Monday, January 21, 2013

Video - FiascoGate: US rapper Lupe Fiasco pulled off stage over inauguration for Anti-War, Anti-Obama Rap.

HT: RT. American rapper Lupe Fiasco was thrown off stage by security guards as he performed a 40-minute anti-Obama song during a pre-inauguration event at a Washington, DC, concert hall Sunday night.

­“Lupe Fiasco just got thrown off stage here at the Hamilton Live after he went on an anti-Obama diatribe mid set,” Josh Rogin, a reporter with Foreign Policy magazine, posted on Twitter.

During the concert, the singer played a lengthy anti-war song and told the audience he didn’t vote for Barack Obama, according to witnesses. When he was told to move on to the next song, he refused, and “a team of security guards came on stage and told him to go.”

The incident with Lupe Fiasco, born Wasalu Muhammad Jaco, triggered a storm of comments on Twitter – the hashtag #FiascoGate became popular across the social network.

The Internet community clashed over what happened, with some asking why “it’s okay for Kanye West to diss George Bush, but it’s wrong for Lupe Fiasco to question Obama war policies.”

This was not the first time that the US leader has come under fire from the rapper. In 2011, Lupe Fiasco called Obama – and “the United States of America” – “terrorists.”Read the full story here.

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