Friday, September 28, 2012

Counterterror chief’s company linked to “Innocence of Muslims” video.

Counterterror chief’s company linked to “Innocence of Muslims” video.(CS).The more Obama and his team blame the movie, and now they’ve arrested the purported producer of the video, the easier it is to believe it was intentional. via Douglas J. Hagmann at the Northeast Intelligence Network h/t to the reader who left the link in comments
Body of lies from Benghazi to Barack
By now, it is well known that something is very wrong with the official narrative pertaining to the controversial video known to everyone as The Innocence of Muslims. The official government script we are asked to believe is that this video supposedly caused the September 11, 2012 attack on the consulate in Libya and ignited the ensuing violence and death across the Muslim world that continues without abatement today. Officially, the video was cited as the primary motive in the murder of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012. There are more than a few problems with this narrative. First, aside from the trailer, the video does not exist anywhere in any public forum. Not now, not ever.
Based on my findings from a lengthy and extensive investigation that is ongoing, the trailer (which will be referenced interchangeably in this report as “the video”) was not a motive, but a means to an end not yet seen. In fact, I believe that the entire story is even deeper and more sinister than that.
Because easily obtainable evidence exists that the video was not the cause of the violence but a made-to-order excuse for it, most investigative journalists representing the right side of the political spectrum have long stopped any meaningful, deeper inquiries, while the left-leaning press doubled down in the face of such evidence. It is obvious that the perpetuation of the longstanding right-left paradigm is still actively serving the larger agenda nicely in providing a suitable smoke screen for the truth. The truth of this matter, however, seems to be located deep within a rabbit hole straight out of Alice in Wonderland, as all is not what it appears.
Investigation leads to disturbing discoveries
During the course of any complex investigation, detectives are always searching for that elusive “ah-ha!” moment, or the point at which a breakthrough of a case is achieved. Often, that moment never arrives, or is considerably less than dramatic when it does. In this case, the truth appeared to be so adeptly hidden and convoluted that it took me a long time before I realized that many of the puzzle pieces were actually in plain view, but they were just not readily identifiable. The reason, I concluded, was that I was looking at this entire situation all wrong. That’s when the “ah-ha” moment turned into an “uh-oh” moment.
First, I made the erroneous assumption that I knew who the “good guys” and the “bad guys” are, much like someone watching a vintage movie with “cops and robbers” where the good guys wear the police uniforms and the bad guys wear masks. I did not anticipate that some of the so-called good guys might actually be the perpetrators, especially considering the evil woven into these events. I am willing, however, to stipulate that some of the “bad guys” might be nothing more than unwitting pawns unknowingly involved in a larger agenda, although I find that more difficult to accept given the death and destruction involved.
Secondly, I believe that I’ve found evidence that suggests links between this video, or at least the manner in which this video was first created, then changed and finally used, to key people and entities involved with a number of suspicious events over the last decade
It would appear that some of the individuals and entities, including but not limited to high ranking members of both political parties, elected officials, and members of the intelligence community have some level of active or passive involvement in this and various past events of significance, but have adeptly maintained a plausibly deniable role by only slight degrees of separation.
To bring more specificity to the above, it would appear that there is a possible connection between the dissemination of the controversial video with the 2008 passport office break-in scandal that involved improper computer access to the passport records of Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and John McCain. The latter is an enigma in its own right, having its own level of complicity and complexity. Additionally, that particular event appears to involve other events at its periphery, including but not limited to the murder of the key witness in that case, Lieutenant Quarles Harris Jr.
One thing that appears to exist, if my investigative findings are correct, is that some of the same individuals and entities that were directly and indirectly involved in the passport office break-in, including government and defense contractors, appear to have a role in the video controversy.
This leads to the third and perhaps most disturbingly critical discovery. If my investigative findings are correct, it is my opinion as a professional investigator that the events in Libya, which have now spread across the globe, were a direct result of a covert CIA mission that appears to have been compromised from within our own government. If I am incorrect, however, the alternative is even more unthinkable.
If correct, my investigative trail leads directly to the U.S. Department of State and the CIA with some level of White House involvement, at which point things become even more convoluted. It is here that one might become confused with the aforementioned “good guy versus bad guy” identification process.

Hagmann concludes:

If my investigative findings are correct, there appear to be some very disconcerting ties between this video and individuals and entities associated with our own government. The official narrative of everyone from Obama to Rice to Obama presidential campaign advisor Robert Gibbs is that this specific video is to blame for the murder of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans in Libya.
Clearly, their continued assertions in the face of contrary evidence suggests something much larger. The video appears to be serving multiple purposes. It appears to be a multi-faceted catalyst by seemingly opposing parties to advance different agendas. One might be to suppress any criticism of Islam and ultimately restrict our freedom of speech – both religious and political dissent, while the other is to foment chaos in Islamic countries as a means to an end.
Despite the gradual awakening of people to the larger agendas, both agendas seem to be working. My investigation is continuing..Read the full story here.


  1. When I first read the name Sam Bacile, the first thing that struck me was that it sounded like "imbacile" in French, and that the film would be a spoof.

    1. 'Bacille'in French = a 'bug'.


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