Monday, August 16, 2010

MFS - The Other News

                         Afternoon Posting.

  • Harvard divests from Israel.Harvard used to have quotas so it can creatively limit the number of Jews going to the school.Guess all those grants from Islamic oil money paid off. Middle Eastern Studies departments are epicenters of Jew Hate. Jewish students are physically threatened and intimidated. Harvard refuses to publish images of Mohammad, and Jews looking for religious accommodating dorms are ostracized by the media while their Muslim counterparts are given their needs.

  • Hamas nod for Ground Zero mosque.Terror group's leader: 'Have to build it'.Tom Brown, a chief opponent of the mosque, said: "This is what we've been saying . . . Imam Rauf is radical Muslim who will not call Hamas a terror group." A retired firefighter who was a first responder on 9/11, Brown lost 100 of his FDNY friends at the Twin Towers. "How much evidence do we need that this guy is a radical Muslim?" he asked.

  • Interesting fact!Do bedbugs prefere Democrats?Bedbug City: 1 in 10 New Yorkers Has Grappled with Bedbugs in their Home.But money makes a difference: Twice as many people who made less than $50,000 a year had bedbugs, compared with those with higher incomes. Only 2% of Republicans had bedbugs, while 12% of Democrats did.

  • HT:BlazingCatFur.Mass Hysteria at Toronto Star!Fed up with boatloads of refugees? You're suffering from Mass Hysteria say Star "Experts"."This level of backlash and mass hysteria is unexpected but not unprecedented, say experts."The Star's "experts" are a crackpot Ryerson hack named Myer Siemiatycki who advocates the vote for non citizens ,Walid Khugali of Jew Baiter Central - The Canadian Arab Federation and Hadayt Nazami an alleged lawyer who has represented George Galloway and a deported Tamil Tiger supporter.

  • Offensive to Christians, Jesus series broadcast on Shia networks for Ramadan is cancelled.Shia-controlled Al-Manar and NBN networks pull Iranian series based on an apocryphal story about Jesus in which Judas dies in his place. The golden rule of dialogue triumphs over misunderstandings. The controversy is likened to the Muhammad caricature.

  • ''Viva Palestina' Gaza flotilla to sail'.Anti-Israel activist Galloway says 3 ships to leave Sept. 18.

  • Afghan Leader to Ban Security Contractors.President Karzai's Spokesman says All Private Security Firms Will Have 4 Months to Disband Completely.Karzai has said such responsibilities should fall to either enlisted military or police, though its unclear how soon Afghan forces would be ready to take Bribes on additional jobs.

  • HT:WeaselZippers.It’s Come to This: Florida Teachers Unsure of They can say “God Bless You” After Student Sneezes”."Gesundheit !"

  • John Bolton: Russia's Loading of Nuke Fuel Into Iran Plant Means Aug. 21 Deadline for Israeli Attack.News that Russia will load nuclear fuel rods into an Iranian reactor has touched off a countdown to a point of no return, a deadline by which Israel would have to launch an attack on Iran's Bushehr reactor before it becomes effectively "immune" to any assault, says former Bush administration U.N. Ambassador John R. Bolton.

  • Iranian President Signs Bill Calling For More Uranium Enrichment.Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad today signed a bill calling for continued uranium enrichment and limiting any cooperation with the UN's nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, beyond what is required under the Nonproliferation Treaty.

  • BP spill health effects need to be tracked: experts.Doctors in the Gulf Coast region need to be alert to both the short and long-term health effects of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, U.S. health experts said on Monday.

  • Actually, Mr. President, that’s not what the Constitution says about the Ground Zero mosque. “I was commenting very specifically on the right people have that dates back to our founding.”Actually the president is wrong.

  • The Koran and the Psychopathology of the Prophet (Part II).Two years ago in this space Sergei Bourachaga began his study of the psychopathy of Mohammed, as revealed by the Koran and the Sunna. Circumstances delayed the production of Part 2, but, as you will see, it has been well worth the wait.

  • Medical report that led to Lockerbie bomber's release ignored standard treatment which lengthens life.Doctors who predicted the Lockerbie bomber had just three months to live before he was released ignored the standard treatment for the disease, it emerged today.The report made no mention of Taxotere, a standard chemotherapy drug that can lengthen sufferers' lives, according to the Times.

  • Pakistan floods: On the brink of a 'second wave of death' (photos).The United Nations reported that up to 3.5 million children are at risk of water-borne diseases in the third week of the great Pakistan floods, which UN chief Ban Ki-moon described as the worst humanitarian disaster he’s ever witnessed.More pictures here.

  • This one almost got away!How Many "Top Priority" Issues Does Obama Have?The dictionary defines "top" as a singular entity: "the part of anything that is first or foremost."Usually it's kids that can't make up their minds...sometimes it's adults.

  • Hamas leader Zahar: Muslims must build mosque near Ground Zero.Hamas leader in Gaza says Muslims have to build everywhere so that their followers can pray, as do Jews and Christians.Yeah it's full of Churches and Synagogues in Saudi Arabia.

  • Iranian footballer sacked for failing to observe holy month of Ramadan.As much focus is given to the dietary requirements of a modern day elite athlete as is to the actual skill level.So the holy month of Ramadan, with its compulsion to fast from dawn until dusk, can wreak havoc with the training programme of Muslim sportsmen and woman.In England, certainly, coaches would endeavor to bypass the rules to ensure optimum output from their athletes.Elsewhere, the very thought of breaking with tradition is met with severe punishment.So it was on Sunday that an Iranian football team sacked their star midfielder Ali Karimi for failing to fast.

  • History revisited as 20 Shire horses haul 16-ton Titanic anchor through Midlands just as their forebears did 99 years ago.The £50,000 anchor is an exact copy of the one used on the ill-fated ship in 1911 and was towed from Dudley to Netherton, yesterday.The original anchor was cast by Hingley’s of Netherton and was hauled to the old Dudley train station by shire horses in 1911.The cost of producing the anchor was £50,000 and it will placed on a temporary plinth before being installed in the Black Country Living Museum while a permanent base is located for it .

  • Between a rock and a very wet place: Man confronts Mother Nature as giant waves batter Australia's Bondi Beach.We've all splashed water over our face in a bid to wake up in the morning. But one Australian man has taken it to the extreme.Standing perilously close to the edge of a rock face, the fearless individual stood head-on with Mother Nature as she threw giant whitewater waves at North Bondi Beach in Sydney yesterday.

  • Anglers left reeling after death of country's largest fish, Two Tone, the 4st12lb carp.The angling world is reeling today over the death of Britain's biggest freshwater fish.The legendary monster carp, nicknamed Two Tone who weighed almost 68lbs, was found by a fisherman floating on the surface of his lake.The famous fish was believed to have been 45-years-old and died from old age.'People have spent their lives on that lake trying to catch him and he has probably broken up one or two marriages.'

  • You look pretty as a picture: Body Paint Festival draws those who believe 'skin is just a canvas'.Some artists like to get under the skin of their subjects but others - like the ones that created these stunning pieces of body art - prefer to use it to create the art itself.The models in these pictures braved an unkind day of wind and rain to bare all and become works of art.They were taking part in the fourth annual UK Body Paint Festival outside Ashford in Kent.

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