Thursday, January 10, 2013

Amnesty International calls on Turkey for cooperation on Paris attack investigation .

Kurds protesting in Paris

Amnesty International calls on Turkey for cooperation on Paris attack investigation.(HD).Turkish authorities should cooperate to uncover details in the investigation of the murder of three Kurdish women in Paris to bring the responsible party to justice, the director of Amnesty International's Europe and Central Asia Program, John Dalhuisen said in a statement.

Amnesty International issued a written statement today on its website highlighting the killing of three Kurdish women in Paris.

There must be justice for these apparently political killings – no stone must be left unturned in the investigation by the French authorities,” said Dalhuisen.

Dalhuisen emphasized the ongoing negotiations process' importance between the Turkish government and the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), underlying that both sides should ensure the continuation of this process.

The statement cited the fact that 40,000 people have died in the conflict between the Turkish army and PKK militants since 1984, while adding the PKK is regarded by Turkey, the United States and the European Union as a terrorist organization.Read the full story here.

Related: PKK militants should leave Turkey: Erdoğan.

The aim of ongoing talks with the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) is to convince the group’s militants to lay down their arms and abandon Turkey, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said yesterday.

“Our sincerity can be seen in the steps that we have taken in the last few days. Our aim is to have the separatist terrorist organization’s cadres leave Turkey. [We want to make them] lay down their arms and leave,” Erdoğan said during a joint press conference with Nigerien Prime Minister Mahamadou Issoufou in reference to the talks between Abdullah Öcalan, the imprisoned leader of the PKK, and the government.

Erdoğan also accused the PKK of committing “provocations” by attacking a military station in the eastern province of Hakkari on Jan. 8.

“During such peace initiatives, the [PKK] has always showed the [worst behavior] possible. We will continue our operations.
Meanwhile, more details have emerged on the ongoing talks on İmralı. Abdülkadir Selvi of daily Yeni Şafak reported that discussions focused on the fate of the executive cadres of the PKK’s headquarters in the Kandil Mountains of northern Iraq.

“Under the current road map prepared in the İmralı-Ankara-Kandil triangle, there are plans to deport the executive cadre of the PKK to a single European capital. In the former process, the executive cadre, comprising 225 people, was supposed to be distributed to several European capitals. Now, however, the core executive group of 50 leaders at Kandil will be sent to Europe. The country has not been decided yet. This plan paves the way for the others to return to Turkey and enter politics,” Selvi said.Hmmmm.....The 'Country' wouldn't be 'France' by any chance?

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