Sunday, June 10, 2012

Video - Iranian Basij Commander General Mohammad Reza Naqdi: If Israel Attacks Iran, It Will Be the "Last Stupid Act in Its History"

Following are excerpts from an interview with Iranian General Mohammad Reza Naqdi, commander of the Basij, which aired on Al-Manar TV on May 28, 2012.

General Mohammad Reza Naqdi: Israel is much too small to carry out [an attack]. The [Israeli] statements serve only to amuse the terrified tyrants, who say: “We are here.” If Israel commits even the slightest mistake or the slightest act of stupidity, it will be the last stupid mistake in its life. Any stupid military act that Israel carries out will be the last stupid act in the history of Israel. Israel is not capable of harming Iran. We consider this laughable. 
It’s not just about Iran. If Israel attacks any people in the region, it will be the last mistake Israel makes. They tried this mistake twice in South Lebanon and several times in Gaza, in an area of no more than several square kilometers, and they failed. The Gaza Strip is no larger than the smallest city in Iran. They could do nothing there, so how could they possibly fight Iran?Source: Memri.

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