Thursday, August 19, 2010

MFS - The Other News

                         Afternoon Posting.

  • Dear American Taxpayer, You Are Paying for the Ground Zero Mosque.Chances are you’re not in the 20% of Americans who support the blasphemous Ground Zero mega-mosque.But guess what? You are currently paying for the Imam who wants to build it to visit Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain and Qatar to raise money for it.

  • Russell Simmons on CNN: Christians Bombed the WTC in 1993?Russell Simmons, founder of the hip-hop label Def Jam, bizarrely and inaccurately claimed during an interview on Wednesday's Larry King Live on CNN that perpetrators behind the first World Trade Center attack in 1993 were Christians: "If you're blaming Muslims for the attack on 9/11, then you need to change your mind. We didn't- did we blame Christians at the first World Trade attack?In 1946 it was"Wir haben das nicht gewissen".

  • HT:Amnon & Jonathan."This Is God. Obama We Need to Talk" !You know those billboards that read some variation of, "This Is God. We Need to Talk"? Well, a conversation between Obama and God would need much more space than a billboard, but here's a start.

  • HT:WeaselZippers.Florida Authorities Forbid Church From Burning the Koran on 9/11 Anniversary.If the church burns the Qur’ans it will suffer a financial penalty. This is due to the municipal law in Gainesville, which prohibits the burning of books in public.But don’t worry, burning the American flag is still A-OK.

  • Major Protest This Sunday Morning at Ground Zero Mosque Site.The Coalition to Honor Ground Zero released a statement announcing a major protest in Lower Manhattan this Sunday, August 22:Join construction workers, firefighters, veterans, 9/11 families and first responders, human rights leaders, and residents of the Ground Zero neighborhood will unite for a major protest at the Ground Zero mosque site.

  • HT:JoshuaPundit.A Mosque At Ground Zero!"The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers." - Turkey's Islamist Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan.Yup sounds like "the religion of peace" to me.

  • Report: Saudi judge considers paralysis punishment.A Saudi judge has asked several hospitals in the country whether they could damage a man's spinal cord as punishment after he was convicted of attacking another man with a cleaver and paralyzing him, local newspapers reported on Thursday.

  • Organizers: All-woman Lebanese aid ship to set sail for Gaza Sunday.Women instructed to carry blood type info in case 'they need blood transfusions in the event of being attacked by Israeli forces.'

  • The Ground Zero Mosque: Evidence of Religious Arrogance and Narcissism or Just Plain Old Anti-American Leftism?President Obama’s affirmation of the Ground Zero mosque as a First Amendment religious liberty issue misses the point while selling the American people short.

  • Update:Cyprus bans Gaza-bound ship from its waters.Organizers of Lebanese ship carrying female activists say it will set sail Sunday despite warning.The Cypriot ambassador to Lebanon told The Associated Press that the boat, the Miriam, will be turned back when it reaches Cyprus.We decided that such a ship will not be allowed to enter Cyprus and if such a Gaza-bound ship docks in a Cypriot port the crew and the passengers will be deported to their country of origin," Kyriacos Kouros said.

  • Moderate Like His Dad’s Mosque?In October 2001, the mosque’s imam, Sheik Muhammad Gemeaha, blamed the 9/11 attacks on Jews.

  • Report: Gaza-bound aid ship departs Algeria.Algerian-sponsored aid ship sets sail for Gaza with religious leaders and political officials on board, Channel 10 reports.According to the Palestinian news agency "Palestine Today", the ship, sponsored by the Algerian government, departed with religious leaders and political officials on board along with supplies of food, medicine, and educational materials.Educational materials like "How to wage guerrilla war"?

  • HT:TerrorfreeSomalia.Al-Qaeda's proxy in Africa Al-shabab cut of the tongue of a young man.Ahmed ali Shuke has his tongue removed in Bakara market in Somalia. Militia group ALSHABAAB ALSHABAAB armed group in Bakara Market caught three wheel barrow pushers yesterday, who used to work in Bakara Market and deliberately cut off one of the important organs in their bodies, the tongue.Sharia in all it's "Beauty"of the beast!

