."Two people were stoned to death by Taliban in Mullah Quli village late yesterday," he said. The village is under the control of the Taliban.My take on this:Let me be clear. Our troops are supporting a government(Karzai)who's considering to reinstate this kind of law!

  • One Readers Response to Obama's Support of Terrorists.Dear Mr. GrandioseBama:Let me make *this* clear:I understand you have welcomed and encouraged an Islamic Mosque to be built near Ground Zero in New York. Imagine this: Pretend you were born a few years earlier. Pretend you loved Sasha and Malia just as much then as you do now. Imagine you send them to college - pretend they both excel in the world of finance, graduate college with high honors, and take jobs in New York.Say, for example, with the Bank of America located within the Twin Towers. Imagine you get a phone call on a nice Tuesday September morning while you're laying back on vacation *again* somewhere sipping your coffee, from Sasha crying and screaming in terror, pleading "Daddy, please help us - there's smoke everywhere....people are screaming....I can't see.....Daddy, I can't breathe.....I can't find Malia......"

  • Allah In The Family–5 Ways Sharia is Impacting America Right Now.Omar M. Ahmad, founder of CAIR said,Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant.The imam of the Ground Zero mosque has said much the same. Their idea is that U.S. must submit to Sharia Law. For example, that means U.S. laws against the rape of children would mean nothing because Sharia allows men to marry girls as young as nine.

  • HT:CreepingSharia.Why is the Ground Zero mosque removing web pages, and changing its name?So where right now is Rauf? Still in Malaysia? Sipping tea with who-knows-whom in the Middle East? Jetting between Southeast Asia and the Gulf at U.S. taxpayer expense?So ....Haven’t you heard the Mosque is going “Green” my guess that it is something like going “Light” like a light Pepsi or a light majonaise .In the end it will be just as deadly!

  • This is Who Obama Stands With: 5 Sickening Videos of Islamic Anti-Semitism.This is the political religion that President Barack Obama has chosen to lie about and support. And they’re not just words on a page. They have penetrated the minds of millions across the planet. Sometimes it takes seeing it with your own eyes. And so I present five videos of Islamic anti-Semitism to bring to life what it is our civilization is up against right now.Remember: what they’re saying about Jews they’re saying about all non-Muslims. The Jew is merely first in line for the chopping block.

  • NewsReal Sunday: Loyola Professor Analyzes Obama’s Shrewd Use of Scriptures.The Bible says that the scriptures are like a weapon. That weapon is a sword that opens us up, so that we might change. But in the hands of President Obama, the Bible is a weapon to be used for cherry picking verses whenever convenient, so that you can defeat political opponents. Some people think such an outlook on the sacred texts is enlightening, I think it is simply disingenuous and dangerous.

  • An Open Letter to Michael Kinnamon and the National Council of Churches Regarding the Ground Zero Mosque.The government of Saudi Arabia would not allow such a building to be built – or any house of worship with a Christian cross on its steeple. Facts such as that one melt your optimistic appraisal of Islamic tolerance under the harsh lamp of reality.

  • Harvard University Divests All Of Its Investments in Israeli Companies; Invests Heaviest in China's Polluters That Use Child Slave Labor.In another blow to Israeli shares, the Harvard Management Company notified the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on Friday that it had sold all its holdings in Israeli companies during the second quarter of 2010. No reason for the sale was mentioned. The Harvard Management Company manages Harvard University's endowment.Updated:Not Only Did Harvard Dump Its Israel ETF, It Opened A New Position In A Turkish ETF.

  • The philosophy of America via John Wayne.Recently while watching a John Wayne marathon on cable television over the weekend there something that just struck a cord. Something simple that has been lost over the years.It's just so basic. What has been lost is both the pride in having a job and the sense of entitlement over Government aid.

