Saturday, June 9, 2012

Russian Foreign Minister: "Syria on Brink of Civil War" - Russian Arms for Syria No Threat to Protesters.

Russian Foreign Minister: "Syria on Brink of Civil War" - Russian Arms for Syria No Threat to Protesters.(RN).The situation in Syria is teetering on the brink of full-fledged civil conflict, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Saturday. “It looks like Syria is on the brink of civil conflict,” he said. At least 9,000 people have been killed in clashes between the government and opposition forces in Syria since the start of the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad last year, according to UN estimates. UN special envoy Kofi Annan said on Thursday his six-point peace plan aimed at stopping the violence in Syria is "not being implemented."
The presence of a group of UN observers also had little impact on the situation. Annan warned of an escalating crisis and laid responsibility for the atrocities on al-Assad’s regime. In order to help settle Syria’s ongoing political crisis, Russia has proposed a UN conference that will gather together the countries that have influence on Syria’s disparate forces. The five permanent members of the UN Security Council, Syria’s neighbors – Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey - should take part, as well as representatives of the League of Arab States, Lavrov said. He also said that Saudi Arabia and UN, EU diplomats should join the discussion. Lavrov spoke in favor of Iran’s participation in the conference. “All forces that have influence on Syria should take part in the conference to make it effective. And Iran is one of the counties having real influence on the Syrian government.
Earlier, the United States slammed the prospect of Iran’s role in the Syrian conflict settlement. “We would like the conference to be open, with explicit discussion that will show whether there is a possibility to agree on coordinated… measures towards both the Syrian government and all of the country’s opposition groups,” Lavrov said. Lavrov said disruptions in the implementation of Annan’s peace plan are to be blamed on the uncoordinated measures taken by outside forces. “Not only the Syrian government is responsible for what’s going on now, the crisis is also to be blamed on the actions of those people who have not stopped giving money to illegal armed groups, hire mercenaries, help transfer them abroad and flirt with extremists to reach their own goals.” Lavrov said that participants of the conference will discuss ways to improve the details of Annan’s peace plan. “I do not think it is out of date. Moreover all of its points remain vital,” he said. Moscow wants to hold this conference as soon as possible, but believes that expert meetings with representatives of other countries that also have influence on Syria should be held in advance of the conference. Lavrov said Moscow has enough information proving that outside forces are in control of the actions of the Syrian opposition. “We have enough data that they supply arms and other vital items to the opposition.”
The way the world is in future depends on the outcome of the Syrian crisis, the minister said. China and Russia have twice blocked UN condemnations and punitive actions against al-Assad’s regime. Lavrov stressed that there are no grounds for Russia to change its stance on Syria.Hmmmm.....Lavrov: Russian Arms for Syria No Threat to Protesters".Read the full story here.

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