Sunday, January 6, 2013

Iranian Spokesman: NATO 'Ally' and Obama's BFF Turkey Not to Participate in Military Action against Iran.

Iranian Spokesman: NATO 'Ally' and Obama's BFF Turkey Not to Participate in Military Action against Iran.(Fars).An Iranian foreign ministry spokesman lashed out at Ankara for its decision to deploy NATO's Patriot missile batteries, but meantime said that Turkey has assured the Iranian officials that it will not attend any military action against Tehran.
Turkey will neither participate in any military action against Iran nor allow its airspace to be used against Iran, but added that the control of the Patriot missile system was in the hands of the NATO and the West, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehman-Parast said in an interview with al-Manar TV.
"Iran, however, believes that Western countries and the NATO have deployed the system in Turkey with the aim of supporting the Zionist regime so that in case of an Israeli military adventurism against Iran and Iran's response to the measure, Western countries can safeguard Israel with the help of the missile system," he added.
On December 4, NATO approved Turkey's request for the deployment of Patriot surface-to-air missiles along its border with Syria.
Meantime, people in Turkey took to the streets and hold massive rallies across the country during the past few weeks to show anger at the possible deployment of NATO's Patriot missiles along their country's border with Syria.
The protesters, who carried placards in condemnation of the Turkish government's demand for the deployment of the NATO Patriot missile systems, set the US and NATO's flags ablaze. Hmmmm....Who needs enemies with such 'allies'?Israel we've got your back?Don't count on it!Read the full story here.

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