Afternoon Posting.
- Muslims in Pakistan Burn, Beat Evangelist Unconscious.(Warning Graphic image!)An evangelist is still recovering from burns after six young Muslim men beat him with clubs and belts and set him on fire last month in a village near this Punjab Province city.Area Christians said they found the Rev. Wilson Augustine, 26, of Village No. 44-SB, unconscious with burns on his head, hand and arm on Nov. 22 near the bus stop of Village No. 101-NB on the outskirts of Sargodha.Rustam Masih, a Christian from Village No. 99-NB, told that Augustine was going door-to-door in Village 96-NB when the sons of a powerful local land owner saw one of the pamphlets. Augustine later identified the six as Muhammad Usman Ghani, Muhammad Taha Khan, Talha Mehmood, Nisar Warriach, Zareen Cheema and Jamshaid Ali Ansari. Aamir Masih, a Christian elder of the same village, said that the young Muslim men mistakenly regarded verses in the pamphlet describing the resurrection of Jesus as derogatory to Muhammad, the prophet of Islam. “This angered the Muslim men, and they ordered Augustine to leave the village at once and stop preaching the gospel in Village 96-NB immediately or face the consequences,” Masih said. Augustine told Compass that he then left the village. “I went to other villages to preach the gospel, but those Muslim men kept pursuing me everywhere I went, as they harbored a grudge against me for imparting the good news of the Holy Bible,” he said.He left village 101-NB singing hymns and reciting Psalms in the cold night air, but as he reached the bus stop riders on three motorcycles began to flash their headlight beams into his eyes and rev their engines, Augustine told Compass from his bed at home, where he was still recovering. Though blinded by the headlights, Augustine recognized their voices as they hurled obscenities at him, he said. They cut their engines, and he was able to catch a glimpse of them before they started to beat him with clubs and belts, he said. They threw a cold liquid on him, he said, and lit a match box, setting him ablaze. “After setting me on fire, they started thrashing me again,” he said. “Because they were beating me with clubs the fire was extinguished, and they dragged me to some nearby shrubs. As they were dragging me I blanked out, and when I reopened my eyes, I was in the DHQ [District Headquarters Hospital] in Sargodha.”Christian laborers on their way to work the next morning said they found a pack of dogs wandering near the shrubs of the Village No. 101-NB bus stop, and as they followed them they found a hymnal, a Bible and the scattered, blood-stained pamphlets and bag that Augustine had carried while visiting their homes. Two of the Christians, Binyamin Masih of Village No. 101-NB and Nadeem Samuel of Village 79-NB, continued searching with dread that they would find Augustine, they said.Samuel said that as he went deeper into the shrubbery he found Augustine lying with torn clothes in dried blood. They rushed him to the hospital and informed his family. At DHQ Hospital Sargodha, Dr. Sikander Hayat Warriach said that the Christian was brought to the burn unit in critical condition, but that after four days of treatment he was discharged on Nov. 26. Hmmmm...."Interfaith dialog Islamic extremist style"?Read the full story here.HT:Compass.
- Air Force Blocks Access to 25 News Sites That Posted Wikileaks Documents.The U.S. Air Force has blocked access on its network to more than 25 media websites, including the New York Times, and the Guardian, that have posted the secret U.S. diplomatic cables published by WikiLeaks.Pentagon Spokesman Col. Dave Lapan told Fox News this is not a Pentagon-wide blockage of the media sites carrying WikiLeaks documents.It could also be a decision that is reversed Lapan said. "It's not hard to reflip the switch," Pentagon spokesman Capt. Darryn James said.Lapan and James said the reason the Air Force decided to do this is to protect what they called "spillage." Anytime a Pentagon computer that views classified material without permission, it needs to be cleaned, they said. Spillage is a reference to to material they would need to clean.Asked if the Pentagon would demand the Air Force reverse its decision, James said: "We'll see."The first time WikiLeaks released 70,000 Afghan war documents, the Navy, Marines and Air Force blocked access to the WikiLeaks website, but never a news outlet.The Pentagon has already warned its employees not to go to the WikiLeaks website.Hmmm.....Nothing shows a true democracy as transparancy ,only with Obama there's hardly none.Read the full story here.
