Tuesday, August 17, 2010

MFS - The Other News

                          Morning Posting.

  • America’s Untapped Resource.Former head of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Yasser Arafat was caught on more than one occasion speaking peacefully in English while preaching hate in Arabic. As a former member of the PLO, Walid Shoebat insists that such tactics are part of the overall strategy to deceive the west. In Islam, says Shoebat, the standard is to use Muruna (stealth, flexibility), Taqiyya (Guarding the faith), and Kitman (Concealing the true intent); in plain English—lying.Example Rauf’s book has two different titles, one for non-Muslims and one for Muslims,in Arab his book is "A Call To Prayer From the World Trade Center Rubble: Islamic Dawa in the Heart of America Post-9/11." see earlier posting.

  • Two UN Peacekeepers Abducted in Darfur.According to the U.N. peace-keeping mission in Darfur, armed men seized two Jordanian police advisers on Saturday morning.

  • PA Libel: Israel and the US poisoned Yasser Arafat.The Palestinian Authority continues to spread the libel that Israel poisoned Yasser Arafat -- with the approval and help of the United States.

  • A stronger gov't will be formed following elections of 2011, Erdoğan says.Read radical Islamic goverment?

  • Ground Zero Mosque Madness: NYC Mayor Bloomberg’s Bloomberg LLC expanding its financial center to a regional hub in Dubai.New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, is currently on record excoriating opponents to the construction of the Islamic Cordoba Center mosque scheduled to begin construction on September 11, 2011 in Lower Manhattan.But do you know why?

  • Suicide attack kills Iraqi army recruits in Baghdad.At least 51 people have been killed in a suicide attack on an army recruitment centre in Baghdad, officials say.More than 100 were reported to have been injured in the bombing, in the centre of the Iraqi capital.How can this be Obama said "Iraq is a succes"?

  • Ronald Reagan the Prophet: “Those Voices Don’t Speak for the Rest of Us”.The greatest President in my lifetime. He was called “The Great Communicator” because what he said was powerful, brilliant and true.

  • Exclusive: BP Oil Spill Coverup.While officials claim most of the oil from America's worst-ever spill has disappeared, fishermen hired by BP are still finding tar balls—and being instructed to hide their discoveries.

  • Catholic Church in Malaysia grows, despite Islamic pressure. In the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu, Catholics are nearly 10% of the population. Many churches increase the number of Masses to cope with the influx of the faithful. Islam is spreading at a faster speed, especially due to social pressure: non-Muslims are considered inferior.

  • 3 Reasons Israel will attack Iran!A long article out this week in The Atlantic argues there's a good chance Israel will attack Iran over its nuclear program next summer. While there are strong grounds for doubt, here are some reasons author Jeffrey Goldberg could be right.

  • If Israel Attacks Iran, What About China?The Atlantic Monthly has a must read cover story on the possibility that Israel may attack Iran within the next year, called “The Point of No Return.”.

  • Michelle Obama: Leftists, Lies and Videotape!This video from May 18, 2008 proves that not much has changed with the political elites in seven centuries. Before heading to Martha’s Vineyard on August 19th for their weekly getaway maybe the Obamas can listen to what mama said two long years ago.

  • Tom Fitton: Why is Washington ignoring its biggest corruption scandal?Too few in Washington have been digging into the scandals behind the collapse of the “government-sponsored entities” (GSE's) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and their role in helping trigger the global financial crisis.You and I are paying the tab for the collapse of Fannie and Freddie, but we are not allowed to ask any questions about why it happened. The Obama administration is saying, in effect, "None of your business." This whole scandal blows out of the water any notion that Obama is keeping his promises of transparency.

  • Video:Rush: Obama is Our First Anti-American President.Rush Limbaugh makes a provocative point in a way only he can.You can't find a Wall mart in New York.

  • GOP seeks political gain from ground zero Islamic center issue.By wading into the ground zero mosque issue, President Barack Obama provided Republicans with an emotion-ridden attack vehicle while diverting attention from campaign themes of fellow Democrats.In my opinion this is what a real President would have said"As a citizen and the President of The United States ,i believe that Muslims should give other religions the opportunity to practice freely their religion in Muslim Countries.Now this is what a true President and a real man would say and that would be worth a Nobel price."

