Tuesday, January 15, 2013

McCain starts a three-day visit to Egypt to hold talks with the Egyptian pres, opposition figures and members of parliament.

McCain starts a three-day visit to Egypt to hold talks with the Egyptian pres, opposition figures and members of parliament.(AO).US Senator John McCain has arrived in Cairo for a three-day visit to meet with Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi and other Egyptian officials.
McCain, who arrived on Tuesday, is scheduled to hold talks with Essam Al-Haddad, the president's assistant for foreign affairs, along with a number of opposition figures and parliament members, Egyptian state-run Middle East News Agency (MENA) reported.
Talks will primarily focus on Egypt's transition to democracy as well as current developments in the region, namely the ongoing crisis in Syria and the Palestinian issue.
Last November, McCain called on the Obama administration to withhold financial aid from Egypt unless Morsi responded to opposition demands and rescind a controversial decree that was later reversed.
Second to Israel, the United States provides more than $1.9 billion in financial aid annually to Egypt, an amount which is mostly allocated to the Egyptian military. Hmmmm....This might explain why the White House has finally discovered Egyptian President Morsy's disgusting comments about Jews.Read the full story here.

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