Monday, August 8, 2011

President Obama's Statement on Credit Downgrade

Hmmmm.......How To Tell If Someone Is Lying: Eyes.

Indirect eye contact.Even if the lie is relatively minor, it often creates a conflict between the teller's basic moral code and the benefits of the lie.Direct eye contact can betray this conflict- casual observers may notice the tension and uncertainty.Looking a friend or acquaintance directly in the eye is also an intimate act, which only compounds the emotional dilemma for a liar.His or her only solution is to avoid direct eye contact altogether.Dishonest people will look off to the left or right of the audience, or position themselves at such an angle that direct eye contact is impossible.Some honest people also have difficulty maintaining direct eye contact, but they will occasionally connect when making important points.Liars will rarely look directly in their audience's eyes for long, especially when they're in the middle of a blatant lie. Source.

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