- Feds Say Va. Muslim Man Threatened Metro System On Facebook.A 26-year-old Virginia man is being held in federal custody after he allegedly threatened to set off bombs on the D.C. Metro system. The FBI was alerted to the threats, allegedly sent on Facebook's instant messaging system, by an informant before any plot was developed.Awais Younis, who also goes by the names Sundullah "Sunny" Ghilzai and Mohhanme Khan, was arrested on Dec. 7. According to federal authorities, he described how to build a pipe bomb and said he'd place bombs on the third and fifth cars of Metro trains since those trains had the highest number of commuters on them.The nature of the messages Younis allegedly sent to the FBI's complainant indicates they had a close relationship. The complainant, who is a woman according to Younis' Facebook messages, contacted the FBI's New Orleans Office in late November.Joseph Lesinski, a special agent with the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force, wrote in an affidavit that the Afghanistan-born Younis said he could put a bomb underneath a sewer head in Georgetown during rush hour.The woman told authorities she was worried because her father works in D.C. and rides the Metro to work. It was the second potential threat against the Metro system in recent months. In a sting operation that unfolded in October, the FBI arrested a 34-year-old man who thought he was working with members of al Qaeda to attack Metro stations.Hmmmm.....And still they don't recognise the treath against America by it's real name?Read the full story here.
- HT:Opinionator.A U.N. Plan for Israel.The blogger Andrew Sullivan has called America’s policy toward Israel “assisted suicide.” That may be an exaggeration, but on Friday it became less of one. The occasion was a speech by Hillary Clinton, much anticipated after the collapse of talks between Israelis and Palestinians.The good news is that Clinton sees the peril that Israel is moving toward. “The ever-evolving technology of war” means that, in the absence of a peace deal, “it will be increasingly difficult to guarantee the security of Israeli families.” Further, “long-term population trends … are endangering the Zionist vision of a Jewish and democratic state.”Translation (with embellishment): If there is no two-state solution, Israel can either (a) give Palestinians in the occupied territories the vote and watch as the Arab birth rate turns Israeli Jews into a minority; or (b) keep denying the vote to Arabs it has ruled for decades, thus incurring charges of apartheid, moving toward pariah status among nations, continuing to give propaganda fuel to regional troublemakers and raising the chances of disastrous war.There is a strategy that could actually work. It would take boldness on President Obama’s part, but it could win him a place in history and the enduring gratitude of most Jews and Palestinians.Seizing the opportunity involves first seeing the flaw in one premise of our current policy. As Clinton put that premise on Friday, “The United States and the international community cannot impose a solution. Sometimes I think both parties seem to think we can. We cannot.”Yes we can.The United Nations created a Jewish state six decades ago, and it can create a Palestinian state now. It can define the borders, set the timetable and lay down the rules for Palestinian elections (specifying, for example, that the winners must swear allegiance to a constitution that acknowledges Israel’s right to exist).Hmmmm....This is exactly what i've been warning about the last six months!That the real intention of Obama was all the time to impose a peaceplan enforced by U.N. troops ,he knew Israel wouldn't agree to a freeze and let me guess they will be probably Turkish?Read the full
betrayalstory here.
- Java: Christians victims of Islamic extremism appeal to President Susilo for protection.Indonesian Christians have appealed to President Dr Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono for protection against the endless religious intolerance to which they are subjected. On Sunday, some 200 Islamic extremists forced about 100 Christians from the Batak Christian Protestant Church in Rancaekek Wetan village (West Java) to leave two houses used for worship. The extremists also attacked five private homes and wrote a letter to the authorities demanding they confiscate the house churches.Undaunted, Rev Hutagalung, who runs the Batak Church, said, “We'll continue to worship there whatever the consequences”. At the same time though, “We want President Yudhoyono to give us a guarantee that we'll be able to practise our faith freely without any intimidation from such groups." To avoid clashes, local police let the expulsion of Christians from house churches go ahead. The local police chief, Hendro Pandowo, said that the situation was now under control.“If we didn’t tell the Christians to leave, there would have been worse consequences,” he explained. “We are trying to avoid destruction and attacks.”Anti-Christian intolerance is in fact growing in Indonesia. Although the constitution recognises six official religions, including Protestant Christianity, some of the country’s laws discriminate against non-Muslims by making it hard to build non-Muslim places of worship. Christians for instance are forced to meet in private houses.Read the full story here.
