Friday, January 11, 2013

Obama Opposed Gun Ban Exception to Defend One’s Home.

Obama Opposed Gun Ban Exception to Defend One’s Home.HT: WhitehouseDossier.By Keith Koffler.
As a state senator in Illinois, President Obama opposed legislation providing an exception to handgun restrictions if the weapon was used in the defense of one’s home.
Obama’s vote would have maintained the status quo, which made it a violation of municipal gun ban law to use a firearm to save your own life in your own home. But the bill was passed anyway without his support.
The vote is a sign of how committed President Obama may be to strict gun control measures.
Just eight years earlier, in 1996, Obama answered “Yes” to a survey question asking whether he would support state legislation to “ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns.” 
The Obama 2008 presidential campaign claimed the form had been filled out by an aide who mischaracterized Obama’s position, even though Obama’s handwriting was found on survey.Hmmmm.........."By their fruits you will know them" ~ Matthew 7:16.

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