  • 'We Are All Shiva Nazar Ahari, Accuse Us Too'.There’s growing concern over the fate of jailed human rights activist Shiva Nazar Ahari following recent comments by her lawyer, Mohammad Sharif. In an interview he said that she is facing serious charges including waging war against God (Moharebeh), which carries the death sentence in the Islamic Republic.

  • A New Defense for Pedophiles.Last month, hedge-fund mogul Jeffrey Epstein went free with a sentence that amounted to a slap on the wrist in a high-profile child sex case. Now other defendants are using his case as a springboard to plead for leniency.

  • Poll: Growing number incorrectly call Obama Muslim.What's amazing is in the comments (11.700)most times someone is saying Obama is a christian it's a Muslim saying it,go figure that out?

  • In Defining Obama, Misperceptions Stick. Americans need only stand in line at the grocery checkout counter to glimpse the conspiracy theories percolating about President Obama. “Birthplace Cover-Up,” screams the current issue of the racy tabloid Globe. “Obama’s Secret Life Exposed!”Among Democrats, for example, just 46 percent said Mr. Obama was Christian, down from 55 percent in March 2009, two months after he took office. As to the issue of his birthplace, a CNN poll released this month when the president turned 49 found that 27 percent of Americans doubted he was born in the United States. A New York Times/ CBS News poll in April put the figure at 20 percent.

  • Growing Number of Americans Say Obama is a Muslim.The share of Americans who believe Barack Obama is a Muslim – which held steady at between 11% and 12% from early 2008 through early 2009 – has jumped to 18%. There also has been a steep decline in the number of people who identify Obama as a Christian – 34% today, down from 48% in March 2009 and 51% in October 2008. A plurality (43%) now say they do not know what Obama’s religion is, up from 34% in 2009.

  • Video:Muslim Employee: Disney Banned Head Scarf.A Muslim woman who works as a hostess at a Disneyland restaurant alleged Wednesday the theme park would not allow her to appear in front of customers while wearing her head scarf. Disney says it has a policy not to discriminate.

  • It Begins… Soros Bailing Out of US Stock Market.Far Left billionaire, democratic donor and Obama supporter, George Soros is bailing out of the US stock market. The value of billionaire investor George Soros’s hedge fund dropped by 42% to $5.1 billion at the end of the second quarter.Maybe he knows something we don’t?Or with the 2.5 trillion US debt in $ that China changed in to Euros?

  • When I said 'fall out' . . . Vicious mass brawl breaks out at Moscow barracks.This is the moment a brutal mass brawl broke out at a Russian military academy.Up to twenty recruits can be seen throwing punches in the horrifying footage, secretly filmed on a mobile phone at the academy just outside of Moscow.The brawl lasted nearly half an hour before senior officers finally managed to break it up,Video.

  • Barack Obama.50 Impeachable Crimes and Counting.A few weeks ago I wrote an article From the White House to the Big House: 25 Impeachable Crimes and Counting that detailed 25 illegal acts committed by President Obama and his Democrat cohorts in Washington. It showed a President and political party willing to break the law at will in order to accomplish their political aims. Thanks to reader contributions and conservative writers around the country, here are 25 more for your consideration.

  • Understanding Obama’s Muslim Roots.To understand why President Barack Obama endorsed the Ground Zero Mosque—before he didn’t endorse it—a look at his various parents and their ideological roots might be in order.

  • History Of US Unemployment 2007-2010.The ‘progress’ of unemployment in pictures. The darkest color represents 10% or more, and the lightest color represents 1.9% or less.

  • Scientists: Oil Has Not Vanished.Scientists are disputing the federal government’s contention that a huge amount of the oil leaked in the massive BP spill has disappeared. A government team said earlier this month that almost three-quarters of the oil, or 4.9 million barrels, had broken down in the water or been sucked up in cleanup efforts.

  • Bekasi Christians not intimidated by pressures from Islamic extremists.For months, hundreds of radical Muslims have threatened Christians and interrupted the functions of the Batak Protestant Church (HKBP). Rev Luspida Simanjutak, the community’s pastor, tells AsiaNews that she is not afraid of the extremists, and that she will continue to defend freedom of religion.

  • Video:Raging bull injures 40 spectators.

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