Thursday, July 26, 2012

London Olympics- Michelle to Host Massive “Let’s Move” Bash, co-sponsored by Nickelodeon and the State Department.

London Olympics- Michelle to Host Massive “Let’s Move” Bash, co-sponsored by Nickelodeon and the State Department.(OFO).Before the historic Let's Move! event on Friday, Mrs. Obama and the Delegation will have breakfast at 9:00 AM to honor members of Team USA. The informal event will be at the U.S. Olympic training facility at the University of East London. Mrs. Obama's "brief remarks" will be televised. First Lady Michelle Obama will stage a gigantic “Let’s Move” bonanza at the U.S. ambassador’s residence in Great Britain Friday, hosting 1,000 American military children and American and British students as well as a brigade of sports and music stars to get kids into the “spirit of the Olympic games,” according to the White House. The massive event, which is being co-sponsored by Nickelodeon and the State Department, will feature past and current Olympians, including David Beckham, Bart Conner, Nadia Comaneci, Teresa Edwards, Emily Hughes, Sarah Hughes, Shawn Johnson, Carl Lewis, Dikembe Mutombo, Dara Torres, members of the 2012 US Track and Field Team and Manchester United legends, among others. “Nickelodeon, The NBA and USA Basketball, U.S. Tennis Association, USA Field Hockey, USA Track and Field, Manchester United and Right to Play will provide sports stations for kids to get into the Olympic spirit by getting active,” the White House said in a statement. The Wanted, the University of Florida Gator Marching Band, Mark Ronson, Katy B., Nickelodeon’s DJ J Boogie and Jeff Sutphen, the Power Rangers and SpongeBob SquarePants will entertain.
There will be performances by Nick TV stars and characters, and the chance for the kids to meet Olympic and Paralympic legends, including Bart Conner, Nadia Comaneci, Teresa Edwards, Emily Hughes, Sarah Hughes, Shawn Johnson, Carl Lewis, Dikembe Mutombo, Dara Torres, members of the 2012 US Track and Field Team and Manchester United, among others. "That is going to be a ball," Mrs. Obama said. "Even SpongeBob will be there," said Kass.
Things will be far more formal on Friday evening. Ahead of attending the Opening Ceremony, the First Lady will be at Buckingham Palace for a reception hosted by The Queen, where she will rub elbows with Heads of State leading the other Delegations. They first met Her Majesty in 2009 during the London G20, and Mrs. Obama later returned for a summer vacation to London with her daughters, which included another meeting with the monarch. The First Lady's trip is also a crucial diplomatic mission, said Ben Rhodes, Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications. On Saturday, Mrs. Obama will have a closed-press meeting with Mrs. Samantha Cameron, wife of Prime Minister David Cameron. This year's Olympics, as in years past, are sponsored by McDonald's and Coca-Cola, and children watching the games will be treated to loads of advertising for junk food, with the anti Let's Move! message that this is the best diet for elite athletic performance. But when asked if there will be any effort to combat this, Kass merely said that healthier foods will be offered at the London Let's Move! event. "We’ll be having water and we’ll be having some healthy granola bars and we’ll be having some nuts and other very healthy treats," Kass said. On Sunday, Mrs. Obama will again be at Ambassador Susman's house, where she will attend a closed-press brunch for the U.S. Olympic Committee, U.S. Olympic alumni athletes and Team USA supporters; potential donors are expected to attend, according to reports from media in London. Susman was rewarded with his Ambassadorship after being a top-tier campaign bundler in 2008 (those who gather a minimum of $500,000; the campaign does not release figures above this amount). He was so successful that he was nicknamed "the vacuum cleaner." At 6:30 PM on Sunday Mrs. Obama will meet with US military and their families stationed at Mildenhall Air Force Base. That event is in service to her other signature initiative, the Joining Forces campaign to support and honor members of the US military. Who is traveling with her aboard her government-owned plane? The East Wing declined to provide details. Mrs. Obama's newly updated schedule, released today, makes no mention of her departure date from the UK.Hmmmm......Who's fitting the bill?Read the full story here.

1 comment:

  1. All nonsense. Horrible meme/picture. Being a nutrition expert doesn't mean you look like the two on the left either. Just overall shallow viewpoint. She never said she was a dietitian so I see no harm.


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