Friday, September 28, 2012

"Sanctions that Benefit" - Iran buys Turkish gold via UAE, economists say.

"Sanctions that Benefit" - Iran buys Turkish gold via UAE, economists say.(HD).Turkey’s trade deficit fell 30 percent in August, reportedly on the back of strong gold sales to Iran even though the United Arab Emirates was the leading gold buyer from Turkey in the given period. The trade deficit fell to $5.86 billion, according to the Turkish Statistical Institute, compared with a $7.89 billion deficit in July and a forecast of $8.10 billion in a Reuters poll. “This data is a result of soaring gold exports, which broke a record with $2.3 billion in August,” Oyak Securities economist Mehmet Besimoğlu said on Sept. 28. “Gold exports were generally to Iran, made via the United Arab Emirates.” Turkish gold sales to Iran have soared as Iranians turn to the precious metal to protect savings and, potentially, to trade, as Western sanctions aimed at forcing the Islamic republic to curb its nuclear program tighten. Some trader firms also speculated that gold to the UAE might be for Iran in deed. As a whole, Turkey’s gold exports jumped more than fourfold to $11.2 billion in the first eight months of 2012. Overall exports to the UAE jumped eightfold to $2.23 billion, making it Turkey’s largest export destination in August. “The lower-than-expected August trade deficit was mainly due to the slowdown in domestic economic activity and net gold exports,” researchers from local lender TEB said. Exports rose 14.5 percent to $12.87 billion, as growing trade with markets in Africa and the Middle East eclipsed a slowdown in demand from Europe. Imports fell 4.8 percent to $18.74 billion.Hmmmm......Sanctions that benefit Obama's BFF Turkey.Read the full story here.


  1. boggles the mind. Iran and Turkey are at each other's throats... but with a middleman they do business. They say Mohammad was a merchant. I wonder if he had a setup like this with the enemy.

    1. Deceit is a great way to wage war, have you noticed that Turkey is like an empty barrel?Lots of noise but no real action.


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