Saturday, September 29, 2012

Obama's 'Allies' Muslim Brotherhood: Mursi Will Receive No Israeli Official.

Obama's 'Allies' Muslim Brotherhood: Mursi Will Receive No Israeli Official.(Fars)."President Mursi will not receive any Israeli official, even if he is asked to have a meeting to amend the (Camp David) peace treaty between the two side," Hussein said, Alresalah reported. Asked what the group's position is over receiving Israeli prime minister or any of the Israeli officials by president Mursi, Hussein said, "We are supporting the rights of the Palestinian people, and any talk before the full restoration of the Palestinians' rights is some kind of intellectual reprehensible luxury." "We would meet none of the Israelis till the Zionist entity commits to its duties towards the Palestinians, and we are not obligated to meet anyone..,'' he added.Read the full story here.

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