Friday, September 28, 2012

Video - Ambassador to US Michael Oren cites Nazi appeasement in push for Iran limits.

 Video - Ambassador to US Michael Oren cites Nazi appeasement in push for Iran limits.(JPost).Ambassador to US Michael Oren on Friday invoked the Western policy of appeasing Nazi Germany during the 1930s to push the importance of setting clear red lines on Iran's nuclear program, in an interview with CNN. "If the Western powers had drawn a clear red line against Nazi expansion in the 1930s we might have avoided World War II," Oren told CNN's Anderson Cooper. "The purpose of a red line is not to start a war. The purpose of a red line is to prevent a war." Oren, a historian, also put for the Cuban Missile Crisis as an example of how effective red lines can be. "That's how [former US] President [John F.] Kennedy prevented a war with the Soviets during the Cuban Missile Crisis," he said. "He drew a red line, they didn't cross it, and that ensured peace between the Untied States and the Soviet Union."
Drawing a thick line with a red marker on a cartoon sketch of a bomb, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told the UN General Assembly Thursday this line needed to be drawn before Iran enters its final stage of bomb development, which he said could be by next spring This position is one that Netanyahu has discussed with the US Administration, in an as yet unsuccessful effort to get US President Barack Obama to declare his red line.
Obama made no reference to red lines when he addressed the UN on Tuesday, and devoted just a small part of his speech to the Iranian nuclear issue.
On Friday, Obama said he was in "full agreement" with Netanyahu on Iran, but made no mention of red lines. Asked if he thinks Obama is on the same page as Netanyahu, Oren responded: "We are engaged in a candid and continuous dialogue on this issue." He added: "The Obama administration has said time and again that they are determined to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. The red line is designed to... persuade the United States how you can achieve that goal of preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear capabilities." Oren cautioned on the practical implications of an Iranian bomb.
"The capability, from our perspective, would probably set off a nuclear arms race in the Middle East, it would greatly impair our ability to respond to terrorist attacks in Lebanon or Gaza." Oren also warned that the international community might not be able to detect an Iranian drive for nukes. "It can do so in a small room, somewhere, put this bomb together," he said. "This is a country half the size of Europe. There is a good chance you're not going to know where that room is." "The one part of this nuclear program that we can see- there's a warhead part, there's a weapons part, there's missile part- the one part that we can see is the enrichment program. It's observable, it's vulnerable, it can be targeted."Read the full story here.

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