Friday, November 2, 2012

Berlin: Muslim Cuts Off Girlfriend's Nose and Breasts Because She Wanted to Leave Him.

Berlin: Muslim Cuts Off Girlfriend's Nose and Breasts Because She Wanted to Leave Him.(IVE).Berlin police are hunting the boyfriend of a woman who was found tied to a chair in the family home with serious mutilations to her face and chest. A man walking down the street in the Schöneberg district of the city on Tuesday afternoon heard cries for help, Berlin’s state prosecutor told The Local. “She had managed to drag herself to the window and was calling for help despite being tied to a chair, gagged and having suffered terrible mutilating injuries,” said Martin Steltner, the prosecutor’s spokesman. Her ten-year-old daughter had also been tied to a chair and gagged but was physically unharmed. “It would seem we are dealing with a crime of jealousy. It’s horrific.” Steltner said the 36-year-old woman was a refugee from Iran. “It’s a terrible situation, terrible,” he said.
Her boyfriend had Dutch citizenship but was originally from Iraq, he said. “He is on the run,” he added, confirming the 45-year-old was the main suspect in the case. The woman's husband, who does not live in Berlin, is not a suspect. She was taken to hospital, and is said to be out of danger. Her daughter suffered severe shock and was placed in the care of city authorities. One neighbour is said to have heard a woman screaming. “I saw how medics carried a woman covered in blood into an ambulance,” she told the Tagesspiegel. The woman and her daughter were said to have only recently moved into the building. Source: The Local .
We have to turn to the Berlin Kurier to find out more: GoogleTranslate.

Because she wanted to leave him, an Iraqi tortured (45) his girlfriend nearly to death. He's on the run. The cruel act must have been planned. He came early in the morning and took his time for hours. Because his girlfriend wanted to leave him, Omid R. tortured (45), the 36-year-old nearly to death. As a passing cyclist on Tuesday evening that stifled cries from the ground floor apartment in Schöneberg heard Langenscheidtstraße and the police alerted, it was almost too late. With Help of her colleagues a policewoman managed to enter the window to reach the critically injured woman. The officer offered a gruesome picture. First Omid R. had a daughter (10) tied and gagged his girlfriend locked in her room. Then he tied the young Iranian woman. Over several hours the lover ice coldly mistreated the woman with a knife. Her face and hands were slashed, nose and breast removed, the abdomen of the woman brutally mutilated.

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