- Video : 9 TRILLION Dollars Missing from Federal Reserve,Fed Inspector General Can't Explain.Rep. Alan Grayson asks the Federal Reserve Inspector General about the trillions of dollars lent or spent by the Federal Reserve and where it went, and the trillions of off balance sheet obligations. Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman responds that the IG does not know and is not tracking where this money is.Hmmmm....There's a giant hole somewhere?Read and see the full story here.HT:before it is news.
- Woman arrested for refusing to remove her hijab sues Georgia city.A Muslim woman who was arrested after she refused to remove her headscarf in a west Georgia courthouse filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday against the city of Douglasville and the officers who arrested her, contending they violated her constitutional rights.Lisa Valentine said authorities trampled on her First Amendment rights in December 2008 when she was ordered to serve 10 days in jail for contempt of court after she refused to remove her hijab at a courtroom. She was released in less than a day, but her arrest infuriated Muslim rights activists and prompted changes in Georgia's courtroom policy."I hope that no person of faith will ever have to experience the type of egregious treatment I suffered at any Georgia courthouse because of the expression of my beliefs," said Valentine, whose lawsuit was filed by the American Civil Liberties Union and its Georgia chapter.She said officials stopped her at the metal detector and told her she couldn't enter the courtroom with the headscarf, known as a hijab. She said when she objected and turned to leave, officers brought her before a municipal court judge who ordered her held for contempt of court. She said officer also forced her to take off the hijab when she was booked. Hijabs are intended to protect the modesty of Muslim women.Read the full
scamstory here.
- Islamic Extremists Held for Church Blast in Bangladesh.Police in Bangladesh said they believe at least two Islamic extremists are responsible for a bomb blast in a Catholic church building that killed 10 young Christians and maimed dozens of others in 2001.Christians account for less than 1 percent of Bangladesh’s 164.4 million people, according to Operation World, but Baniarchar has a large number of Christian residents. Muslims make up nearly 90 percent of Bangladesh’s population, with Hinduism the second largest religious affiliation at 9.2 percent of the people.Read the full story here.
- Enslaved disabled workers found in Chinese factory.Eleven mentally disabled workers forced to work in slave-like conditions in Xinjiang, fed the same food as dogs and beaten for every mistake they made, at no salary and unable to escape. Forced labour is still widespread in China, in what is tantamount to a modern version of slavery. The government says it is fighting the problem, but the latter has a way of reappearing on a regular basis.Press reports said that the 11 workers at the building materials plant put in long hours, suffered regular beatings and were given the same food as the dogs. None were paid, some for up to four years. Anyone trying to flee the factory was routinely beaten. According to factory owner Li Xinglin, the workers were legally contracted to work at the facility by an aid agency for the disabled based in Sichuan. Li claimed he paid the agency a lump sum of 9,000 yuan for five workers and then an additional 300 yuan per worker per month. Police issued an arrest warrant for the founder of the organisation, but he remains at large. Chinese authorities admit that human trafficking is a problem in the country; one that police has failed so far to eradicate. However, the country’s Public Security Ministry has claimed great victories in the fight against this form of labour exploitation. Seventeen thousand children and women were freed by police and 15,673 suspects arrested between April 2009 and September 2010, it reported.A parliamentary investigation found that some 53,000 migrant workers were employed in more than 2,000 illegal brick kilns in Shanxi alone. Since then, similar cases of slavery have been reported sporadically around China, suggesting the problem has not been eliminated.In May of this year, police rescued 34 people forced to work at a brick kiln in northern China's Hebei province. Eleven people were detained for “using methods such as beating, electrocuting, intimidating, and restrictions on freedom, to force migrant workers to engage in heavy manual labour”.Hmmm....Modern slavery is the correct term for this.Read the full story here.
