Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"The U.S. economy is doing fine" - Obama Hasn't Received His Daily Economic Briefing Since April 2011.

"The U.S. economy is doing fine" - Obama Hasn't Received His Daily Economic Briefing Since April 2011.(YWL).Something is missing. If you look at Barack Obama's calendar for 26th of April, 2011 you will see on his schedule at 10 AM "The President receives the Economic Daily Briefing," after that nothing. According to the daily schedule released by the White House, Barack Obama hasn't received his "daily" economic briefing for the past 15 months (The White House, Accessed 7/23/12).
Jay Carney was asked about it last June:
Q Just a quick follow-up. I feel like I missed this over the course of the last few months -- I might have been on vacation or something -- but when did the President stop doing the daily presidential economic daily briefing?

MR. CARNEY: I think it happens periodically --

Q But it used to be a daily thing with the PDB. I’m just curious when it stopped being a daily thing.

MR. CARNEY: I’ll have to go check. Again, it sort of happens occasionally, doesn’t happen all the time. And I think that was always the case, but I can check. I don’t have any scheduling changes to announce, but --

Perhaps that's why he hasn't met with his Jobs council in months, the President hasn't done his homework. The excuse his press secretary gives is the "the President has a lot on his plate."On the other hand I don't want to give the impression that Barack Obama has done nothing he's been very busy. Here is a list of some of his accomplishments.
  • Politifact: "The RNC Said That Over The Last Six Months, Obama Has Golfed 10 Times And Held 106 Fundraisers Even As His Jobs Council Didn't Meet Once. The RNC's Tally Is On Target. We Rate This Statement True." (Politifact, "Did Barack Obama Hold 100-Plus Fundraisers While His Jobs Council Never Met?," Politifact , 7/19/12)
So what if the economy is going to hell in a hand basket. Who cares that this president isn't meeting with the his Jobs adviser or getting his daily economic briefing. This guy plays basketball with the stars. What else do could one want in a president?Read the full story here.

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