  • Republicans attack Obama over Muslim center comments.Republicans attacked President Barack Obama on Sunday for his comments on a controversial plan to build a Muslim cultural center in New York, saying he was "disconnected" from the nation in an election year."If the President was going to get into this, he should have been much more clear, much more precise and he can't be changing his decision from day to day on an issue which does go to our Constitution ..."

  • Germany's top girl-band singer facing jail as she admits having sex with men without telling them she had HIV.Germany's top girl-band singer apologised to a court today for having sex with men without telling them she carried the virus that causes Aids.Nadja Benaissa, 28, told justices at the District Court of Darmstadt, 'I am sorry with all my heart.'She said she was 'careless during those days' and admitted she did not tell her sex partners about her condition.

  • Leading Senate Republican John Cornyn: You Bet We’re Going to Make the Ground Zero Mosque a Midterm Campaign Issue.Obama blundered big time and lobbed a softball, time for the GOP to knock it out of the park.“It’s probably the dumbest thing that any president has said, or candidate has said since Michael DuKakis said it was OK to burn the flag,” Rollins said. “It was very similar.Obama has no knowledge of the American people,he has no idea what this giant can do once awakened!

  • Administration's Muddled Response on Mosque Creates New Election Year Debate.President Obama's seemingly conflicting responses over the construction of a mosque near Ground Zero demonstrate another example of the tone-deaf nature of the White House, politicians on both sides of the aisle are suggesting as the remark raises the prospect of another sticky election issue for lawmakers this November.

  • Why Stop at a Muslim Gay Bar, Greg Gutfeld? 4 More Things to Consider Building Next to the Ground Zero Victory Mosque.Greg Gutfeld created quite a stir when he suggested building a bar catered to gay Muslim men next to the proposed Cordoba House (read: 9/11 victory mosque). But why? The simple answer seems to be that criticizing Islam in the first place is incredibly taboo. But more paradoxically, criticizing Islam in a way that legitimately shows its intolerance and barbarous abuse of human rights around the world, is even more off-limits. In rejection of this mentality, here are 4 more operations we might want to consider building next to the Ground Zero mosque, for the sake of making Islamism a more tolerant, humanistic enterprise.

  • What Obama Got Wrong About the Mosque.After weeks of dodging the issue, at a White House Ramadan dinner Friday night, President Obama came out in support of Park51, the planned Muslim community center and mosque two blocks away from the World Trade Center site.The President says he wasn't endorsing the ground zero mosque—only defending the right to build it. Sam Harris on his failure to acknowledge that Islam is different than other faiths.My take on this is:"by speaking out there is now the possibility that the mosque moves from that location.As we speak their website is going true a "Under construction" crisis.So if they move, does this mean everything is all right?No it's not ,but they will have taken the ammunition away from those who oppose the Mosque and opened the floodgates to Islam!

  • HT:JIDF.During Ramadan Celebrations, Obama Supports Ground Zero Mosque (as do the "protesters"...just not at Ground Zero).Before you claim that we are bigots who are against all Musilms, please note, we are talking about the ideology, not those who may or may not representative of it. The ideology itself is clearly one of hatred and violence, which is declaring war against the entire non-Islamic world. If you take the time to study Islam, you will see that it is determined to dominate the world, just as Nazism was.

  • Obamination: Iftar al-Taqiyya.I was disgusted but not surprised by what I heard on the news broadcast about President Obama's remarks at the White House Iftar. I went in search of a transcript but did not find it at the White House web site. It turned up at a propaganda site for foreign consumption: My intention is to refute the treason lie by lie. I will put the lies in block quote format interspersed with my comments at full margin.

  • Crisis! New York style vs the real thing.Our obsession with pesticide "risks" has very different consequences for America and Africa."Don't let the bedbugs bite" is no longer a fashionable good-night wish for Big Apple kids, even in the city's high-rent districts and posh hotels. Growing infestations of the ravenous bloodsuckers have New Yorkers annoyed, anguished, angry about officialdom's inadequate responses, and "itching" for answers.Related :NY Lawmakers To Introduce Bedbug Insurance Legislation.

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