- HT:Memri.Following Flooding Across Venezuela, Chavez Says He'll Move Into Tent Given To Him By Libyan Leader Gaddafi.In the wake of the flooding and mudslides across Venezuela that have killed at least 38 people in recent weeks, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said on December 11 that he plans to turn over his office to flood victims and move into a Bedouin tent given to him by Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi."In the formal, number one office, we can install some beds. It's big... I'll just move to the khaima (Bedouin tent) that Gaddafi gave me. Set it up in the garden," Chavez said on national television during a tour of a stricken Caracas neighborhood.Gaddafi is known for holding court in a large Bedouin tent when on foreign visits and used one when on a trip to the Venezuela Caribbean island of Margarita last year.Chavez said he would use the tent much the same way Gaddafi uses his when he goes on foreign he visiting Antartica anytime soon?Read the full story here.
- Army birther pleads guilty to 1 of 2 charges.An Army doctor who disobeyed orders to deploy to Afghanistan because he questions President Barack Obama's citizenship has pleaded guilty to one of two charges against him.At a court-martial proceeding Tuesday in Maryland, Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin of Greeley, Colo., pleaded guilty to a charge that included not meeting with a superior when ordered to do so and not reporting to duty at Fort Campbell.Lakin faces up to 18 months in prison and dismissal from the Army.He pleaded not guilty to a second charge of missing a flight he was required to be on. His court-martial at Fort Meade is continuing on that count.Hawaiian officials say they have records proving Obama was born there and is therefore eligible to be president. But so-called birthers challenge that.Read the full story here.As an extra flashback.This registration document, made available on Jan. 24, 2007, by the Fransiskus Assisi school in
Jakarta, Indonesia, shows the registration of Barack Obama under the name
Barry Soetoro made by his step-father, Lolo Soetoro. Name: Barry Soetoro - Religion: Islam - Nationality: Indonesian.
- Gas up $1 a gallon on Obama's watch.Presidents have little direct control on the price drivers pay at the pump, but that doesn't insulate them from taking blame. Mr. Bush faced harsh criticism as gas prices rose past $3, and Mr. Hastings said Mr. Obama is likely to face the same pressures if prices continue to rise.Mr. Townsend said part of the problem for Congress and the administration is that speculators are betting on an improved economy, which is helping drive up prices.The Obama administration on Wednesday ruled out any increase to the federal gas tax. Deputy Transportation Secretary John Porcari told a Senate committee that a tax increase could hurt economic recovery.Among the steps Mr. Obama could take to affect prices is to release oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, which is designed as a last resort to accommodate a collapse in oil supply."There's been no breakthrough on any kind of expanded access in the U.S. - in fact, it's been just the opposite," he said. "[Interior Secretary Ken] Salazar has basically put on the shelf any expanded drilling. That whole 'drill, baby, drill' thing from 2008, the president lifting his moratorium, the Congress lifting the moratorium in the appropriations bill, none of that has come to fruition."
Hmmm....Perhaps expand the drill bans even more Mr President?How to destroy a superpower in 10 easy steps?Read the full story here.
- UK Muslim extremists attacked and beat Feltham jail warder.Four young British Muslim extremists chanted religious slogans as they battered a prison officer. The gang chanted "death to the Kuffar" (non-believer) and "Allah Akbar" (God is Great) as they laid into the warder - who is in his 40s - after prayers.It is believed they were trying to steal his keys to let other inmates out and start a riot at the notorious Feltham Young Offenders' Institute in Middlex.A source said: "It was a frightening and violent assault. The guard was lucky to escape with his life."Hmmmm.....After prayers..The religion of peace.Read the full story here.
