Friday, January 18, 2013

Russia Ready to Back North Korea Resolution - UN envoy

Russia Ready to Back North Korea Resolution - UN envoy.(RN). Russia is ready to back a draft UN Security Council resolution on North Korea, expected to be put forward by the US delegation later in the day, Russia’s permanent envoy to the UN said on Friday.
Our stance is that the North Korean launch was in breach of the Security Council resolution, and so the Council has to respond,” Vitaly Churkin said. “I expect [Russia] to support it.”
The document will possibly be adopted “early next week,” he said.
UN Security Council Resolution 1874 prohibits North Korea from conducting launches that use ballistic missile technology. North Korea launched a long-range rocket on December 12, saying it was intended for putting a satellite into outer space.
The international community has widely condemned the launch, which it believes was the development and testing of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) intended to carry nuclear warheads.Read the full story here.

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