  • MEMRI: Heading Towards a Taliban Takeover of Afghanistan.As U.S. troops begin to withdraw from Afghanistan in July 2011, an emerging fragile Afghan state under Hamid Karzai appears to be headed for a likely takeover by the Taliban.

  • Iranian Becomes IDF Soldier.Nightmares about being shot by Revolutionary Guards no longer haunt him, but he still misses his mother's cooking. This is the amazing story of a young Jew who instead of joining Iranian army became outstanding IDF soldier who took part in Operation Cast Lead.

  • A Boy Named Sue: Obama’s Radical Civil Rights Enforcer Promotes Utopia through Lawsuits.Barack Obama’s Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division Thomas Perez can’t wait to get up in the morning and sue Americans and American institutions for being unequal. Not unfair, mind you, but unequal.Your Creator might have given you equal rights, but Perez is going to create equal outcomes at the behest of his political Messiah, Barack Obama.PEREZ: “I love this job. We have a very broad, a very ambitious vision. It’s a very exciting vision, and I wake up every morning with a hop in my step.”

  • US officials visit man jailed in North Korea.A US consular official and two doctors have visited an American man serving eight years' hard labour in North Korea, Washington said.Aijalon Mahli Gomes, 30, was sentenced in April after being found guilty of illegally entering the country.He had been teaching English in South Korea, and reportedly crossed the border from China in January.

  • HT:EmergingCorruption.Facts Obama Doesn’t Want You to Connect.What really happened during the 2008 elections? Recent information regarding the primary caucuses paints the picture of a campaign that would stop at nothing to win. A campaign that was willing to strong arm candidates and volunteers in order to meet its goal. The documentary We Will Not Be Silenced delves into the Obama 2008 Campaign.Every true blooded American should read this story!

  • Ohio's Boehner sends letter to Obama White House: Show us your costly business rules, regulations.John A Boehner (OH-8), who would become only the second speaker of the U.S. House from Ohio if the mid-term elections in November return as many Republicans to the people's chamber as many polls and pollsters think could happen if Democrats can't overcome the headwinds of political misfortune that threatens their longevity, wants President Obama to disclose scores of planned rule makings that he says could visit in excess of $1 billion on private sector job creators.

  • Hindenburgh Omen? China starts moving $2.45 Trillion in US Dollar Debt into Euros and Yen.China favours euros over greenback as Bernanke shifts course.

  • Report--Obama demands access to Internet records without court review.'Big Brother is watching you.' Yet another move toward a totalitarian government has secretly occurred that bears ominous signals for personal freedom.Barack Obama is demanding access to the Internet records of average citizens, in secret, and without court review."The Obama administration is seeking authority from Congress that would compel internet service providers (ISPs) to turn over records of an individual's internet activity for use in secretive Gestapo FBI probes.

  • Elizabeth Warren: The Music Video.A group called the Main Street Brigade has released a Western-themed rap video calling for Elizabeth Warren to be nominated as the first director of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. If nothing else, the video shows how Warren, a Harvard law professor and long-time advocate for a consumer agency, has gained cult status among some activists as the White House decides whether to nominate her.Yeah it really sounds great even looks great the clip so why do i feel so suspicious?Perhaps because she's again one of the "Harvard bunch"that Obama is surrounding himself with?

  • Meat prices set to jump after wheat crop failures.Fresh from the swine flu epidemic that hit pigs across the globe last year, meat prices are facing a new contagion: the fear that rising wheat prices will make animals more expensive to rear.

  • The Sun Also Surprises.DESPITE warnings that New Orleans was unprepared for a severe hit by a hurricane, America was blindsided by Hurricane Katrina, a once-in-a-lifetime storm that made landfall five years ago this month. We are similarly unready for another potential natural disaster: solar storms, bursts of gas on the sun’s surface that release tremendous energy pulses.

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