- HT:TundraTabloids.Shocker in Paris :Muslim street prayer not directed towards Mecca. Vlad notes that this is proof that the Muslims commandeering of the street is purely a political act of Islamic primacy.Paris: prayer Street Myrha is not oriented toward Mecca.This is a site that shows the direction of Mecca, to pray in the right direction.Hmmm....What now sack the Imam or buy a Mecca finder?Read the full story here.
- HT:CarolineGlick.Our World: The feminist deception. Nowhere is fraud at heart of feminist movement more apparent than in silence of inhumane treatment of women who live under Islamic law.Making the rounds on YouTube these days is a film of a group of manly looking women preparing for and conducting a “flash dance” in a Philadelphia food store. The crew of ladies, dressed in tight black clothes and sequined accessories, arrives at The Fresh Grocer supermarket, breaks into a preplanned chant ordering shoppers not to buy Sabra and Tribe hummus and telling them to oppose Israeli “apartheid” and support “Palestine.”From their attire and attitude, it is fairly clear that the participants in the video would congratulate themselves on their commitment to the downtrodden, the wretched of the earth suffering under the jackboot of the powerful. They would likely all also describe themselves as feminists.But if being a human rights activist means attacking the only country in the Middle East that defends human rights, then that means that at the very basic level, the term “human rights activist” is at best an empty term. And if being a feminist means attacking the only country in the Middle East where women enjoy freedom and equal rights, then feminism too, has become at best, a meaningless term. Indeed, if these anti-Israel female protesters are feminists, then feminism is dead.Hmmm....Tyranny unchallenged is tyranny abetted!Read the full story here.
- HT:Memri.WikiLeaks Reveals: Iran Assassinated 182 Former Iraqi Airmen.A document released by WikiLeaks shows that Iran systematically sought to assassinate Iraqi pilots who participated in the Iraq-Iran War (1980-1989).According to a secret telegram sent by U.S. diplomats stationed in Baghdad, Iran was carrying out "a quiet but effective campaign to avenge the bombing of its territory by Iraqi pilots."The campaign began in 2003, shortly after the U.S. invasion of Iraq, and resulted in the assassination of 182 pilots. The killing peaked in the month of Ramadan in 2005, when 36 pilots were killed. Fearing for their lives, another 800 pilots and airmen fled to other countries.Hmmm.....Iran is a peaceful nation?Read the full story here.
- Raid on Islamic Groups in Germany.The German Interior Ministry ordered simultaneous raids in three states on Tuesday against what it called Salafist networks suspected of seeking the imposition of an Islamic state. The action signaled growing concern over the radical messages of some Islamic groups. The raids, in Bremen, Lower Saxony and North Rhine Westphalia, were not linked to a recent terror alert reportedly inspired by phone calls from a man who said he wanted to quit working with terrorists and who warned of a pending Mumbai-style attack, the Interior Ministry said. The ministry statement said the raids were directed at two groups — Invitation to Paradise, in the cities of Brunswick and Mönchengladbach, and the Islamic Culture Center of Bremen, on the North Sea coast. The two groups work closely together and share the same ideology, according to a security official quoted by The Associated Press. The authorities are seeking to outlaw both groups. The statement said the groups were suspected of opposing constitutional order by seeking to “overthrow it in favor of an Islamic theocracy.” There was no indication that any arrests were made.“The group is very influential and is especially active in converting people,” a senior German security official said, speaking in return for anonymity because the investigation is still underway. The best known figure in the group is a German citizen, Pierre Vogel, a former boxer and convert to Islam. “They do have the aim to change Germany and make it Islamic, but there is no evidence that they were or are involved in any terrorism,” the official said. The Interior Ministry statement, signed by spokesman Stefan Paris, said one of the leaders of the Invitation to Paradise had called for the imposition of Sharia law, the statement said, adding that the raids had been carried out under Germany’s laws of association. However, the statement said it remained to be seen whether the raids would confirm suspicions about the groups’ intentions. Dozens of private homes were searched on Tuesday, as well as religious schools and a store belonging to Invitation to Paradise that sells face-covering veils for women and caftans for men, The A.P. reported, quoting a security official. Police said they seized evidence during the raids, but would not comment further. German intelligence authorities have said they regard Salafist institutions as a potential source of terrorism.The term Salafist usually denotes an extreme form of Islamic fundamentalism.Hmmmm....Obama "Islam is a great religion". Read the full story here.
