Saturday, June 9, 2012

Video - What honor looks like: The flash mob at Gate 38 of Reagan National Airport greeting WWII veterans.


HT: MullOver. By Chris Muller Honor is a hard term to describe. It doesn’t have a color or weight or shape. If someone were to ask me what honor looked like, I’d probably struggle with what to say.Read the full story here.

It’s D-Day and President Obama is hitting the beaches – of sunny California! Instead of scheduling a brief event to mark the 68th anniversary of America’s brutal landing on the shores of Normandy, Obama is already on his way to San Francisco, where he will hold two fundraisers before moving on to Beverly Hills to stage two more. Obama failed to mark D-Day with either a speech or a written proclamation both last year or the year before. He did give a speech in 2009, the 65th anniversary of the event. First Lady Michelle Obama, who has made much of her “Joining Forces” campaign to support military families, also has nothing planned for D-Day. She’ll be in New York City for a fundraiser and then in Philadelphia to meet with campaign volunteers. Obama’s failure to mark D-Day in any significant way is both a shame and a political mistake. According to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, two critical swing states – Florida and Pennsylvania, are among the top five states in terms of veterans’ population. Within the top twelve are four others – Michigan, Ohio, Virginia and North Carolina – all states Obama desperately needs to carry. Hmmmm......"You may deceive all the people part of the time, and part of the people all the time, but not all the people all the time." ~ Abraham Lincoln.

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