Thursday, June 14, 2012

Exposed: The Formula for Islamic Takeover.

Exposed: The Formula for Islamic Takeover.(Shoebat).By Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack.The word “Democracy” has become increasingly and deceptively powerful. It has come to be seen as something on par with “freedom” and “justice.” It has been the fuel for the very inaptly named ‘Arab Spring.’ Democracy and freedom are not synonymous terms. They don’t mean the same thing at all. The forces at work that support the ‘Arab Spring’ know this but they don’t want the world to know it. After all, war is deception.
As Bill Wilson explains at the Daily Jolt, Islamists have a formula that follows a consensus that Democracy is inherently and exclusively good. We have inserted a couple of steps into Wilson’s formula. Ours are in bold:
  • Muslims begin protesting their evil leader
  • Evil leader cracks down
  • Muslims gain worldwide sympathy
  • Evil leader is deposed
  • US leaders suggest democracy
  • Muslims use Muruna to suggest the Turkish Model of Islamic Democracy
  • US / Western leaders oversee the transition to Islamic “Democracy” (moderate Islam)
  • Islamic Sharia Law leaders are elected
  • Democracy is abandoned
  • Sharia Law is established
The Turkish Model is really the trojan horse the west continues to welcome. It allows western leaders to fool themselves into believing that there is a moderate version of Islam which embraces western values. This deceptive perception is so effective because it begins with a premise that eschews Islamic fundamentalism. In reality, that Islamic fundamentalism lays dormant as non-Muslims embrace it.Read the full story here.

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