- Holbrooke's last words: 'You've got to stop this war in Afghanistan'.Today's Washington Post has an extensive, front-page obituary on Richard Holbrooke. It's filled with his accomplishments and anecdotes about his style. Holbrooke's last assigment was as the Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan. These are the last lines of the obit: On Friday morning, he was taken to George Washington University Hospital after he became flushed and suffered chest pains during a meeting with Clinton.He underwent a 21-hour operation that ended on Saturday to repair his aorta.As Mr. Holbrooke was sedated for surgery, family members said, his final words were to his Pakistani surgeon: "You've got to stop this war in Afghanistan."Read the full story here.
- Surgeon walks out on Nazi patient.Jewish doctor in Germany refuses to perform surgery after spotting swastika tattoo on patient's arm. A surgeon stormed out of an operating room after noticing Nazi symbols, including a large swastika, tattooed on his patient's arm, German magazine Suddeutsche Zeitung reported on Monday."I cannot operate on this man, I am Jewish," the doctor told the medical staff minutes before the surgery was about to begin. The medical team was forced to call in another surgeon and the operation was successfully completed. The Jewish doctor, 46, told the magazine "my conscience did not allow me to operate on people with neo-Nazi ideologies." Following the incident, the patient's family called to dismiss the doctor, claiming he broke his physician's oath. However, the German physicians association sided with the doctor."We received phone calls from many citizens who expressed their support for the doctor's courage, and we support him too," the association's chairman was quoted as saying.German law forbids the use of Nazi symbols and the Nazi salute, and those who publicly break the law face a maximum punishment of three years in jail.Read the full story here.
- HT:ShalomLife.U of T Accepts Thesis on "Racist" Holocaust Education Programs.The University of Toronto has come under attack for accepting a Masters’ thesis which calls two Holocaust education programs “racist.”The thesis, written by Jenny Peto, a Jewish activist with the Coalition Against Apartheid Israel, slams both the March of Remembrance and Hope, which brings young adults of diverse backgrounds together with Holocaust survivors to sites of Nazi violence in Poland, and the March of the Living Canada, part of an global program that brings young Jews and survivors to Poland and Israel.In her thesis, titled “The Victimhood of the Powerful: White Jews, Zionism and the Racism of Hegemonic Holocaust Education,” Peto argues the programs in question cause Jews to believe they are innocent victims. In reality, she writes, they are privileged white people who "cannot see their own racism."The "construction of a victimized Jewish identity," Peto argues, is intentional, and produces "effects that are extremely beneficial to the organized Jewish community" and to "apartheid" Israel.She further questions "the implications of white Jews taking it upon themselves to educate people of colour about genocide, racism and intolerance."According to Carla Wittes, director of the Canadian Centre for Diversity, Peto “makes unwarranted claims and false statements about our philosophy, our goals and objectives and our methodology. . .We were shocked and offended to read the thesis. We are a nonfaith- based organization concerned with educating people about the dangers of discrimination, and the Holocaust is obviously a prime example.”Irving Abella, a Canadian historian, as well as the former president of the Canadian Jewish Congress, told the Toronto Star that the thesis is "not scholarship, it's ideology. It's totally ahistorical; I found it full of untruths and distortions and held together by fatuous and very flabby analysis. It borders on anti-Semitism."Abella also noted that he is “appalled that it would be acceptable to a major university."Holocaust survivors who have partaken in both programs have also called the thesis hurtful. Retired University of British Columbia sociology professor Werner Cohn penned a letter to University of Toronto President David Naylor, saying the thesis "makes wild charges against [Peto's] fellow Jews without a shred of evidence," the Canadian Jewish News reported.Peto, who was part of a group that tried to occupy Toronto's Israeli Consulate in 2009, said the entire controversy is an effort by "right-wing, pro-Israel groups and individuals.""This is not the first time I have been dragged through the mud by pro-Israel groups," she told the Star, "and I am sure it will not be that last."Read the full
scandalstory here.
