Friday, January 11, 2013

MIT to Obama: Stop bungling global warming

Deadly storms blanket parts of Mid-East in snow

MIT to Obama: Stop bungling global warming.(WE).In a bruising open letter to President Obama, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is urging the administration to give up its bungled, politically-driven green energy program to focus exclusively on new taxes and industries aimed at fixing global warming.

"You have the power and the opportunity to lay the groundwork for a new clean-energy policy that will help us avoid the worst consequences of climate change," said the letter, published in the MIT Technology Review. "It is quite possible that if this is not done over the next four years, it will be too late."
The now or never message said that since Obama won't face voters again in a election, he should take the risk of upsetting Americans by imposing a carbon tax and fund research projects that could cost trillions of dollars. "We can no longer pretend that addressing climate change will be without real costs," said the letter from the world's leading technology university.
MIT urged Obama to make climate change his No. 1 priority. "The potential for global warming over the next decades threatens consequences so dire that they could overwhelm any progress you make toward other long-term economic, social and political goals," said the letter.Hmmmm.......Read the 'related' posts...Hahahahaha!Read the full story here.


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