Saturday, June 16, 2012

Ottoman Empire 'Wisdom' - ISRAEL Called "Wilayat Soorya" meaning "Province of Syria."

Full scale picture Here.

Ottoman Empire 'Wisdom' - ISRAEL Called "Wilayat Soorya" meaning "Province of Syria."
HT: JawaReport, IQ al Rassooli.
It is important to note that this 1893 map is an Arabic map, so it can't be brushed aside as a misunderstanding of the Ottoman Empire or Western propaganda.
IQ al Rassooli, who emailed this map to the JawaReport, notes:
 ...the area of Israel is called " Wilayat Soorya" meaning "Province of Syria." This land was under the domination of the Ottomans for almost 500 years and NO WHERE can one read the word Palestine or Palestinian on it.

Read the full story here.


  1. I saw the map and according to my knowledge in Arabic...that's true.
    And here's a question; according to the map above, is Israel has the right to exist?!

    1. Oh you know 'Teutonic knight' if you're from Jordan i wouldn't use a German Order their name.


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