- South Korea Believes the North Has More Nuke Locations.A South Korean official believes the North has been secretly enriching uranium at more locations besides its main nuclear plant, Reuters reports.South Korean Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan says he could not confirm a report that Pyongyang had up to four nuclear plants that could enrich uranium, but suspected that North Korea did have more facilities."It is a report based on what is still intelligence and let me just say that we have been following this issue for some time," he said to Reuters.Read the full story here.
- HT:IslamInEurope.Sweden: "Christmas rush" bomber trained in Iraq, Yemen.Svenska Dagbladet reports via Iraqi Media Net that according to two Islamist websites, Taimour Abdulwahab went to Iraq (SE), and participated in a Jihad training camp there by the al-Qaeda affiliated Islamic State of Iraq organization. He then returned to Sweden to carry out the organization's promise from 2007, that Sweden will pay a price for insulting the Prophet. The Guardian adds that the Islamic State in Iraq praised the suicide attack. In Sweden Taimour Abdulwahab wasn't very religious: he drank beer, went to nightclubs, had an Israeli girlfriend and wasn't interested in Islam. But in the UK he changed so much, that he named his son Osama, born last summer, after Osama bin Laden. In 2006 or 2007 he attended the Luton Islamic Centre, where he preached Jihad. In 2007 or 2008 he went to Yemen, and also visited other countries, to hear lectures and study.Farasat Latif, the secretary of the Luton Islamic Centre:‘If we rang up the police and reported him on his views at the time, they would have laughed at us and done nothing.’The centre’s chairman Qadeer Baksh:‘The community did not know that he would take it so far as to then sow the seeds of discord and extremism.’Asked why he did not report Abdulwahad to police, Mr Baksh said the mosque would never put ‘any non-Muslims or Muslims’ in danger, and did not believe he was a risklieve he was a risk at that stage.Hmmm....Damage control in overdrive?Read the full story here.
- Mossad wants YOU!In the past few days more than 20 new available posts were published in its website. Among them, are field agents, intelligence officers and computer experts.The new Head of Mossad, Tamir Pardo, was received a special assignment – to freshen up the rows of the agency. He should be able to change the traditional methods into a more modern and creative.Among the requirements: willing to make frequent, short trips abroad , “creativity” and readiness to think outside the box, master foreign languages, and have an ability to “create one’s own reality and play a central role in it.”Hmmmm....If you're a shark you're pre qualified for Egypt?LolRead the full story here.
- Hmmmm...Turkish firm sells $40 million in military vehicles in one month to undisclosed Country?Otokar, Turkey’s largest privately owned defense industry company, has signed a deal to export $30 million worth of military vehicles, raising its December exports to over $40 million, a press release by the company said Tuesday.Hmmm....Now who could be the buyer for 100 - 120 vehicles,anyone has a guess?Hmmm.....perhaps to be used as a peace keeping vehicle?????Read the full story here.
- Pakistani party to abandon ruling coalition.A key partner in Pakistan's ruling coalition says it is defecting to the opposition, leaving the US-allied government one vote short of a majority in the National Assembly.The announcement by the Islamist party Jamiat Ulema Islam threatens the existence of the weak civilian government whose cooperation is critical to AmericaÕs war effort in neighbouring Afghanistan.JUI-F leader Maulana Fazlur Rehman said Tuesday the party is leaving because one of its ministers was sacked over a scandal involving Muslim pilgrimages to Saudi Arabia arranged by the government.The next session of parliament is slated for December 20, giving the ruling Pakistan People's Party some time to cobble together a new coalition.Hmmmm...And these are the people Obama is giving tens of Billions of Dollars?Read the full
madnessstory here.
