Sunday, September 30, 2012

Video - Did Arab money Fund Obama At Harvard?

Part One.

 Part Two.

In August of 2008 an event that threatened to sink the Obama campaign occurred. An octogenarian former Civil Rights leader by the name of Percy Sutton appeared on a local New York TV show, stating that Obama’s education at Harvard had been funded and facilitated by Arab oil money through OPEC power broker, Saudi royal family confidante, and anti-Semite Khalid al-Mansour.
This was quietly swept under the rug by the mainstream media, but new information that has come to light in recent days has blown the case wide open. And there is now a renewed push for Obama to release his college records, not only in regards to Arabs funding his education at Harvard, but also a letter of recommendation Sutton states he wrote to Harvard on behalf of al-Mansour.

From 2008 until several days ago, the allegation lay dormant. But a local reporter in northern Montana, Frank Miel with the Daily Inter Lake, made a shocking discovery. Frank Marshall Davis crony Vernon Jarrett wrote an article in 1979 describing just such an arrangement, entitled “Will Arabs Back Ties to Blacks with Cash?”, whereby Saudi billionaires using OPEC money funneled millions of dollars to black radicals. Who was named as the middle man and quoted in the article? Khalid al-Mansour.
Obama’s denial of having any association with al-Mansour has been further discredited with a video recently uncovered that shows al-Mansour offering the Obama campaign advice in 2008.
Obama has stated that he racked up tens of thousands of dollars in student loans while attending Harvard.
We say to Obama: Prove it.
Prove a Saudi billionaire didn’t bankroll your education.
Prove you don’t bow and coddle the Saudis because they put you through Harvard.
Show us your college records. Show us your student loan records, Mr. President.HT:WesternJournalism.

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