Saturday, September 29, 2012

Obamanomics 101

Solyndra (Obama’s fundraiser $527 million in stimulus money)
SpectraWatt (filed for bankruptcy)
Lightsquared (Obama’s investment insider trading) $90,000.00 profit over night.
Evergreen (filed for bankruptcy)
Tonopah Solar Energy (Nancy Pelosi’s brother in-law $737 million stimulus money)
Mesquite Solar 1 (Harry Reid’s county).
Amonix Solar ($20 million taxpayers money lasted 14 months)
SunPower (Company in Mexico receives $1.2 billion U.S. federal loan guarantee Sept. 30)
Finland Auto Company ($529 million in stimulus money) car company called Fisker
ECOtality ($126.2 Million million in stimulus money)
Beacon Power ($43 million taxpayer money)
Siga Technologies (Ronald Perelman Democratic donor ($433 million government no bid contract)
First Solar ($3 Billion taxpayer unsecured loan)
Brightsource ($1.6 BILLION taxpayer unsecured loan)
WF Solar company (Bankrupt after government loan)
Bakken shale formation (the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) could bring a halt to the boom)
Solar Trust of America ($2.1 BILLION Government loan) (filled bankruptcy April 2012)
Canadian Solar company (2 employees) gets $50 million U.S. taxpayer’s money
Abound Power – $400 Million. Production halted in February and 180 laid off
Nevada Geothermal Power ( NGP) $98.5 Million – company now on the way out
Rasar Technologies- $33 Million. FIled for Bankruptcy 2012

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