- Newly unearthed baptismal font at Hagia Sophia to open in spring.A baptismal font unearthed during restoration of Hagia Sophia has been revealed to the press. The baptismal font dates back to the sixth century and was used in mass baptism ceremonies. The pool, which shows the cultural and architectural style of the Byzantine period, will open to visitors in the spring.Outlining the history of Hagia Sophia, Kurt said: “The construction of Hagia Sophia was ordered by Constantius II. The structure opened in 360 A.D. Its roof burned in a fire in 404 and its restoration took 10 years. In 415, Hagia Sophia opened once again. This second structure burned down in 532 and the church was constructed for the third time under Emperor Justinian. The columns of the Artemis Temple in Ephesus were used in its construction; it opened for the third time in 537. The dome was damaged in earthquakes and completely destroyed in 558. It reopened in 562.”Speaking about the features of the baptismal font, Dursun said the Hagia Sophia’s Byzantine (Greek Orthodox) baptistery building had been turned into an Ottoman sultans’ tomb, and the sixth-century baptismal font in it was moved to the baptistery’s courtyard.He said the sultans who were buried in the tomb were those who had been dethroned. “When Sultan Mustafa I and Sultan Ä°brahim were buried there, the baptistery turned into a sultans’ tomb and the baptismal font in it was moved to the court without being damaged. It remained under the soil. This court is a very beautiful section showing Byzantine art.”Dursun said olive oil was used in baptism ceremonies in Byzantine Orthodox culture. Historical olive oil cubes and sarcophaguses were also unearthed in the court.He said as part of the restoration work in 2010, the baptistery’s courtyard was restored and the baptismal font was unearthed. “This font was used in mass baptism ceremonies. I guess we are the first ones to see it since the conquest of Istanbul, because the baptismal font was never used again once the Hagia Sophia was turned into a mosque.”Read the full Christian Heritage story here.
- Kimmel Being Sued Over YouTube Clip of Flying Rabbi Dovid Sondik.He may be funny, but talk-show host Jimmy Kimmel is no mentch. Kimmel swiped a YouTube video of a ranting Hasidic man and spliced it into a skit to poke fun at hoops superstar LeBron James without permission, according to a suit filed yesterday in Brooklyn Supreme Court.Dovid Sondik was featured in the YouTube video, titled the “Flying Rabbi,” which shows the Borough Park man raving in Yiddish in the street.Sondik’s lawyer, Robert Tolchin, said the man was just “goofing around” when he made the video and never meant it to be broadcast to Kimmel’s 1.5 million viewers.“It has caused me difficulty and pain,” said Sondik, who, though not a rabbi, would speak of scripture to people in the neighborhood. “Now they think I’m a joke, a comedian.”The suit, seeking unspecified damages, accuses Kimmel of appropriation of likeness and violating YouTube’s service terms.A rep said Kimmel’s people were unaware of the suit.Read and see the full story here.
- And now for something completely different.‘People call me possessed’: Boy who weeps BLOOD from eyes and nose puzzles doctors – but documentary aims to cure affliction.These are the shocking new pictures of the teenager who weeps BLOOD from his eyes and nose at all times of the day – at school and at night in bed.Calvino Inman, 17, has been suffering from the mysterious condition for two years and doctors remain clueless as to how to stem the flow of bleeding, which can last up to an hour at a time.But a documentary which will be shown tomorrow night on American television explores the phenomenon, experienced by only a handful of people around the world.Mr Inman, from Knoxville, Tennessee, is shown undergoing tests to investigate whether a medical issue such as a tumour, tear duct problems, or a genetic defect is causing the bleeding.He said: 'People still call me possessed. ‘The bleeding happens all the time, at school, at home and in the night.‘I don’t usually know when they’re going to happen but sometimes it burns as it’s coming out.‘Sometimes I don’t even know it’s happened until people start staring at me. 'But afterwards I feel like someone is hitting the left side of my head with a hammer.‘I can’t sleep at night. I just lie there awake with the light out for hours.’The Boy with Bloody Tears, which appears on The Learning Channel (TLC), also features the bizarre case of a mum of three from Patna, India, whose tears of blood also leave her extremely weak and ill.Rashida Begum, 27, began crying blood from her eyes three years ago, after a severe bout of vomiting and painful headaches.Read the full story here.
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